• Can an amateur learn how to enjoy "academical" philosophical discussions
    I do follow them from time to time and feel like einstein when I understand what its all about, but I very seldom come to any a-has afterwardsAnsiktsburk

    Very simply, The Truth Is Simple
    No facts are correct 100% of the time.
    And most words have multiple meanings so a combination of words can have infinite meaning.
    The vast majority of what you see (especially here) is self aggrandizing.
    Therefore enjoy and feel superior.
    When you understand Methods of Reasoning: Philosophy 101
    you will recognize that the vast majority of people are not using Logic.
  • Could Science Exist Without Philosophy? (logic and reasoning)
    Could Science Exist Without Philosophy? (logic and reasoning)



    Next subject, please.

    And since there are no Philosophical Facts,
    Both SSU and The Mad Fool must agree that there can be no Scientific Facts.
  • The Supremes and the New Texas Abortion Law
    Being from Colorado, a common carving on bathrooms walls: "Here I sit, buns a flexin'; givin' birth to another Texan."James Riley

    And some get blocked for stating facts.
    This site is disgusting!
  • The Supremes and the New Texas Abortion Law
    Address the facts
    Attacking the messenger means you loose!
  • The Supremes and the New Texas Abortion Law
    If a person attacks a pregnant woman and a fetus dies, they can be charged with murder.
    If a doctor removes a fetus and it dies (abortion) there are no consequences.
    From a legal stand point this needs to be cleared up.
    Everything else is just noise.
  • Suicide is wrong, no matter the circumstances
    Without exception?
    As someone with familial Alzheimer's who has buried a family and brother with early onset alzheimer's
    I ask, do you know all circumstances?
    Posterior Cortical Atrophy can produce unbelievable pain and central sleep apnea can cause multiple
    death experiences but I am not complaining.
    I have witnessed much worse situations in many people brought on by life experiences.
    Spend time listening to others.
    Do not try to fix problems but listen and be there for them.
    AND NEVER JUDGE THEM, out loud
  • Did Socrates really “know nothing”?
    to make wisdom a life goal meant he had to stop caring about crossing the river Styx but then, if he didn't mind a visit from the Grim Reaper, he didn't give jack sh** about life. Thus, in a sense, life was of utmost importance to Socrates but also, it was not!TheMadFool

    Around 400 bc life was very different
    It is more likely that survival came with many near death experiences.
    Therefore recognition of eminent demise was his only true knowledge,
    unless you question your own existence, which he did.
  • Could Science Exist Without Philosophy? (logic and reasoning)
    Each measurement of Climate is an evaluation of climate, and changes
    the frequency that it is being evaluated.

    An example of slight misrepresentation,,,
    The process of frequency observation changes that which is a frequency
    Viscosity measures the flow rate and by measuring the flow rate you change the viscosity
  • Could Science Exist Without Philosophy? (logic and reasoning)
    And thoughts like the effect of frequency modulation on evaluating climate frequencies were
    considered witchcraft.
    Each measurement of Climate is an evaluation of climate and changes
    the frequency that it is being evaluated.
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)
    It's at least worth a minute to see what they have to say, rather than exclusively trust and listen to what you would call "skeptics" (and I would call denialists).Xtrix

    By the way, in 1986 I was teaching Exploring Technology and 1996 Science.
    This was part of the curriculum and we discussed scientific articles in Class.
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)
    Df. reduce the inflated reputation of (someone), especially by ridicule.

    Not proven incorrectt
  • Could Science Exist Without Philosophy? (logic and reasoning)
    When I was teaching I made it clear to students that my job was to
    teach how to think, not what to think.
    Present material as well as the process used to arrive at consensus.
    The goal was to get them to ask why are these considered facts.
  • Could Science Exist Without Philosophy? (logic and reasoning)
    The 'only one view' response is curious.Tom Storm

    Reference was MLK, I've seen the promised land.
    There was no sensory vision, but all became clear.
    Not Christian but not opposed.
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)
    A very famous climate denier and fraud, unfortunately. As has been well documented. So is this the major source of your information about the topic?Xtrix

    If the person (Roy Spencer) who designed, launched, and calibrated the equipment used to
    prove Anthropomorphic Climate Change says your conclusions are faulty, you calling him a fraud
    is a double edged sword.
    PLEASE stop embarrassing yourself.
  • Could energy be “god” ?
    Energy can not be created or destroyed
    Newton's 1st law

    If God exists he must be energy.
    Or the basic laws of science are null and void.
    We need to ask if energy can exist without sensory recognition.
  • Could Science Exist Without Philosophy? (logic and reasoning)
    Supplementary question: Did you arrive at the right mountaintop?Tom Storm

    Supplementary response: Can there be a wrong mountaintop if there is only one view?
    Or were you referring to the left mountaintop?
  • Could Science Exist Without Philosophy? (logic and reasoning)
    Science was everyday labor and philosophy was lofty thought.Wayfarer

    I don't think Scientists would appreciate unthinking laborer, nor should they.
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)
    You are being political. Climate denial is political.Xtrix

    Do you ever read what you post?
    At first I thought you were a shill
    Now I'm wondering what grade you are in.
    Sorry for coming down to your level!
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)
    Have you done any reading on this topic at all? I ask seriously. If not, I have a question: are you willing to learn about it? If not, there's no sense in continuing.Xtrix

    I ran a Nursery from 2000 to 2006
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)
    You don't know anything about me. Making a claim like this is absurd.Xtrix

    No one disputes climate change!
    It is only anthropomorphic that they challenge.
    Roy Spencer who designed and launched the equipment for NASA disputes many of the claims.
    His equipment could not support these conclusions.
    I am 64 and was in college when the articles I quoted came out.
    You are an open book, you have no desire to bring people together by insulting them.
    And both parties have had 29 years to solve the problem
  • Could Science Exist Without Philosophy? (logic and reasoning)
    Science needs critical reasoningWheatley

    Critical reasoning is Philosophy
    Logic is If/Then presentation of data
    Only when all parties agree on the truth of facts and the logical deductive reasoning
    can peer review be achieved.

    However in quantum theory E=m
    Either c=1 in all cases or we have an error
  • Could Science Exist Without Philosophy? (logic and reasoning)
    I think that Philosophers is all that we are.
    Existence can not be proven and I have been to the Mountaintop
  • Could Science Exist Without Philosophy? (logic and reasoning)
    If what you contend here is true, then you can't say what you just said and it be true. Or not?Tom Storm

    The cat in the box?
    Heisenberg's uncertainty?
    Or do some people think that philosophy means opinion?
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)
    In 1983 the bold headlines in the Newspaper read "ICE AGE COMING"
    In 1984 "GLOBAL WARMING" 15 years to live if we don't change!!
    In 1994 "GLOBAL WARMING" 10 years an we will be beyond hope!!!
    In 2004 "CLIMATE CHANGE" 10 years and it's too late!!!!
    In 2014 "CLIMATE CHANGE" Yada Yada 10 years..beyond hope.
    In 2020 "GLOBAL WARMING" Greta says it's been 2 years and you haven't done anything!!
    I'm not taking either side, I'm saying you don't want to solve the problem,
    you just want to divide people and take their money!!
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)
    Interesting that my post would elicit a political response, given by two "recent" members.Xtrix

    I am neither political or a new member.
    Your misdirection of the discussion in an effort to continue a fear based non argument
    could have only one purpose. Focus tax dollars on research.
    There are many scientists that do not agree and denial of funding is the main reason
    they are not herd.
    Are you aware of the tons of carbon dioxide we produce daily and ship to
    food processors, scientists, and others. Nurseries produce co2 to help plants grow.

    CLIMATE CHANGE is not an answer to a problem, it is an invitation to divide people
    so that you can call the other side STUPID!
    For all of the years that we used the word Pollution no one argued that there is no pollution!
  • Climate Change (General Discussion)
    There is no argument about climate change.
    12.000 years ago there was an ice age, it has been warming since that time in history!
    The purpose of political parties and religion is to divide people, create fear of the other group,
    and fundraise.
  • Mind-Matter Paradox!
    Philosophy, think about it
    Nothing exists unless there is someone or something to think about it.
    Even insects THINK, hey there is a bird, if I don't run, oops too late!
    Algae, bad environment, gotta move, oops too late!
    Clouds, too much (moisture,pressure), gotta move over there, oops rain.
    Science or any subject can not exist without logic or reasoning!
    Dreams and hallucinations are the only things that we believe without doubting.
    We seek vague consensus in our reality, for there is no complete consensus on anything.
  • Towards solving the mind/body problem
    I think, therefore I am
    If the act of thinking confirms physical existence,
    do things exist that have never been thought of ?
    Many of the things we think of do not exist physically,
    therefore the act of thinking does not confirm existence.
    It was written in French, simplified in Latin, and commercialized in English.
    Unless you have experienced death, the dependence on physical senses does
    not allow you to understand physical existence.
  • Towards solving the mind/body problem
    First, you must accept the axiom that mind is informational. I think there is very good reason to do so. The brain is an information processing body,hypericin

    If at First I must accept the brain is physical then there is no discussion!
    Steve Martin said, here is how you become a millionaire, first you take a million dollars......
  • Descartes didn't prove anything
    That I am not physical, is true, but it isn’t true because I think.Mww

    I dream therefore they are physical?
  • Descartes didn't prove anything
    Thinking is not physical!
    I think therefore I am not physical?
  • The Psychological Function of Talking About Philosophy (And Other Things In The Same Way)
    The written word carries so many nuances that a speech given to a room full of people can connect differently on a personal level with each person. Innuendo, double entendre, abstract references.
    A prose by any other name would sound discreet
  • The role of conspiracy theories in the American right
    If you actually work or have closely participated in politics, the idea of shadowy elites who always get their way is pretty laughable. Things are often a mess and generally no one involved is happy.Count Timothy von Icarus

    Thank you for your camouflaged compliment and plausible deniability
  • Is Reality an Emergent Property?
    My love of computer research was destroyed in the 80's when I realized the algorithms were skewed by
    desired outcomes.
    Seek and you shall find,
    In other words, when a large number of searches are detected, responses are provided.
  • Scientific Studies, Markets
    They were looking for a desired outcome, chances are you would not have been included if they didn't get it.
    Wait, was this a dating site?
  • The Psychological Function of Talking About Philosophy (And Other Things In The Same Way)
    My father, a man of at least a few peculiarities, kept on a shelf in the basement a large piece of gristle cut from some bone. I cannot pretend to know his entire thought, but he appeared to be fascinated to some degree - that led him to keep the thingtim wood

    Tendon is the word you are looking for, gristle could be anything tough to chew.
    No matter the size of the muscle, it is only as strong as the tendon that ties it to its lever.
    He loved you deeply, but feared your interpretation.
    Think I'll text my son.
  • The Psychological Function of Talking About Philosophy (And Other Things In The Same Way)
    I do think, in talking about stuff 'philosophically', the conclusions - or whatevercsalisbury

    Logic is based on using simple, agreed upon, {so called facts} to convince someone that you both agree on the outcome. If you leave the discussion confused, they FAILED!
  • What did Einstein mean by “Spooky Action at a Distance"?
    Einstein's most impressive understanding was his ability to recognize his audiences comprehension.
    Knowing that reality can not be explained, humor fills the void!
  • Are we understanding nature or describing nature?
    No. Science is literally a weapon to fight against theology.javi2541997

    Preconceived notions invalidate
  • The role of conspiracy theories in the American right
    74 million americans believe the media is lying, because you can not believe what they are saying and vote for Trump.
    74 million is the largest number of votes any president has ever gotten,
    and yet he lost to the oldest, most cognitively impaired president we have ever had!
    a man that has been running for president for forty years and never won a primary because of the scandals throughout his 48 years in office.
    I'm guessing that is also a conspiracy theory.