Yet then it's typical that the limit approaches infinity — ssu
There wouldn't be this kind of over and over repeating debate Zeno's paradoxes, if we fully would understand the infinite or infinity — ssu
OK, if we have countable and uncountable infinities, what is the relationship between these two infinite sets? — ssu
The precision of position and momentum are proportional to each other such that a greater precision of position results in a lesser precision of momentum. — Moliere
Is this in any way motivated by the uncertainty principle? — Moliere
(The proof of a limit is intensional, whereas the empirical concept of motion is extensional). — sime
But also homeownership, which I kind of “fell for” in a way. Or the way living at home with one’s parents is viewed as being a loser — which ties into encouraging owning a home or renting. — Mikie
I think it's fair to say that 'field' is used in many contexts: different disciplines in science and the humanities are commonly referred to as fields — Janus
So the question for you is, does every point in that field have a mathematical description, as do the points within physical fields? And if not, does that disqualify its description as ‘a field’? — Wayfarer
. . . excitation of the one universal field of subjectivity. — Wayfarer
How to isolate an instant? Take a photo. — jgill
As I've explained above, that is an arbitrarily created "instant". So it provides nothing toward proving that real time consists of a succession of instants — Metaphysician Undercover
I don't know if you've had much interaction with the sometime contributor here, Apokrisis, but he has a lot of interesting things to say about biosemiotics, a field I didn't even know existed until he came along. — Wayfarer
Is it intended to be used for research purposes? — javi2541997
But is this really a dream though? It doesn't sound like you were even asleep, if you noticed yourself strolling by a table, and you could even knock on the table to confirm that you were not asleep. — Metaphysician Undercover
But the question is, how can the subconscious so thoroughly deceive the conscious, so that the conscious doesn't even know that it's not awake when the subconscious is producing dreams — Metaphysician Undercover
How is this possible, that my mind can allow itself to go into a completely distinct reality (which is not reality, yet I believe it to be reality at the time)? How is it possible, — Metaphysician Undercover
The moment of coexistence of the breaking and unbrokenness is the actual breaking in unbrokenness. Physics and math have no ability to see it or describe it. — Corvus
Math can describe the motions and movements of objects in numbers and functions. But they are not time itself, is it? — Corvus
Being perceived is not what it is for something to exist — Banno
What do you think about TREE(3)? — Arcane Sandwich
One: It has multiple meanings. One such meaning is: It means "1".
Two: It means "2".
Three: It means "3". — Arcane Sandwich
The problem with Time dilation is that it is another hypotheses i.e. possibility if you could fly in the speed of light. Could you fly in the speed of light? Could anyone? Even if you did, the result is not confirmed. It is a hypotheses — Corvus
Do we think that DOGE will go after enormously expensive health care spending, which first and foremost is expensive because corporations make profit from it? — ssu
It's very simple to show that infinite sets are not atl the same size — Janus
Category theory would be the philosophers companion here, but uh... we haven't been trained in category theory in school or in the university. That is really something lacking! — ssu
. . . so one could describe the situation like mathematicians have outsourced the philosophical problem to set theorists — ssu
My position is first that mathematics is an exercise in pure logic. It is not a human construct.