Do you agree with wartime conscription The idea of conscription seems dubious:
Scenario A: I love my country.
My beloved country is being invaded and I feel I must defend it against unwarranted aggression. I must defend my family, my land, my fellow citizens, and repel those who would otherwise destroy our existence. No conscription is required, I am willing and wanting to defend what I perceive to be mine to defend. I may need training, or equipment, etc. but that is all. I do not lack motivation to defend. Perhaps I may die, but that is the price of defending that which I love.
Scenario B: I hate my country.
My horrid country is being invaded and I cannot wait for the change in government. The new government can only be an improvement over the existing ass-hats. I have no interest in fighting the invaders and will offer them beer when they arrive. Conscription is pointless, I am so disinclined to support the existing structure that I will strive to assist the invaders at any opportunity, surrendering at the first opportunity and providing as much information as possible to ensure their victory.
Scenario C: I am solidly ambivalent about my country.
My country is being invaded by some other country that I also don't give a damn about. Their position, as I know it, makes as much sense as the crap coming from my government. I don't really want to be invaded, not because I am concerned or fearful so much as I am lazy and don't want to bother learning a new system. I secretly hope it all blows over quickly so I can go back to my regular life of still not giving a damn. Conscripting me seems like a bad plan, I have no motivation to learn, other than to not get killed, and my goal is survival, not success for my army or country. How functional will I be as a conscript?
Now consider the implications of a war that does not involve my country directly, as in overseas. Scenario A, all my motivation does not apply, my country is not threatened. I would, in truth, be the invader, or at best, an imported defender, leaving my country with less defense (due to my absence). Conscription would only infuriate me, dragging me away from my beloved country to join a conflict that is not my business.
Scenario B, My country wants me to die in a foreign land so it can look good. Just another reason to hate it more. This could be a perfect time to leave, maybe join the opposing forces?
Scenario C, I still have no interest in fighting, except to save my own ass. As I would be reliant, or hoping to return home, this might be the only scenario wherein I might fight harder as a conscript overseas than if I were in country, as I do not want to be forgotten overseas.
Conscription just seems like a really bad idea.
If no one wants to fight to defend their country, there is no actual country to defend, it is already dead. Conscription won't help that.
If everyone wants to defend the country, conscription will not be required.
If no one cares about the invasion, conscription won't help that.
If conscription is to supply an invasion force, again, not enough people support it. Why is the government moving forward with such a poorly supported plan?