the struggle itself is enough to fill a man's heart?
Anyone who, like me, has, with some enigmatic desire or other, made an effort for a long time to think profoundly about pessimism and to rescue it from the half-Christian, half-German restrictions and simple-mindedness with which it has most recently appeared in this century, that is, in the form of Schopenhauer's philosophy; anyone who really has, with an Asian and super-Asiatic eye, looked into and down on the most world-denying of all possible ways of thinking - beyond good and evil and no longer as Buddha and Schopenhauer do, under the spell and delusion of morality - such a man has perhaps in the process, without really wanting to do so, opened his eyes for the reverse morality: for the ideal of the most high-spirited, most lively, and most world-affirming human being, who has not only learned to come to terms with and accept what was and is but wants to have what was and is come back for all eternity, calling out insatiably da capo [from the beginning] , not only to himself but to the entire play and spectacle, and not only to a spectacle but basically to the man who needs this particular spectacle and who makes the spectacle necessary, because over and over again he needs himself - and makes himself necessary. How's that? Wouldn't this be circulus vitiosus deus [god as a vicious circle]?
As the boulder rolls down the mountain we must imagine Sisyphus happy. Why?
— Agustino
It seems there could not be a reason why there must be something rather than nothing, because if there is nothing there can be no reasons. In other words there must be something for there to be reasons in the first place. So being is necessarily prior to reason, it seems.
Another way to put this question could be: why is there diversity amongst humanity in terms of ideas, and why do we adhere so much to one or two particular ideas?
Sidney J HarrisThe Difference Between patriotism and nationalism is that the patriot is proud of his country for what it does , and the nationalist is proud of his country no matter what it does ; the first attitude creates a feeling of responsibility while the second a feeling of blind arrogance that leads to a war .
I have two questions:
1. Is nothing part of everything?
2. Nothing is something?
Whereas we have not merely shown that things that are not, are, but we have brought to light the real character of 'not being'. We have shown that the nature of the different has existence and is parceled out over the whole field of existent things with reference to one another, and of every part of it that is set in contrast to that which is; we have dared to say that precisely that is really that 'which is not'
So how do we decide between the two? Is it a matter of aesthetics? I'm repelled by radical contingency while you're appalled at some mysterious, non-empirical laws making things happen?
Tractatus 6.44It is not how things are in the world that is mystical, but that it exists
Heidegger.Of all beings, only the human being called upon by the voice of Being experiences the wonder of wonder, that beings are
...the principle of non-contradiction itself is without reason, and consequently it can only be the norm for what is thinkable by us, rather that for what is possible in the absolute sense
So how do we decide between the two? Is it a matter of aesthetics? I'm repelled by radical contingency while you're appalled at some mysterious, non-empirical laws making things happen?
Wikithe ability of technological advancement to do "more and more with less and less until eventually you can do everything with nothing," that is, an accelerating increase in the efficiency of achieving the same or more output (products, services, information, etc.) while requiring less input (effort, time, resources, etc.).
But, howsoever thou pursuest this act,
Taint not thy mind,
I was listening to Colin McGinn discuss the question of why anything exists at all. His analysis is that there has to be some things for which there is no explanation that explain the things that do have explanations. Something must be brute.
Trump as Michael Corleone wannabe“I need loyalty, I expect loyalty"
You see a naked woman as a man, and you start lusting for her. That's the natural response. Morality - not lusting - is learned.
You see a naked woman as a man, and you start lusting for her. That's the natural response. Morality - not lusting - is learned.
So what do you think? Is a word a skill you learn? Or is it just another piece of propositional knowledge? Is it maybe even more natural to take words as tools, and the skills we learn are specifically tool-using skills? How do you think the dual (knowledge-that and knowledge-how) aspects of language fit together?
Ignosticism is the view that any religious term or theological concept presented must be accompanied by a coherent definition. Without a clear definition such terms cannot be meaningfully discussed. Such terms or concepts must also be falsifiable. Lacking this, an ignostic takes the theological noncognitivist position that the existence or nature of the terms presented (and all matters of debate) is meaningless. For example, if the term "God" does not refer to anything reasonably defined then there is no conceivable method to test against the existence of god. Therefore, the term "God" has no literal significance and need not be debated or discussed.]
So no, I don't think there is an ontological locational component in the subject/object relationship. We are entities in a world, and we make this shit up.