• Infinite Staircase Paradox
    However: the kinematic process never actually reaches time 1Relativist

    That's no surprise. It is an imaginary contrivance impossible to physically fabricate. Just a thought.
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    From the bleachers: Hasn't MU spoken of the existence of continua prior to points? What of Bergson's notion of time being fundamentally duration? Perhaps not elastic. Is this where the discussion is going? Peter Lynds has written several papers on the non-existence of points in time, as well.

    Back to the popcorn.
  • The infinite straw person paradox
    Non-understanding does not equal understanding.Echogem222

    No argument with that. :roll:
  • Undistributed middle
    For those, like me, who didn't know: Fallacy of the undistributed middle
  • Fall of Man Paradox
    Pass the popcorn, please. I am sitting in the bleachers watching with interest. :chin:
  • Infinite Staircase Paradox
    By definition, a limit is not reached,Relativist


    However, the clock does reach 1. At time 1, the stairway descent must have endedRelativist

    Certainly the relationship between time (independent of human control) and physical steps taken over a period of time has ended.
  • Our Idols Have Feet of Clay
    I would say they were very intelligent.isomorph

    a thinking capacity equal to ours, maybe greater than ours
  • Our Idols Have Feet of Clay
    Welcome to the Forum. :cool:

    Our prehistorical ancestors had thinking capacity equal to ours, maybe greater than ours, and this can be seen in prehistoric cave art created by intellectual masters.isomorph

    How do the drawings on cave walls imply intellectual capacities rather than simply artistic abilities?
  • Infinite Staircase Paradox
    So there's just no paradox. There is only taking perfectly well-understood mathematical facts and dressing them up with physics-contradicting staircases and lightbulbs so as to confuse people.fishfry

    :up: Amen :roll:
  • Proofreading Philosophy Papers
    I decided that I will contact the philosophy professor at the local college and ask him if he can be my mentor.Fermin

    I hope that works for you. I was a math prof for many years, and at large universities senior faculty might simply give an unsolicited paper to a grad student as an assignment to critique. It may be the same in philosophy.
  • A thought experiment on "possibility".
    How might all these dynamics interact?Benj96

    I wonder how dynamic systems would function. At each step there would be many options.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Wonder what that 8,500 crossings/day means? Not enough energy to check it out.
  • Is there a limit to human knowledge?
    I say yes. I predict that in my area, math, there will be computer devised concepts and results beyond human understanding. If simply the length of a particular discovery - only so much that can be kept in the mind and be instantly retrievable for comparison.

    Maybe not.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    While they may not regard him as The Messiah the do believe his is a messiah and like all messiahs persecuted by the enemies of God.Fooloso4

    Or perhaps the only apparent option to remove the Biden cabal. Don't forget, Joe told immigrants to "Surge the Border", and gave Afghanistan back to the Taliban - where recently the supreme Poohbah stated he is bringing back stoning certain women to death.
  • Health
    The only problem with this type of exercise is that the dog does a lot of sniffing and we don't move very fastAgree-to-Disagree

    Be tolerant and thankful for a furry companion. :cool:
  • K-12 Schooling "World Philosophy" Syllabus
    **Description**: Apply ethical theories to real-world scenarios. Discuss topics like environmental ethics, personal and social justice, and personal and social responsibility.
    - **Age Appropriateness**: Middle schoolers are forming their identities and need guidance on ethical decision-making.

    Add The Philosophy of Taylor Swift to the middle school part.
  • Health
    Finally got it down to a decent routine. Here’s my current schedule (in case you want to doze offMikie

    Good for you. Keep it up. When you are very old something may knock you down, then as you try to recover, doctors will find something else. A downward spiral difficult to pull out of.
  • The American Gun Control Debate
    But I have not found a single one who will even respond to any question as to anyone who should not have a gun.tim wood

    I tend to vote more conservative than liberal these days and I object to illegal immigrants having guns.
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    Can a brutha get an AMEN?! :sweat: :up:180 Proof

    No amen yet. Still hoping for a different Dem ticket. "Surge the Border Biden" deserves defeat.
  • The American Gun Control Debate
    If most citizens have the right to gun ownership, what of illegal migrants?
  • What's the Difference between Philosophy and Science?
    I'm proceeding with the assumption A.I. will be overtaking the task of heavy lifting re: thought. I'm rooting for S.A.I. in our lifetimes to run up cognitive yardage pushing past what human can imagine. Wittgenstein has directed our attention towards "the silence," conjecture unimaginable. Its nigh time for The Oracle: SAI to start sending us revelations from Wittgenstein's principled imagination silenced. We won't understand but a fraction of the import of the messages, but we'll get pushed to our utter limitations before being back-numbered into the subordinate section of the evolution hierarchy.ucarr


    It won't be long before mathematical concepts and results stretch beyond our abilities to comprehend.
  • Information and Randomness
    If you take pi or the golden ratio or eulers number for example, eventually it will detail your entire genetic sequence from start to finishBenj96

  • A discussion on Denying the Antecedent
    Do you condone dishonesty and pretension?Corvus

    When it amuses. Keep going. :cool:
  • What's the Difference between Philosophy and Science?
    Agreed. But that philosophy should be provided by the scientists. — jgill

    Any bumper sticker you can provide for why? It seems odd to me. Like saying hydrologists need provide the engineering know-how for hydro-dams.

    I am speaking of the actual science, not peripheral sciences nor philosophy concerning the use of scientific discoveries. Also, I included other kinds of philosophers. I suppose it is possible for a pop philosopher to dream up a concept that clarifies an issue defying the best scientists in that area, but unlikely. On the other hand there is ample proof top scientists can produce whoppers, viz. Mathematical Universe and Multiverses.

    As for hydrologists who are philosophers as well, go for it!

    Anyway, this is just my opinion. When a non-scientist philosopher produces a breakthrough in quantum theory I will eat my beanie.
  • A discussion on Denying the Antecedent
    I can say anything I feel correctCorvus

    Says it all :roll:
  • A discussion on Denying the Antecedent
    Useful for those who are not too lazy to be staring at Truth tablesBanno

    So, this entire discussion devolves to something I used to teach freshmen.
  • A discussion on Denying the Antecedent
    I would like to have a discussion with Corvus about if the logic used here is actually logical, or if it is perhaps fallaciousflannel jesus

    You guys need to find a bedroom. I'm surprised we others are allowed to witness the proceedings.
  • Currently Reading
    Royal Robbins, The American Climber
    by David Smart (2023)
  • What's the Difference between Philosophy and Science?
    I do not think the complete scientific method can exist without philosophyPhilosophim

    Agreed. But that philosophy should be provided by the scientists.
  • What's the Difference between Philosophy and Science?
    Maybe it's a stretch, but I think metaphysics as the grammar or rules of procedure offers suggestions as to how methodology might evolve.ucarr

    I don't see how philosophers looking over scientists' shoulders does any good. The various sciences have their own procedures, with the exception of quantum theory where there are questions.
  • What's the Difference between Philosophy and Science?
    In the modern era the philosophy of science is largely done by scientists who work on the cutting edge of science. Their speculations are the creative philosophical gems that propel discoveries.

    There are some philosophers who are versed in contemporary knowledge who might qualify as well.

  • Pansentient Monism!
    Nonsentient Boulderism

    Speaks for itself. Which makes it start of a new trend: Unspoken Philosophy
  • US Election 2024 (All general discussion)
    I initially expected better of this type of forum, but politics gonna politic i guessAmadeusD

    There are few threads like this one on the Forum. Lots of others concern one very dead philosopher vs another very dead philosopher. Those are milder.
  • Grundlagenkrise and metaphysics of mathematics
    OK, back unexpectedly quickly. What little I know of SOL is that it applies to set theory, and foundations wallows in that mire. I suspect if one wants to see how it translates into common mathematics one must start with 0={ }, and work up to sophisticated functions. I did this back in 1962 in my first grad math class. It was done on handout sheets, and we ended up defining the exponential function.

    It was entertaining at the time, but not at all useful to me or 97% of the class. One guy went ecstatic and followed this dream. The rest of sighed relief and moved on.

    Functions from sets might help.

    Oh, here is an example of a Hilbert space: A Hilbert space
  • Grundlagenkrise and metaphysics of mathematics
    sorry.just lost the internet for about a week.
  • Grundlagenkrise and metaphysics of mathematics
    I have about 10 different books on Hilbert space only.Corvus

    Really? You must be a mathematician like I was. And one working in functional analysis. I have perhaps four books that speak of Hilbert spaces in certain chapters.
  • The First Concept
    The first idea in the mind of primitive man would have been the first concept. Impossible to narrow down from there.
  • Education and why we have the modern system
    At 77, it's been a long time since I was in schoolBC

    Me too. 87 here.

    Thanks to an intervention, I attended a state college. It was tremendously valuable in terms of acquiring some social skills and general knowledge (I majored in English). The degree itself was still very useful in 1968BC

    I taught at a state university for thirty years. These institutions are undervalued in an era in which media focuses on Harvard and other elite schools. Many an undergraduate education is a real bargain in these reasonably priced universities. As a math professor I have seen a number of our graduates (in math and/or physics) go on to obtain doctorates and have successful careers.

    I will make one observation on formal education versus autodidact learning: the absence of studied criticism in the latter.
  • The Blind Spot of Science and the Neglect of Lived Experience
    Can you explain why? I'm not seeing itJanus

    As a retired math person I can see the possibility of the mathematics of Quantum theory somehow reifying into a form of reality. However, I suspect not.