• Self-Reflection
    well living in a society where text messages the main source of communication and punctuation is piss in the wind, I'm sure you have developed the proper skills needed to interpret my jargon without your little dots and titles.

    And if not, then forgive me, I use a mixture between voice to text and my fat thumbs, with a sprinkling of "no fucks given" (it's in the baking section of the grocery store near the gluten-free products)
  • Who are we?
    "You can’t directly observe atoms but they still exist nor gravitational waves but they exist and you can’t directly observe “consciousness” but it exists - because in all cases they can be indirectly measured by their interactions and properties. All of them are properties that the universe permits to occur"

    The thing is though, there is always more than one possibility for why something is the way it is and science tends to forget this once it finds a model it likes

    so although we can observe things interacting with each other that doesn't mean there's only one conclusion and that conclusion just so happens to be Atomism exists

    it just simply means that we decided to use the interpretation an explanation of atomism as the general consensus for why things are interacting the way they are. Remember science is about interpretation not unfiltered demonstrable truth.
  • Self-Reflection
    I'm also fun at parties..
    What exactly do you mean "alike?"
  • Who are we?
    I can't answer your question because words are assigned symbols with a certain value and that means there is a level of complexity to those words and those words are not the thing itself

    they're simply symbols we use to convey and understanding to somebody else without them having to experience the thing themselves

    in other words language is a convenience tool to give a taste of what we've experienced to somebody else and what I am is not a convenience tool

    nor a tool at all, it's (I) much more complex, it's (Me) the thing that uses the tools, but even that's not a true definition of what I am,

    because sometimes I don't use tools so no matter how much I elaborate I'm only going to give you the actual complete me in a way that you can fundamentally "know"

    I can only give you symbols of what I do, the actions I make , the show I decide to put on, or the way I try to hide.

    But but just like you don't consider the DVD you bought at the store to be the actual actors themselves likewise in explanation I give you will never be the complexity of the being conveying it to you

    The short version of that is I can't be conceptualized lol
  • Self-Reflection
    Too bad the dunning Kruger effect isn't actually a thing. It was never challenged people ran with it because it made sense we all know dumb people and those dumb people are usually very confident in what they think they know

    and the moral of the study was be humble don't be arrogant you're dumber than you think you are and we've all been humble before so nobody decided to challenge it but it can be repeated using computer simulations

    so although it logically seems like it makes sense to everybody it's not actually a thing that humans do

    it's just a concept that was made and attached to certain situations and it gives them mirage of a effect when it's just a coincidence
  • Need Help to Move On
    This is a topic close to home for me as I have helped several people by giving them several thousand dollars spread out over varying lengths of time and I kid you not when I say that not 1 of them has paid me back or even tried

    Now like you said I gave without any stipulations and I never asked for help myself and I didn't ask for the money back either
    But when you see them after hot hearing from them for 6 months and they have a new car when just 6 months ago you were regularly giving them 500/600$ almost every month so that they could feed their families just to see them flaunting their new car like a baller, that kind of thing can rub you wrong

    I've probably given 20k total to a handful of people in this past decade and not a single one of them has reciprocated in any way and that is something that just blows my mind about the human race.
  • My theory of “concepts” / belief systems.
    I'm loving it! It's practically exactly the way I see it to be
  • Which member on here has the best thumbnail in your opinion?
    Dang I didn't make the list I should change mine probably lol
  • Typical reading speeds?
    I am very very slow because I have to read it a minimum of 3 or 4x in order to grab all the parts I missed because of my stupid dyslexia. Ironically though before I had dyslexia back when I was 6 or 7 I could speed read faster then any adult I knew and I got in trouble for it I was constantly accused of "skipping over it" untill I told them what the page said in order to prove it to them lol . Oh the good old days
  • Non-Physical Reality
    You think therefore a nonphysical reality exists.
    It is the seed that springs forth physical reality
    It is the place that people dwell when they stress about things or have ideas about things
    It is the place where the imagination is God and nothing is more powerful than it.
  • The Unequivocal Triumph Of Neuroscience - On Consciousness
    Of course this information seems valid and sometime in the future when there's a new cycle of stupid people that don't remember anything they will invent a different method other than technology and they will exalt that method as a god and they will let that meth and tell them what things are and aren't and then they will have a new reason and a new explanation for what we're calling consciousness at the moment . it's happened many times before it'll happen many times after
  • What is intelligence? A.K.A. The definition of intelligence
    Tom Storm I honestly don’t know where to begin. Should I tackle the essentialism question first? Or should I provide my thoughts on whether or not it is important to have a view on intelligence before I address the essentialism subject?.

    Ironic thing to say for someone that doesn't have an opinion
  • What is intelligence? A.K.A. The definition of intelligence
    I don't know how else to explain it to get it through your thick skull. The simple fact you presented the topic alludes to the fact that in your head you hold a certain opinion and belief about the concept and word intelligence and it's proof because you made the post asking the question meaning you value it in some way or form and acknowledge its existence this is a fact not my opinion

    And so I proceeded to point out how it's not even worth that because it's just what I've already said it is.

    Now nevermind I don't care about the topic anymore you've killed it through your dense skull thickness and your inability to view life metaphorically or in any other complex manner other than your apparent block of wood style that you use right now. Best of luck.
  • What is intelligence? A.K.A. The definition of intelligence
    I don't know how else to explain it to you. I guess my point is you're viewing intelligence as a thing in itself that can be given the credit for accomplishments and or failures and be given as a reason for why a thing was done or accomplished

    and what I'm saying is it's just semantics because of the things would have been accomplished or created or done by anyone persons and easily have been accredited to a different concept and a different word because it's just mankind's innate habit to chop sections apart off of a greater thing and categorize it into smaller things

    but those smaller things don't actually exist in the real world without the social construct that it was created in and so intelligence wasn't the reason Mr x completed y and z and yet people wrongly the credit intelligence for it
  • What is intelligence? A.K.A. The definition of intelligence
    cats do cat things dogs do dog things because it's in their nature and so the cat sitting on the couch prefers to sit on the couch while the dog prefers to play fetch because it's in their nature

    Likewise the nature of this thread that was started implies that the concept of intelligence was taken the wrong way by said topic starter
  • What is intelligence? A.K.A. The definition of intelligence
    that was absolutely unneeded and probably not only didn't help the topic but most likely harmed it as there's pieces of people's brain everywhere from trying to read that and I know the fallout is going to be unimaginable. With that said there are so many ways to interpret how things are and the one I hate the most is scientific method it's so cold and non-unique it just lacks any form of real artwork to it (very robotic pun intended)

    But regardless of that I'm not sure exactly what you were attempting to accomplish but you did make a very nice salad
  • What is intelligence? A.K.A. The definition of intelligence
    well for a starting example the very nature of this topic is evidence that people treat it the wrong way as I suggested
  • What is intelligence? A.K.A. The definition of intelligence
    you seem to be more fixated on wanting to know my reason for me believing it rather than for finding out if it in fact is the way I say it is
  • What is intelligence? A.K.A. The definition of intelligence
    Not necessarily . The point that I'm trying to make is that "intelligent " is being given more power then it really deserves, I think people are misunderstanding what that word really is and in doing so they are holding it to a higher point then it actually exists at.

    For example "the new kid at work learns fast and is pretty sharp "
    now you can easily go in and add that you think that he's really intelligent but that word is just a fad word it can easily be thrown away or replaced and it not effect the physical world one but because it isn't the "thing" itself. But because we treat it as such this then deforms are thinking process therefore creating a misunderstanding of certain situations or things that otherwise would not have been difficult to comprehend and or handle and or wouldn't be a situation at all but because of the distortion that is infact what happens.
  • Youth for longevity.
    yeah I was raised alone in the woods as a kid so when I moved to the city it was and still is so loud . People think I'm joking when I say I can hear when people upstairs turn on the TV or if someone has a WiFi box in their house I can pick up on it Infact one of my hypothesis I have as to the increasing mental health problems people are having is do to the constant bombardment we are receiving from radio waves I think we are starting to subconsciously pick up on them despite the fact that they are far past the range of the human ear I feel that we are developing a way of reading these signals phiscally and subconsciously it's creating anxiety. I'm still working on a way of proving this but the scientific method is a limiting method and unfortunately the only one people seem to place any real value in these days.
  • What is intelligence? A.K.A. The definition of intelligence
    no your grouping them up as if they do exist and then throwing them away with the semantic word. If they don't exist then you can throw away the word and the human characteristic will still be their.

    Is all these words are fundamentally is just a explanation of how a person interacts with the world (to be broadly put)

    But these are just words we have made up inorder to explain something that not only already exists but can be explained with different words all together or not even explained at all

    They are just social constructs

    Kind of like how the philosophers that everyone seems to hold up as the men of great wisdom so highly and seem to quote non stop were at one point in time looked at as crazy and often times killed because of their opinion and yet a few hundred years later they are treated as the keepers of wisdom

    And so you might call someone intelligent today but in 200yrs most likely they will be a moronic fool.
  • Youth for longevity.
    In comparison to other animals we seem to die fast
    And we also seem to show are age more so then other animals by the time we're in are 80's we look nothing like we did in are 20's and 30's unlike other mammals. Example being the horse it's up and walking within 5 to 10 minutes of being born and is able to have more of it's kind in less then 2yrs of age and has a normal life span of 30 to 40yrs while humans can take almost 2yrs just to start walking and 12 to 14yrs before "technically able to reproduce" and only live to be 60 to 70's ... Yes I've heard many different reasons and explanations as to why this is the case so no need in filling me in on them . I feel that technology is killing us more then it is helping but I can't see this world giving up it's beloved technology any time soon
  • What is intelligence? A.K.A. The definition of intelligence
    Ignoranc (being another semantic that doesn't actually exist)

    Implies a lack of knowledge in a specific area which is not the same as my definition of intelligence which is a potential more than anything.
  • Is perfection possible?
    You're assuming fact is something that's readily available to the average person and comprehendible and not just popular beliefs. Very very few things are truly fat and even that statement is in question
  • What is intelligence? A.K.A. The definition of intelligence

    I see Intelligence as a man made category and not actually a real "thing" in the world , I see it as a chunk of something and that something is the actual real "thing" in question,
    But I will still answer your question.

    I see intelligence as a potential, kind of like head room on an amplifier, an amplifier has more head room at 8ohms then at 1 because at 1ohm the internals are at their max out put and so if a spike occurs it will generally be translated as distortion because there's no more hit room whereas at 8 ohms you might be running it at Max but when a spike occurs that potential is still there so it can for a split second handle it

    Likewise intelligence is the capability to handle increase in performance not necessarily the increases itself but the potential to increase.
  • What is intelligence? A.K.A. The definition of intelligence
    Jesus Christ people these days are a bunch of babies getting all worked up over someone saying "mental midget" what are you people 4yrs old? Grow up you say worse things before lunch on a daily basis. And it's not your job to defend people with disabilities in general as a whole. Take The Captain planet suit off and stop being a narcissist and move along with a real conversation for the love of god
  • Does magick exist? If so, can modern technology be used in the practice of magick?
    It absolutely exists in fact the majority if not all of America is under at least one spell but typically many more than that and magik works on what you're not aware of, not on what you are aware of, it's what you didn't notice, not what you do notice
    although they use things that you did notice to keep you from noticing what you didn't notice

    It's used in order to create a misunderstanding so that when they use it in front of you you don't see it

    a good example being Hollywood Hollywood shapes the opinions of people, their expectations and their attitudes, and people like Walt Disney who was a 33rd degree Mason he especially wreaked havoc on people as he shaped our opinion and perspective on what magic is IE a Hollywood fairy tale

    Which is not in the slightest way accurate to what real magik is
    and keep in mind we're all having this conversation using technology which I'm personally on a cell phone which is a scrying mirror consists of quartz crystal silver , gold possibly some other precious metals all alchemically mixed into one thing and I'm using it to cast my emotions and opinion hundreds or thousands of miles away and in to your brain through your eyes.. that's magik
  • What are lucid dreams?
    "So, I am creating this thread with a view to thinking about and understand the nature of lucid dreams. This is partly about understanding the causes. It also involves thinking about what they represent and may be understood or contribute to philosophy. What do they suggest about consciousness and 'inner worlds'?"

    I think you might be looking at it the wrong way

    I don't think it's necessarily a cause and more so a realization.

    This has been probably the #1 most studied aspect of the human experience that I have devoted my time to over the last 15 to 17yrs as an avid lucid dreamer
  • Word Counts?
    t2 app im telling you it's a must have on here English accent read me everything on this forum
  • What's the fallacy?
    How do you know that you're right and they're wrong? You seem blindly confident
  • The Secret History of Western Esotericism.

    The crap out on the web or in modern day literature is mostly crap despite the opinions of today's Thoth wannabes that claim that the ancient hidden mysteries are now available to us and are no longer hidden like they were for thousands of years prior but what they don't understand is that the "hidden knowledge" that only the initiates were aloud to know is still very hidden from the average person that's not an initiative because the wisdom and understanding that only the chosen initiates were allowed to receive cannot be found in any book written down anywhere it's received metaphysically

    These books like the Golden Dawn and crap like that are no more then fantasy novels because the words written in them are worthless

    But in today's society their are boy kids running around with quartz crystals thinking that they're playing Harry Potter it's quite embarrassing to see full grown adults doing this smh.
  • Double Slit Experiment.
    If your just going to misrepresent me to phuck with me for sh!ts and giggles then this conversations over

    This is a serious topic to me and a truly troubling one because so many people don't realize just how much of science is built upon imaginary ideas despite the motto being one of "if it ain't real it ain't real" and blind to anything related to the spiritual side of life

    So yeah I've got better things to do with my time like make a sandwich so ✌️
  • Double Slit Experiment.
    I'm not going to waist my time with that crap and you should know the difference between a particle that's never been seen can't be seen and is only imagined and a person which has been seen by millions of people you can interact with not hypothetically but literally interact with and is made up of many many particles and if you don't know the difference and you can't see how that's an illogical question that you ask me then I can't help you
  • Double Slit Experiment.
    quarks and leptons are also just hypotheticals that haven't been proven...
  • Double Slit Experiment.
    not sure if you're joking or being serious?
  • Double Slit Experiment.
    actually not photons they're micro glowing unicorns and my hypothesis is equally as valid as the photon hypothesis because both are imagined in the mind while the scientists lies about the test saying that we can shoot individual photons or in my case glowing unicorns one by one and observe doing this in which staring at it changes its interference pattern because unicorns are self-conscious and don't like being watched when they're doing their thing