• Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)

    Scandinavia :)

    There's a saying in my country that whatever happens in america will happen here ten years later, so many of us look to america with great concern. I'm afraid I don't know what NOS stands for, sorry.
  • Donald Trump (All General Trump Conversations Here)
    Here's a European perspective: I hope Trump wins again.
  • How to accept the unnaturalness of modern civilization?

    No, not really. It sounds interesting though, but also far away given my current situation. If I ever where to become religious it would probably be protestantism.
  • How to accept the unnaturalness of modern civilization?
    As long as you do not prove your fitness to survive (which might mean earning money) - in practice - you are unable to reproduce yourself and to survive.
    Natural as can be: You just know you are scum. :grin:

    Well, yeah. That’s what I meant by “now I find myself in the peculiar situation of having to accept it to thrive in it”, because “I am deathly afraid of ending up alone”.
  • How to accept the unnaturalness of modern civilization?
    Who’s stopping you?I like sushi

    It’s not so much that anyone is stopping me, it just happens to be impossible. But who knows; as an engineering student maybe I’ll try inventing a time machine and one of those memory-erasing gadgets from Men in Black.
  • How to accept the unnaturalness of modern civilization?
    It's ironic I suppose. Back then in a time you admire your chances of making it through the year or often even the day were a complete toss up. Now in an age you claim to abhor your chances of making it to old age are quite likely. Not guaranteed sure. But likely.Outlander

    I’ve also thought about that, but its insignificance became apparent after I realized that I’m actively considering hanging myself.
  • How to accept the unnaturalness of modern civilization?

    Well, I’ve thought about it. Actually I thought about it so long that I forgot my login information and had to create a new account! To any moderator seeing this: it won't happen again.

    Anyways. I’m scared of being alone … because I’m scared of being alone. How anticlimactic is that?! Some scientist could probably explain why I’ve evolved to be scared of being alone, and it would probably have to do with it not being good for the survival of the genes I’m carrying in my genome.

    I want to get paid well so that I can attract and provide for some girl I’ll fall in love with, as well as to be able to provide for the kids I would want us to have. In other words, I want to make money as to not be lonely. I suppose my sense of loneliness manifests in an urge for romantic love.

    I’m afraid that the question "what is really natural?" is beyond the scope of my intellectual capabilities, so I won’t even try it. That’s why I asked for books that could convince me to think differently. At the moment I’m just seeing the world through the values I figure to be right, what to me feels instinctively true, and through that lens the modern way of life isn’t natural; multiculturalism isn’t natural, (excessive) individualism isn’t natural, genderless society isn’t natural, our sedentary lifestyles aren’t natural and so on.

    A recurring thought is that maybe I'm just projecting, perhaps I’m just scapegoating in an effort to cope with my inability to feel at home with my own being. I guess it’s not always easy to know what causes what.

    How about you?