• What are you listening to right now?
    505 by Arctic Monkeys
  • "The meaning of life is to give life meaning"
    "To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering."
  • Late night thoughts, well, in my timezone
    I never express to people that they should go into therapy. I just wanted to relay my experience to you. That doesn't change the fact that things can get better.T Clark

    Yeah I gotcha
  • Late night thoughts, well, in my timezone
    It has nothing to do with being good. I has to do with knowing how to take care of people. How to look out after them.T Clark

    You gotta be good to be willing to learn how to take care of others and take care of them in the right way.
  • Late night thoughts, well, in my timezone
    A lot of us are a bit crazy, I think acknowledging, exploring and playing with it is healthier than suppressing it with drugs.Another

    I agree with this, and I'm just learning how to play it safe.
  • Late night thoughts, well, in my timezone

    It's hard to do all these when you have no motivation at all, you just sit there and complain but then you don't feel like doing anything to change.
    Well it's a bad cycle I know but I can't help it.
  • Late night thoughts, well, in my timezone
    thank you so much, really. Of course it might not help after all but it's always nice to see when someone puts in effort
  • Late night thoughts, well, in my timezone
    I will tell you this, things can get better. For me it was therapy and an anti-anxiety drug. It has made a huge difference. It didn't answer all my problems, but it allowed me to take the first steps.T Clark

    I've gotten through so many different types of therapy and seen different psychiatrists and taken different medicines. But they weren't much help. Oh maybe I can't say that. They did help, in the beginning, I became so much stable than I was before taking the meds. But after a long time I became addicted to them, I relied on them. They were supposed to keep me stable so that I can functioning properly in daily life but it became the other way round: I became unstable when I stopped taking them.
    It was a long, tough process to get rid of them but I made it anyway. And I'm not going back on that road again.
    But yeah I agree, it doesn't solve the problem, but it helps you to at least be in a condition where you can still have a chance to solve the problem.
  • Late night thoughts, well, in my timezone
    But anything within yourself, specifically the emotions, you can controlFrank Barroso

    That's what I've been learning for so many years. And it's indeed really hard to do. Sometimes the emotions take over you and you are just all paralyzed.
    But yes thanks for reminding me that, I'll keep that in mind.
  • What are you listening to right now?
    I don't wanna set the world on fire
  • Confined Love Analysis
    I think that it really depends on how you want your life to be. If you're fine with polygamy then go for it, if not, just stick with monogamy. It's all about your own choice. We can't make the whole world polygamous because it will definitely cause mayhem to the world. Not everyone agrees with polygamy as human emotions control the decisions we make in our lives, such as jealousy.
    Anyway, to answer your question, no, I personally don't agree with the idea of a polygamous world.
    However, if you are for polygamy, then polygyny and polyandry should both be permitted, in my opinion, but well let's save that for another discussion.

    By the way, I really like the idea of this poem, from the way Donne saw the world, it makes you think.
  • Give me an idea..... I mean it literally.
    wow nice observation, I didn't even pay attention on that lol haha and yeah I got what you mean.
  • Give me an idea..... I mean it literally.
    cause this is what I love, and actually that could be a fun tattoo on me.
  • Suicide and hedonism
    Who told you that "the negative of pain is greater than the positive of pleasure"?VagabondSpectre

    In some circumstances, that is possible.
    When you have nothing to lose and you just don't give a shit anymore.
    The pain is driving you crazy and you just wanna end it. People telling you to hold on and get through it and things will get better, but they aren't convincing anymore.
    There is just too much PAIN.
    And you won't care about the pleasure you gonna get after getting through the pain, you just want to end it.

    It could be true that for people enduring lives of hardship and pain, the rare moments of comfort and happiness they are able to find become more defining or longer lasting as you suggest trauma is for westerners.VagabondSpectre

    I agree with that. As I said, not all circumstances, but some.
  • Suicide and hedonism
    So why not just suicide? Suicide will free you from all suffering, ever.dukkha

    Do you know what will happen after you die?
    Do you guarantee that you will actually be free from all suffering?
    Cause seriously, I don't.
  • Purpose of life! But why do we choose to continue it?
    There is no purpose, in my opinion.
    People are just doing what they think they are supposed to do, without knowing why.
  • Any of you grow out of your suicidal thoughts?
    If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here.

    Suicide is impossible. There's always something that does the killingTheMadFool

    Yeah true, I agree with that. But there's always something that stops the killing too, like hope, or fear, too.
  • Random thoughts
    "To live is to suffer. To survive is to find the meaning in suffering."
    --Friedrich Nietzsche

    But I think to live is to suffer. To suffer even more is to find the meaning in suffering.
  • Something everyone will be looking for eventually
    Do you mean the purpose of my life?

    Please define "meaning".

    I'm not sure what others' definition on "meaning" would be, but in my opinion, there's a difference between "purpose" and "meaning".
    But I can't explain exactly how. Maybe someone could answer that for me?
  • Something everyone will be looking for eventually
    To love as fully as I am able to.Heister Eggcart

    How do you mean by love?
  • Something everyone will be looking for eventually
    No one has one meaning to their life.praxis

    What about you?
  • Something everyone will be looking for eventually
    I've come to believe that there is no true meaning to my life.CasKev

    That's an interesting answer! And it really got me thinking.
    I was taught that my life should have meaning, and that was easy to believe, given our high level of intelligence and consciousnessCasKev

    And yes, I agree with that. Everyone is infused with the idea that we should have a meaning in life and we should seek for it. Even myself fall for it. I shall think about this :)
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
  • What makes something beautiful?
    This Romantic personal experience is always a factorThanatos Sand

    Personal experience isn't always romantic.

    but it is not the only, or even the primary, factor.Thanatos Sand

    Well of course it's not the only factor. When you see something that you have never seen before, then there's no personal experience involved.

    But it can be one of the primary factors. What something means to you can somehow link to your personal experiences. (Not in all cases, as I just explained, but most cases)
    Let's say a lady, she got what every woman wants. When people see her, people will say she looks beautiful. But maybe something has happened between me and her in the past, and in my eyes, she's no longer beautiful.
    Personal experience still somehow determines the beauty of something.
  • Is a "practical Utopia" possible?
    Forget everything being "perfect". Forget everyone being "equal". Forget people being in a permanent state of bliss.
    Think instead of a practical Utopia as being an optimum - or even just a "very good", way of organizing society and the economy in terms of delivering happiness and well being for all. Does such a project have a chance, at least, of being sensibly formulated as long as the aforementioned extreme demands are abandoned?
    Jake Tarragon

    No chance at all, in my opinion.
    The nature of human attribute won't allow it to happen. As long as there are humans, there's always a state of unbalanced. Everyone has their own thinking, they have their own idea of utopia. The utopia you have in mind can't be the same with everyone's. An organized society might be what some people have been yearning for but at the same time some people don't settle for comfort or mediocrity. You can't satisfy everyone at the same time using the same idea of "utopia".
    Well unless you apply the practical utopia project on a group of automatons, where they have the same mindset.
  • What makes something beautiful?
    What makes something beautiful?

    It all depends on what the things mean to the person and how the person looks at them at that moment.
    Everyone has their own definition of beauty. What's beautiful in my eyes might not be beautiful in yours.
    You don't know what the person has been through, you don't know what's on his/her mind.
    For example,
    (4)I see a beautiful flower and am entranced by its colors and shape.River
    not everyone likes flowers. They are cliche, some may say.