it is futile to imagine that anything can be perfect, since we can't at all tell what is perfect and what is not. — god must be atheist
the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes. — Garrett Travers
If all ethical concepts are generated to achieve homeostasis, then all actions that threat homeostasis are a violation of ethical concepts — Garrett Travers
that which is justifiable are actions that without proper provocation would not be justifiable. — Garrett Travers
If consciousness' primary directive is to maintain homeostasis, and it does so by generating conceptual framework from sensory data integration, and all ethical systems are conceptual frameworks themselves, then any violation, or inflicted impairment of the homeostatic directive of the individual consciousness is by definition a violation of ethics at its emergent source, and of its emergent purpose. — Garrett Travers
the tendency toward a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes. — Garrett Travers
If all ethical concepts are generated to achieve homeostasis, then all actions that threat homeostasis are a violation of ethical concepts — Garrett Travers
The only violations of the freedom individual human consciousness to express itself - however it sees fit, at anytime, and for whatever self generated purpose - that is permissible, are responses to exactly those violations of consciousness themselves. — Garrett Travers
that which is justifiable are actions that without proper provocation would not be justifiable. — Garrett Travers
Assault is evil, meaning unjustifiable. If you commit the unjustifiable act of assaulting me, me responding in assualt is now a form of justified evil. But, it's just semantic really, it isn't actually evil, it's stopping evil. — Garrett Travers
My voluntary participation, contractual agreement, payment of my service, a promise, or having to do with child rearing. — Garrett Travers
As if any human has a justified claim on my money, which is my labor, which is my behavior, which is my brain, which is me. I reject this kind of evil, as it goes by a name: slavery. — Garrett Travers
I have great respect for this person and I suppose the thought that they could do something that would tarnish that makes me feel I've misjudged the person which calls into question my ability to evaluate. Perhaps. — Tex
I feel bad about having some slight resentment towards this person — Tex
I gave willingly without expectation so why am I having trouble with this? — Tex
Giving to a charity because you erroneously thought that you would be able to claim twice the donation back on tax. Does that make the giving to a charity morally wrong? — Banno
I personally do believe that there are wrong ways to live — Jake Hen
False and correct according to what though? — Jake Hen
you failed to see the broader point. — Tom Storm
you've missed my point about the functionality of drug use. — Tom Storm
you aren't following. — Tom Storm
I myself don't have a definitive answer — Jake Hen