• How open should you be about sex?

    Thanks man. I am learning to handle it better nowadays. I was never allowed by my parents to talk about sex or intimacy when I was a child. I think that damaged or actually inprented a slanted, crooked view on openness about them.
  • How open should you be about sex?

    Well, then takes some load off my shoulders. I am not the bragging type. I am not even elaboratively discussing all the details explicitly, unless with my current sex partner. With her I am telling every little dirty thing but she thinks it's hot and happy that she can be open to me as well. It's considered inappriopriate for a man to talk nastily about sex, consider how people would think if a girl does that….
  • How open should you be about sex?

    Definitely, they promised me things at intake and did not live up to their promises. I was in danger and I send off clear signals and they did not even want to take it in consideration. So I left them. It was group therapy, so I am aware one should be careful approaching sex-related issues seeing as people might be abused. But I literally said that I noticed excessive sexual behaviour and that I wanted to change that. It significantly damaged my life at the time.

    So you are right.
  • How open should you be about sex?
    I have been told and I think it too by the way I can be very obsessed with sex. I tried to talk about it in therapy, but apprently there was no room for that kind of addiction. Immature babies… so there is definitely frustration into the lines I write from my part. My apologies.
  • How open should you be about sex?

    I appreciate the cricism by the way.
  • How open should you be about sex?

    I am simply telling an anecdote. I am aware that last information did not really add anything to the discussion. But that's okay, I am still human. I.can not have a 100% rational discussion without getting interested or excited or worked up. I also found it lame not to tell my response to her reply.
  • A theory about heaven and infinite life
    If heaven exists, we are already in it. From the start and forever. We never really die. Just tansit to different type of energy. Energy can never be created or destroyed, only form into other types.
  • Accepting free will is real, and then actually building up knowledge about it
    Even if free will is real, it's extremely minimal. The only knowlegde you can built up is that it awfully feels like we choose.
  • How open should you be about sex?
    I remember one girl asked me if I was into watersports. So I asked nicely if she meant sexual or sportive. Then she replied: what is the sexual type then? Hahh

    Im into both by the way.
  • How open should you be about sex?

    Yeah, ironical in a way. Some girls may be amused by that as first question and directness. But I am being annying dude, i apologise. I totally get it. I am raised with some etiquetttes and codes of conduct. But actually these are conditioned thinkings and convictions that it's weird to talk about anal sex on the first date. Why ahould it really? If you think about it, I can come up with no logical, rational reason why you should avoid it.
  • How open should you be about sex?
    But they don't care because they think this stuff, because it's important to them, should be important to others.Baden

    Ok, anything you say is because we believe/deem it to be important right?

    But I get your point.

    If they don't say to me that they don't want to hear about it, how am I to know? It works both ways.
  • How open should you be about sex?

    Interesting points you raise indeed.
  • How open should you be about sex?

    Being intimate means sharing personal, deep maybe dark details, thoughts, feelings and convictions, feel affection, trust and feel safe with someone. I don't see how you could not be this with everyone. It feels like you mix Intimacy with a monogamous relationship.

    Why are people self-obsessed if they talk about sex often?
  • How open should you be about sex?
    Also intimacy is not equivalent to sex for me. I usually don't even connect the two. I can be very intimate with a girl and have meant that we were close and sharing personal vulnerable stuff and have a safe and trusting atmosphere.
  • How open should you be about sex?
    Interesting discussion I have opened up here. I can admit that I sometimes make inapprioprate sexual remarks to a girlfriend of mine (just friendship). Other times I really have an open discussion about intimacy, sex and even sexual fantasies. There have even been girls that were sending me the porn videos they were currently getting off to. But it's all good fun I know. But the intimate talks we have can sometimes cause us to engage in that specific kind of intimacy or fantasy. Or we spike interests in intimate, sexual matters that we had not thought of that way. So in that way is was beneficial to discuss this with friends. The other 50 percent find it repulsive and think me weird for having different opinions and simply express them, even though they are somewhat uncommon. It's no rape, murder or pedophilia fantasies or anything. It doesn't hurt anyone.

    That's what confuses me. Should I just be myself and utter the words and have a chance at a stronger bond(hehe possibly getting laid) or should I follow most others and shut my mouth that aren't really honest and open about it. I found a way to deal with it. Feel the ambience, try a few jokes, if people around me are not expressive and shutout and not open about other things, the chance is high they won't care for my sexual fantasies.

    I should add, I don't spontaneously tell my fantasies. But when a friend says: 'uh that's disgusting and sick when people have that fantasy/fetish. ' I reply: 'I actually find it hot and enjoyable.'
  • How open should you be about sex?
    I may have been a little universal and basic, life is full of other wonders and disasters.
  • How open should you be about sex?

    Yes, I am of course talking of intimacy. Thanks for your post. I am indeed in need of sharing such a connection with someone that I can tell anything to.
  • Does free will exist?
    I don't understand what you mean. How I am made narrow by myself?
  • Does free will exist?
    Heey all,

    The simplest way to describe my thoughts are as follows: I (my body) consists of tissue which are cells which are molecules which are atoms and those atoms are made of sub-atomic particles, perhaps even smaller. They are bound by the laws of nature, so so are we. If free will exists we should be having control over those laws. And I believe we don't. All we are is energy. I believe we are truly one and the same.

    There have been a few experiments and articles made on this subject. All point toward unfree will. If anyone is interested I can look them up. Sometimes researchers could predict someone's choice before they were even consciously aware of this choice.

    This helped me accept things in my life and the world. I do feel responsible but I don't believe I could have acted otherwise in the past (so yes, I would accept this as a definition of free will).Most people believe in right and wrong and credit for achievements and blame for wrongdoings.

    Clearly there must be a evolutionary reason for the existence of our 'ego'. But I no longer believe my thoughts or take them too seriously.

    I actually feel best when I'm not thinking at all and act intuitively. Sort of caught up in the moments.

    Feedback and criticism always welcome