Gender is mutable, sex is immutable, we need words that separate these concepts The division between sex and gender is complex because a person's identity as being male or female involves so much, including reproductive functions and sexual expression. This gives rise to many forms of fundamentalism, including religious ways of thinking. One issue may be to what extent it amounts to theory and how much is about personal identity? The two may overlap, to some extent, but, where there may be 'real' issues is about the nature of bodies and gendering. Part of the issue may be about how life and gendering is formed around ideas of sexuality.
A person who is transgender may turn so much upside down in thinking of bodies and gender; by wishing to be the opposite of ' what nature intended'. This may be where the fundamentalists step in with the hardcore objections, as if it was as simple as a matter of bodies. Human identity involves such a complex mixture of bodily and social aspects of gender identity. It is such a complex area of psychology and many who identify in the transgender spectrum struggle with the issues of gender identity.
One complex case is that of Kiera Bell, who, in England, transitioned from female to male in England, as a teenager, and regretted it. Kiera is now transitioning back to female and regretting the effects of hormones and surgery. On the other hand, many are struggling with gender dysphoria and the ways and means of gaining access to achieve hormones and surgery.
If anything, the times of twentieth first century offer so much scope for achieving bodily transformation. Some may experience psychological difficulties,or side- effects of meditation, such as polycythemia in female to male transsexuals. So much may come down to being able to have the 'desired body' of the chosen gender; and the whole range of psychological discrepancies. If anything, the mind- body issue of transgender people, as well as those of intersex individuals, may raise so much about the whole nature and assumptions of the nature of gender.
It may raise the question of the binary and, what is involved in binary thinking of gender. How much is about body and mind, the discrepancies between the two and how such conflicts may be put together,?