Eastern philosophy thread Yes Punshhh, you are correct. I have only conceived of enlightenment as a sudden change in personality. I suppose it would be less traumatic if the change is extended over a number of years , and validated and reinforced within a community.
Also I suppose in the east If a person believed in a life force, and understood themselves as a node in a lineage of life, they would not be so far from being a nobody. The step to enlightenment wouldn't be as great, and this would mitigate the dissosiative personality and psychopathy problem, that a westerner would incur.
Is this the popular understanding in the east - that enlightenment entails a breakdown and a rebuilding of personality??
If so, and If this is the purpose of a Zen community / practice, I would be reluctant to enter into such a situation, as it seems little different to brainwashing.
If your enlightenment is not self driven, but results from the participation of a communal process, is it enlightenment at all, or is it a programming???
I hope I don't sound disrespectful - this is the philosophy I respect above all others, but I feel everything deserves rigorous scrutiny.
Finally can anybody tell me the difference between enlightenment, and the delusion that you are enlightened???