• Anti-Theism

    between people.
    In order to fix other issues such as poverty and climate change we need to be working together
  • Anti-Theism

    I was hoping the poorer more technology obssessed youth would be the forefront.....
  • Anti-Theism

    Furthermore it is not an issue within atheists, rather with anti-theists
  • Anti-Theism

    I am fine with belief, however the separation caused by religion is the issue.
  • Anti-Theism

    I later said that was an idea to save for a rainy day.
    But you do raise a good point so, yes, I think we should start a social movement
  • Anti-Theism
    Also, sorry for the tangents: I typed it as I wrote, I have ADHD and am prone to going off topic both in speech and in thought
  • Anti-Theism
    I am so sorry it looks like that
  • Has science strayed too far into philosophy?

    Nothing has a pro without a con, we make trades in the hope the good outweighs the bad.
    I agree with the statement, man cannot be quantified under one category unless it is a category all to itself.
  • Has science strayed too far into philosophy?

    The original name oh physics was Natural Philosophy, so I would say they are linked.
  • Are there situations where its allowed to erase a memory from someonelse's mind?

    It is not always the case and the trauma example could be used for those with PTSD and such things because they remember
  • Are there situations where its allowed to erase a memory from someonelse's mind?

    Things like trauma and extreme event, if it is known that it will not negatively affect others should be a good basis of where it is good.

    The limits on this however may get out of hand and have government simply erasing peoples lives for their own gain if the technology existed
  • Is there more than matter and mind?
    It depends on what you mean by each, if matter has to be tangible the entire quantum reals is neither.
    If mind can only exist in thought then math and English are neither.
  • Population Density & Political compass
    Tested, no, but it has been observed with population density and political leanings.
  • God?

    alternate idea:

    What are your arguments for or against the existence of one or more etherial beings.
  • God?

    I didnt see the answer tab and thought you were being an arse.
  • Is Nietzsche theory of effect over intention valid or does intention truly matter

    It was an example, I do not own any anvils.

    I wasnt asking about hypotheticals I was just wondering poeples outlook on intention versus outcome
  • What does morality mean in the context of atheism?

    Morality has its basis not in biology but in survival, as a species our only way to survive was cooperation. The same way a lion that doesnt contribute is outed, humans would be removed from groups and die so we had to learn to work together.
  • What does morality mean in the context of atheism?

    Morality, while subjective, can be somewhat quantified.
    What is good for the pack and good for you is good morally.
    This however is somewhat flawed as different packs have different needs and would see morality differently.

    Morality comes down to perspective.
    if you do not harm others then it is usually moral.
  • God’s omniscience and human free will

    Omniscience is the state of all-knowing, so the being had the knowledge since it came into existence if it is, by nature, omniscient. Your life would have already been fully mapped out and he room for choice is none. If you cannot change your path do you have choice in your life?
  • God?

    It is always good to argue against yourself, you would be, if not already are, a good debater.

    The lack of intelligent life is only proof of our own inadequecy which discounts the latter half
  • God’s omniscience and human free will

    If it is always known what will happen how is there choice.
  • Society as Scapegoat
    Blaming society for the actions of one is reasonable. It is a loop of whatever issue exists within the society.

    If a society is extremely violent, the individuals will be violent which cause the society to be violent and so on.
  • God’s omniscience and human free will
    At the begining you proposed that our action determine past knowledge rather than vice versa. I had not though of it that way but here is my take.

    Omniscience and free will cannot exist in the same universe, omniscience is a claim to knowledge and if you were to know what will happen then it will happen. The actions dictating knowledge is a bit incorrect as the action would have theoretically already happened which would change the knowledge which would dictate the action. Changing past knowledge cannot work in out known universe and the existence of god and the existence of free will cannot coexist
  • Does philosophy need proof and what exactly is proof?
    As has already been said, Philosophy is not fact, it is mainly thought experiments to better understand human nature. If you wanted fact you should study psychology, Philosophy is a very complex science and if it were to use fact would destroy the very study.