I never express to people that they should go into therapy. I just wanted to relay my experience to you. That doesn't change the fact that things can get better. — T Clark
It has nothing to do with being good. I has to do with knowing how to take care of people. How to look out after them. — T Clark
A lot of us are a bit crazy, I think acknowledging, exploring and playing with it is healthier than suppressing it with drugs. — Another
I will tell you this, things can get better. For me it was therapy and an anti-anxiety drug. It has made a huge difference. It didn't answer all my problems, but it allowed me to take the first steps. — T Clark
But anything within yourself, specifically the emotions, you can control — Frank Barroso
Who told you that "the negative of pain is greater than the positive of pleasure"? — VagabondSpectre
It could be true that for people enduring lives of hardship and pain, the rare moments of comfort and happiness they are able to find become more defining or longer lasting as you suggest trauma is for westerners. — VagabondSpectre
So why not just suicide? Suicide will free you from all suffering, ever. — dukkha
Suicide is impossible. There's always something that does the killing — TheMadFool
Do you mean the purpose of my life?
Please define "meaning". — WISDOMfromPO-MO
To love as fully as I am able to. — Heister Eggcart
No one has one meaning to their life. — praxis
I've come to believe that there is no true meaning to my life. — CasKev
I was taught that my life should have meaning, and that was easy to believe, given our high level of intelligence and consciousness — CasKev
This Romantic personal experience is always a factor — Thanatos Sand
but it is not the only, or even the primary, factor. — Thanatos Sand
Forget everything being "perfect". Forget everyone being "equal". Forget people being in a permanent state of bliss.
Think instead of a practical Utopia as being an optimum - or even just a "very good", way of organizing society and the economy in terms of delivering happiness and well being for all. Does such a project have a chance, at least, of being sensibly formulated as long as the aforementioned extreme demands are abandoned? — Jake Tarragon
not everyone likes flowers. They are cliche, some may say.(4)I see a beautiful flower and am entranced by its colors and shape. — River