• Book273
    Maybe it would be.

    However, my purpose is to point out that most, not necessarily all, but most of those posting here are, in fact, not informed past whatever the media has told them. They have chosen sides based on a sales pitch. That sales pitch is likely supported by whichever government is funding the media making the pitch, therefore it stands to reason that the pitch is designed to make you support a specific outcome: Ukraine: Good, Moscow: Bad.

    I could show you the same pictures of blown up empty buildings and say "Aliens attack a theatre." There is exactly the same proof in the photo for my claim as the media claim.

    Notice that there is no media coverage on how the Russians could be justified in their action? Nothing at all. Which is telling in itself: two combatants but only one side to the story? That makes no sense.

    Also it is Maple Syrup. Not marple. Just letting you know.

    I am not in the fighting, and so know nothing of what is going on, which I admit.

    You are not in the fighting, yet believe you know what is going on and what is what. Very well, explain the empty buildings to me; still smoking from the bombings and yet with no people inside, no blood spatter, and extremely clean surroundings with no injured or fleeing people. Explain why it looks so very staged.
  • Olivier5
    most of those posting here are, in fact, not informed past whatever the media has told them.Book273

    And my point is that you cannot possibly know that for a fact.

    Some here may be on the Russian payroll and spreading talking points. And some others may be drawing from their own military or geographic experience, or have access to other sources than the media.

    Don't assume that, because you are ignorant, everybody else must be ignorant.

    Also it is Maple Syrup. Not marple. Just letting you know.Book273

    See? I wasn't kidding when I said I knew nothing about it. But you knew something, at least you knew how it is spelt, and you corrected me. So my ignorance does not imply yours.

    Likewise, your ignorance about Ukraine doesn't imply other people's ignorance.
  • FreeEmotion

    I think the maps are accurate

    Surely there is something you can be sure of, like if all sides report something, for example, you don't know what exactly. You may have to wait a few days for the dust to clear up, but propagandists usually live for the moment, and are usually careless about proof.

    Then there are live pictures of Kiev. Surely that is real.
  • Olivier5
    (combined with previous)
  • Book273
    Don't assume that, because you are ignorant, everybody else must be ignorant.Olivier5

    I have not. I have explained that I do not have decent information, and what I am able to view does not correlate to what I am being told. You claim to have better information than I do, yet, so far, have not been able to explain the discrepancies I have noticed. Either you are unable to do so, are unwilling to do so, or are unwilling to even look to confirm or disprove my observations. I am seeking a logical counter to what I see, and have not yet found it.
  • Olivier5
    You claim to have better information than I do, yet, so far, have not been able to explain the discrepancies I have noticed. Either you are unable to do so, are unwilling to do so, or are unwilling to even look to confirm or disprove my observations. I am seeking a logical counter to what I see, and have not yet found it.Book273

    You're probably right that the Russians are not really bombing Mariupol and that in fact, the aliens from Mars are the guilty party here. Thanks for the heads up.
  • Book273
    Then there are live pictures of Kiev. Surely that is real.FreeEmotion

    Not necessarily.

    I have seen "live" interviews from Kiev. One had the soldiers that did not know how to hold their weapons, or how to insert a clip into a machine gun. Everyone looked very awkward and nervous, but not afraid or angry. Just really awkward.

    The other had a reporter in the forefront of a parking lot "filled with the dead", lots of body bags, all neatly separated by about 6 feet, no fluid leaking from any, no signs of body fluids anywhere, and the bags moved from the inside. At one point over the reporter's left shoulder one of the body bags unzips itself and a guy in a toque repositions himself before zipping the bag closed again.

    I saw the latest pictures of the theatre that was bombed in Ukraine. No one fleeing the building, no bodies visible, no blood spatter, no one injured. The building looked abandoned, yet there was smoke from the bombing in the air above it, and coming from the rubble. It looked much too small to house the 1200 civilians that were apparently housed there before the bombing. So what did I actually see: an empty, partially destroyed building, with no people involved at all. That I am clear on. Anything beyond that is speculation.
  • Book273
    Likewise, your ignorance about Ukraine doesn't imply other people's ignoranceOlivier5

    I agree. However, if our collective information source is the media, then our collective information source is questionable. If there is a solid, unbiased source of information I would be very interested in knowing what it is as I do not know it. Until then I will question what I see, and what I am being told. So too should everyone, but that is their call to make.
  • Olivier5
    The other had a reporter in the forefront of a parking lot "filled with the dead",Book273

    Would you have some recollection of the channel? Of the reporter? Any evidence to show or point at?
  • Book273
    Honestly, no. My wife might know, but I am at work currently and she is at home asleep.

    The pictures of the theatre are from BBC.

    I have seen facebook posts with "live video" that have been cut straight out of older war movies, but that is facebook, so question the source eh.
  • Olivier5
    Well, ask your wife then, because I can smell a fish here. You've been screwed.
  • Book273
    And the BBC pictures?

    There was no one in that building, it was too small to house 1200, there were no people anywhere, and no litter or garbage anywhere. It looked like a prepped demolition site. There is a person walking by in the video carrying a white plastic bag. The person is walking casually, as if bored. The aerial picture of the theatre has discrepancies from the video of the damaged building. As the aerial picture was taken (stated in the article) on march 14th this year, it should be considered to be accurate enough to use as a landmark for other surrounding structures visible in the video. Some are missing and other have different colours. This is what I mean by non-correlating information. Aerial picture, might be real. Video, real enough, it is a damaged building and some of it is on fire. Bored guy walking by after shopping seems a little off for a freshly bombed site. No emergency crews visible anywhere is definitely discordant with the narrative. Also discordant is no one needing assistance in the building.

    Yeah, I have difficulty when there are this many discordant notes in such a short piece.
  • boethius
    Anyone that can watch this video:

    And maintain the West and NATO are sincere in their sudden concern for war victims ... feel free to explain how.
  • Olivier5
    This is what I mean by non-correlating information.Book273

    My guess is you are just confused and incompetent at doing such verifications. If you want to be sure, do travel to Mariupol and see for yourself...
  • Olivier5
    Likewise, if you want us to believe that the Russian government gives a rat's ass about the lives of ethnic Russians in Ukraine, feel free to explain why Russian forces are bombing so many ethnic Russians in Ukraine...
  • Book273
    I am a fire fighter, former construction worker, and critical care health worker. I am very familiar with abandoned buildings, demolition, rescue efforts, and people in body bags. What I am seeing is mostly bullshit. Is that clear enough for you?

    What is your back ground, that you would judge me incompetent?
  • Olivier5
    What is your back ground, that you would judge me incompetent?Book273

    Information and knowledge management. It takes some competence to check information and from what I can see, you are lacking it.
  • Book273
    So explain the empty buildings, the lack of injury evidence, and all the other inconsistences. Don't tell me I am inept; Explain what I am seeing and WHY I am wrong in my assumption.

    It may take competence to check information, however, it also takes competence to assess a building for damage, structural integrity and the most likely place to find survivors. It also takes wisdom to determine when something is fucked in what you are seeing, so fucked that perhaps you don't believe what you are being told.
  • Book273
    That video has actual sick people, dirt in the hospitals, grime on the windows, etc. That was filmed in a real hospital. Nothing discordant there. Unlike what I see in media now.
  • jorndoe
    Mar 16, 2022:

    Deepfake Zelenskyy surrender video is the 'first intentionally used' in Ukraine war
    Meta takes down deepfake of Ukraine’s President Zelensky surrendering
    Russian War Report: Hacked news program and deepfake video spread false Zelenskyy claims ← and Zelenskyy responds
    Deepfake video of Zelenskyy could be 'tip of the iceberg' in info war, experts warn

    ↑ Busted.

    What should be noted, and is nearly not mentioned, is the Ukrainian side. Although they have made counterattacks, these have been small. And naturally they too have had serious losses. What is really lacking is that Ukraine would make larger counterattacks and surround larger Russian units and [...]ssu

    Yeah, and Russian free rein in the Ukrainian sky, eyes and bombers, makes it difficult.

    , what you don't know can still kill you. But never-you-mind.
  • Book273
    Very much so. Which why you should always question what you are told and do your own assessments. Dying due to being lazy is just embarrassing.
  • Book273
    Information and knowledge management.Olivier5

    I have asked for a reliable, unbiased source of information. You have not provided any.
    I have asked that you explain the discrepancies I have noted. You have not.

    Which is odd, as with your purported background you should be in an ideal position to do so. Ergo, either you are not what you claim, you cannot provide the requested answers because they do not exist, or you are aware that I am correct in my general assumptions.
  • ssu
    Yeah, and Russian free rein in the Ukrainian sky, eyes and bombers, makes it difficult.jorndoe
    That's why the urge to have no-fly zones or an effective SAM cover. Yet I wouldn't call it free rein. In the way we have seen Russian Air Force roam around freely above Syria. Of course, there is the Ukrainian SAM defense network, basically from the Soviet era, but still somewhat potent. Likely it is tried to be preserved and used to inflict some losses. And likely still has the effect of Russians being cautious.

    If my country really would have given something useful to Ukraine, they would have given those 20 BUK-M1 units to the country as Ukraine has the same missile system at use. But I guessed the Finnish units demolished. And one missile system put into a museum!


    And, of course, Putin would be even more angry.
  • EricH
    Notice that there is no media coverage on how the Russians could be justified in their action? Nothing at all.Book273

    I'm not disagreeing with you that we need to be cautious about drawing conclusions based on sketchy & unverified news reports - BUT - Putin's claims/justifications have been extensively covered - at least here in USA. Just for example:


    You can legitimately say that this coverage is placed in a pro-west context, nonetheless any person can read what Putin is saying and draw their own conclusions.
  • SophistiCat
    I am not actually sure what is going on in Ukraine.Book273

    Yeah, this seems to be a common theme here. I don't know anything, I don't believe anyone, I don't give a fuck, but I am going to bloviate at length anyway...
  • Olivier5
    Which is odd, as with your purported background you should be in an ideal position to do so. Ergo, either you are not what you claim, you cannot provide the requested answers because they do not exist, or you are aware that I am correct in my general assumptions.Book273

    Or perhaps I couldn't be bothered to dispell your mistakes, which are yours to deal with. I am not in the business of educating careless cretins. I don't think you are well disposed to learn, anyway. You lack the necessary humility.
  • Olivier5
    Yeah, this seems to be a common theme here. I don't know anything, I don't believe anyone, I don't give a fuck, but I am going to bloviate at length anyway...SophistiCat

    Exactly. Arguing from a position of ignorance is already ridiculous, most of times. But arguing that others know nothing because Joe Sixpack knows nothing -- now that must be the pinacle of imbecility.
  • SophistiCat
    Russian state-controlled media is still pushing the "biolabs" story. I would be worried if it was about chemical weapons, because that could mean that they are preparing the ground for using such weapons themselves. But the bioweapons story that they are telling is so fantastical and ridiculous that I just can't see how it could segue into something more realistic, like sarin or even anthrax. It looks more like they are indulging Putin's old paranoid fantasy about diseases genetically engineered to target Russians.


    Let's just hope that propaganda is all there is to this story. There are more than enough things to worry about already.
  • FreeEmotion
    I saw the latest pictures of the theatre that was bombed in Ukraine. No one fleeing the building, no bodies visible, no blood spatter, no one injured.Book273

    Could you post the link so we could see what the reporting is like?
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