Ignorance and Corruption...
It is not that we cant make progress, its that we spoil everything good we invent. Better health, we take it for granted, over eat/drink/drugs. Better travelling opportunities, we over use it to poison our world. Better medications, we take more risks with our health (see COVID19 issues even with masks). Better education, the cost of it goes up restricting access. Better technology, we get lazy and addicted to screens.
I could go on, but the intrinsic flaws in man and the individual will mean that we will eventually corrupt everything. We haven't even traveled much outside our planet and there is rubbish surrounding us, with Elon Musk about to launch satellite's that may make star gazing eventually impossible.
In terms of the word corruption, I suppose I was thinking of it in the sense that there are people who misuse or warp the systems (religion, politics, financial systems etc) to bend to their will. Perhaps I have a naieve understanding of these concepts, but I was under the impression the basic principles behind these subjects was allowing us as a species to co exist in a more organized manner, in such a chaotic environment. If everybody corrupted these subjects, they would cease to have a meaningful purpose.