Social Anxiety: Philosophical inquiry into human communication My social anxiety used to keep me stunned and unable to speak to people about anything, pretty much every single conversation I ever had, I had way too many possible outcomes and theories of what I should say or how to say it and then I never executed my socialism in a "normal" behavior, and then I would hide in my hoodie for the rest of the day every day.
Philosophy is definitely what helped me, and learning how to think for myself and not how I thought other people wanted me to think and to be self aware, which I still struggle with. Also strangely enough overthinking has always seemed to help me, even though it also brings a lot of confusion and torment, but I think that overthinking is an art form that I have a type of passion for and just haven't figured out how to master it yet.
Anyway after years of practice towards learning myself, self-awareness, learned to love myself, and questioning life through philosophy, I can now socialize with people and give my own answer in my own way and be confident that I did. I still struggle with my anxiety, but I just continue to practice and have incorporated my practices of pushing boundaries and socializing in ways that I enjoy and do not torture me, and when my anxiety does show up it is nothing like it used to be.