Truth is a property of sentences. — Michael
Same statement (“This is pencil”), different “uses” (usages, made explicit), or as he also calls them: interpretations. Not that the use is given by me. — Antony Nickles
If he picks what we call a "banjo" we might say "he has given the word 'banjo' the correct interpretation"; if he picks some other instrument ― "he has interpreted 'banjo' to mean 'string instrument'".
We say "he has given the word 'banjo' this or that interpretation", and are inclined to assume a definite act of interpretation besides the act of choosing. — p. 2
a usage/interpretation is more than something I do, what with history, context, others’ judgment, multiple uses, etc. (even though I can consider, choose words, plan, hope). — Antony Nickles
I want you to remember that words have those meanings which we have given them; and we give them meanings by explanations. — p. 27
Whenever we interpret a symbol in one way or another, the interpretation is a new symbol added to the old one. — p. 33
I think of that as asking why we are so good at doing it. — Paine
but it’s not a matter that words are tools we manipulate then of which “well established usage”(p.3) something is like — Antony Nickles
I will give a few such interpretations and use English words with well-established usage. — p. 2
An utterance is not judged as, or as not, a ‘use’ of words; an utterance has a use—it is a plea, or a threat, or points out a difference; as are the examples regarding the pencil—depending on the context. — Antony Nickles
"This is a pencil",
"This is round",
"This is wood",
"This is one",
"This is hard", etc. etc. — ibid
To the statement "I feel in my hand that the water is three feet under the ground" we should like to answer "I don't know what this means". But the diviner would say: "Surely you know what it means. You know what 'three feet under the ground' means and you know what 'I feel' means!" But I should answer him: I know what a word means in certain contexts. ... But the use of the expression "a feeling of water being three feet under the ground" has yet to be explained to me. — p. 9f.
The grammar of this phrase has yet to be explained to me. — p. 10
These are ways of using signs simpler than those in which we use the signs of our highly complicated everyday language. — p. 17
The importance of investigating the diviner's answer lies in the fact that we often think that we have given a meaning to a statement P if only we assert "I feel (or I believe) that P is the case. — p. 10
People using signs are alive. They give life to the signs through their use. Wittgenstein recognizes that a process must be happening organically that makes thinking, speaking, and listening possible but sees his work as something entirely different from investigating that — Paine
But if we had to name anything that is the life of the sign, we should have to say it was its use. — p. 4
The sign (the sentence) gets its significance from the system of signs, from the language to which it belongs. Roughly: understanding a sentence means understanding a language. — p. 5
As part of the system of language, one may say, the sentence has life. But one is tempted to imagine that which gives the sentence life as something in an occult sphere, accompanying the sentence. But whatever accompanied it would for us just be another sign. — p. 5, the very next sentence
Suppose that the question is "what do you mean by that gesture?" and the answer is "I mean that you must leave". The answer would not have been more correctly phrased: "I mean what I mean by the sentence 'you must leave'." — Philosophical Grammar, p. 40
"What did you mean by those words?" "Did you mean those words?" The first question is not a more precise specification of the second. The first is answered by a proposition replacing the proposition which wasn't understood. The second question is like: "Did you mean that seriously or as a joke?" — Philosophical Grammar, p. 41
We are inclined to think that there must be something in common to all games, say, and that this common property is the justification for applying the general term "game" to the various games; whereas games form a family the members of which have family likenesses. — p. 17
Now does this mean that it is nonsensical to talk of a locality where thought takes place? Certainly not. This phrase has sense if we give it sense. — p. 7
If I give someone the order "fetch me a red flower from that meadow", how is he to know what sort of flower to bring, as I have only given him a word? — p. 3
W's question needs to be prepared for; it involves abandonment of our ordinary understanding and a peculiar way of thinking about the whole process. — Ludwig V
Normally, if I did worry about those possibilities, I would be already doing philosophy. — Ludwig V
One might say that the subject we are dealing with is one of the heirs of the subject that used to be called "philosophy." — p. 28
Recognizing the difference between the word as a noise and the word as an order is the critical step. — Ludwig V
If the intention is truly the end of perplexity, Deleuze was right in declaring the "Wittgenstenians" as the assassinators of philosophy. — Paine
The only answer I ever heard was that people would go on making the same mistakes, so the cleansing process would go on. — Ludwig V
If I give someone the order "fetch me a red flower from that meadow", how is he to know what sort of flower to bring, as I have only given him a word? — p. 3
If I give anyone an order I feel it to be quite enough to give him signs. And if I am given an order, I should never say: "this is only words, and I have got to get behind the words". And when I have asked someone something and he gives me an answer I am content ― that was just what I expected ― and I don't raise the objection: "but that's a mere answer." — Philosophical Grammar, p. 40
Frege ridiculed the formalist conception of mathematics by saying that the formalists confused the unimportant thing, the sign, with the important thing, the meaning. Surely, one wishes to say, mathematics does not treat of dashes on a bit of paper. Frege's idea could be expressed thus: the propositions of mathematics, if they were just complexes of dashes, would be dead and utterly uninteresting, whereas they obviously have a kind of life. — p. 4
the same realm viewed with different eyes — Wayfarer
Through the lens of clinging and aversion, the world is fragmented and suffering (dukkha). Through the lens of insight the same world is seen as interdependent, luminous, and spontaneous. — Wayfarer
intuitive vision or insight into the real nature of existence — Wayfarer
Alan Watts — Wayfarer
the salient idea there is indeed that that of a 'truer realm', which is what 'the sage' has come to realise (in both senses of understanding to be true and bringing to fruition.) — Wayfarer
it's the implicit background for the idea expressed in the 'great chain of being', which is where this started. — Wayfarer
Through the philosophical ascent we 'come to our senses', as it were, and begin to 'see truly'. — Wayfarer
my difficulty with the OP is that we are trying to get degrees out of the substance/mode binary. — Leontiskos
That's what I meant when I said he was engaged in a degree of cherry-picking, naming approaches he particularly dislikes and making them exemplary. — J
terms like "objective" and "subjective" come to take on meanings that are in some ways the opposite of their original meaning and which lead to incoherence because their original framework has been not only abandoned, but forgotten. — Count Timothy von Icarus
Srap Tasmaner's notion of "degenerate cases" — Leontiskos
Really no idea, at this point, why this OP got started. — Wayfarer
I find this thread dizzying. — Leontiskos
The survivors, lacking the overarching context, attempt to reconstruct science using these remnants. — Wayfarer
In this way, rational self-governance brings into being an additional kind of reality, which we might describe as more fully real than what was there before, because it integrates those parts in a way that the parts themselves are not integrated. A person who acts “as one,” is more real as himself than a person who merely enacts some part or parts of himself. He is present and functioning as himself, rather than just as a collection of ingredients or inputs.
We all from time to time experience periods of distraction, absence of mind, or depression, in which we aren’t fully present as ourselves. Considering these periods from a vantage point at which we are fully present and functioning as ourselves, we can see what Plato means by saying that some non-illusory things are more real than other non-illusory things. There are times when we ourselves are more real as ourselves than we are at other times.
Hence, man is, of the sensible things we know, the most able to become unified, precisely because man has access to transcendent aims — Count Timothy von Icarus
A sign or symbol has an identity that transcends the material constituents from which it is composed. — Wayfarer
It's basically levels of ontological dependence (whether per se or per accidens). — Leontiskos
What's the answer when you've got one property and you're measuring how well something exemplifies it? — fdrake
Jason De León's book — Srap Tasmaner
Moral: “real” doesn’t have any single meaning whose correct application you can argue about. — J
And therein lies a considerable proportion of semiotics, among other things. — Wayfarer
I can make no sense at all of "degrees of reality". Reality is not something that can be measured, the idea 'real' is the binary opposition to 'iimaginary' or 'artificial'. Something cannot be partly real and partly imaginary or artificial in its wholeness. — Janus
When I dream of something — Moliere
Is this Socrates as variously encountered through Plato, Xenophon, and Aristophanes (probably not the latter I assume), and then "reconstructed?" Or the Socrates of the Platonic corpus? — Count Timothy von Icarus
And possibly also it's Socrates stating his creed about how wisdom is to found: in dialectic, not in armchair inquiry. — J
Socratic philosophy is rooted in opinion. The examination of opinion does not mean the transcendence of opinion. — Fooloso4
Lots of us still do philosophy the older way, where the object is reality ... — Leontiskos
and not primarily the text of some dead guy.
Someone else out there has to do the mind numbing work on logic and language as well. — Tom Storm
enthymeme — Leontiskos
He is basically saying, "If a conclusion is inferentially reachable from the premises, then the argument is valid, even if the argument does not present the necessary inferences." — Leontiskos
The other is to move from sound arguments to the soundness of the soul and sound judgment, in a word phronesis — Fooloso4