• What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Yes. I do not see Sweden doing FAR WORSE.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Thank you. I did the best observations and interpretations I could and came to a conclusion that this 'climate scare', putting it mildly, does not have any real scientific backing ( i.e. the scientific method was not used here ), rather sort of a religion, cult or pseudoscience.

    Anyway, since I am in eastern Europe, events in Ukraine seem much, much more important nowadays.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Jesuits call "invincible stupidity".Bitter Crank

    I would say the same about you. ) you just blindly trust the so called 'climate scientists', and don't even understand that they do not use the scientific method, non of their claims are verifiable or falsifiable.

    They are just making observations, spicing them with assumptions and coming up with catastrophic conclusions, which gullible people believe, despite them being wrong multiple times. Remember how entire nations were supposed to be under water by 2000? Now, 20 years later, name me a single nation that has sunk.

    If you take climate as an average of 30 years of weather, than all this 'climate change' is JUST ONE POINT on the graph. Besides, we don't have very accurate information from the time before records were taken, like before end of the 1800s. We have the ice core data, but to what degree they were smoothed out?...
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Rather than deny warming or claiming that it’s not bad, it would be honest if you would simply admit that you don’t care because it is unlikely to affect you personally. Can you do that?praxis

    No, because saw enough times when ideologically motivated "experts" would come to delusional conclusions that would make much more harm than good. Take the covid lockdowns, for example. Equal amount of people died in countries with lockdowns and without. Only the first messed up their economy in addition. ;)
    Same with this climate lunacy, how can a 1 or 2 or even 5 degrees have a negative impact? Like not it's 10 degrees outside, do you say that the sky will fall if it would be 11? Don't you think that you replaced any common sense you might have had with believing the "experts" ?
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    There is a strong scientific consensus that the Earth is warming and that this warming is mainly caused by human activities. Nearly all actively publishing climate scientists (97–100%) say humans are causing climate change.praxis

    1. why do we believe that warming is bad? where would you like to spend your holidays, in Florida or Alaska?

    2. 97% of Muslims believe that there is no other Gob, but Allah. Does it make it true?
  • The Meaning of "Woman"
    Is it possible that people act in the world without any concepts, but when they analyze their experiences, concepts enter as gears in the machinery of explanation?frank

    Most people are incapable to create their own concepts. They just have some instinctive feeling and would pick any random concept that clicks with it. Like if a person is bitter and resentful, he would be happy pick the 'oppressed' concept, as it alleviates the burden of responsibility.
  • The Meaning of "Woman"
    I think people usually view the world through the lens of 'concepts'. Be it concept of science or concept of religion, etc.
    While it does seem that some concepts are relatively successful, like the scientific method, some are just ludicrous, such as viewing the world through the oppressor versus the oppressed narrative or, moreover, chanting "trans women are women" that makes as much sense as a 'Chinese Rolex is still a Rolex!' or 'my Kia is a Mercedes!'

    So if you want somehow useful philosophy, try reading anything from Stoics to Nietzsche. Postmodernists are just a bunch of nutjobs. ;)
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Nuclear winter, however, was deemed more likely in the 1980s.Bitter Crank

    You can google it up, there was a scare of a new ice age coming ( not nuclear winder )

  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Being a man, I doubt that they would even let me sign up for anything like that, even if such a thing does exist.Sir2u

    What do you mean being a man, can't you identify as whomever you want? :D
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    If you are that old, maybe you'de recall the new ice age scare of the 70s?
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    I understand you feel like an average Russian, who was told for his entire like that Russia is a superpower, but now their flagship was promoted to continue the mission as a submarine. :D i.e. all his axioms are questioned, so at first is anger, than bargaining...
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    "Why do you assume 280ppm is optimal? why not 1280, for example?"Bitter Crank

    So you can not give a science-based answer to this question? Only do ad hominem attacks?
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    As to your question, not so many women are employed because a bunch of bigots think that women should stay at home and that they do not get the education or training needed because it is not offered to women by the same bigots.Sir2u

    Let me guess, you're in some sort of a lesbian dance therapy studies at USLA? )
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Me: What is a healthy fasting plasma glucose level?praxis

    How does the doctor know a healthy fasting pgl? from the scientific method, i.e. lots healthy & not healthy people were tested. can you say the same about climate? ;)
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    An optimal temperature for human civilization is one where climate and weather are reasonably stable--about 280 ppm CO2. Added heat in the atmosphere (along with added water vapor) destabilizes both climate and weather, such that weather (and climate) become increasingly chaotic and unreliable. This is particularly important for food production. We are currently at 412 ppm and rising.Bitter Crank

    I don't see a scientific bases for such outlook.
    Why do you assume 280ppm is optimal? why not 1280, for example? for food production we know the optimal level is 1000-2000ppm.
    I do not see an excess "weather events" in comparison to the early 1900s.
    Moreover, there are certainly benefits of a mild warming ( less people die of cold exposure, lower heating bills, etc. ) and increase in co2 ( larger crop yields, greening of deserts, etc. ), while the downsides seem to be exaggerated.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Most people are paid less than the value they produce for their employer. They work for less than they are worth under sometimes very poor conditions because there is no alternativeBitter Crank

    Of course, nobody would create jobs if they won't get a profit out of it.

    The wage gap between men and women has been very well documented across all sorts of job categories.Bitter Crank

    So wage gap or for the same job? maybe men just work longer hours to support their families, so that their wives can stay at home with the kids? yet blue-haired feminists are spinning it around, presenting it as something bad.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    No, you would start by asking - what should this parameter be. what is the normal range. and if the doctor can not give an evidence-based answer, you might want to get a second opinion.

    So, what is the optimal temperature range for the earth and how did you measure it?
    What is the optimal co2 level and how did you measure it?
    What is the optimal greenhouse effect in general? How is it even measured?

    And when you start asking those questions, you pretty quickly understand that all this is pseudoscience - they came up with a theory that would help "rearrange" the energy market, scare gullible voters, etc. and they shoe-horn random data to support it. Like it is getting warmer - climate change. Colder - climate change. Windy? D'oh! Of course climate change! Can you even falsify it?
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Imagine you go to your doctor, he looks at your bloodwork and say "Hmm, I see parameter X was 100 last year, but now it is 105..." what would you ask him?
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    No (paid) maternity leaves?Agent Smith

    So men cost less than women? :) you guys make up your minds, who get less.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Where did you check them, in a feminist journal. :D
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Looking at those issue critically, they do seem imaginary.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    I'd say everybody who sees imaginable problems, misdiagnoses the situation and applies a remedy that makes things worse, has some introspection to do. ;) be it in terms of quality, antiracism, blm, climate change and other such bunk.

    to be honest, righties also doing it with their 'freedom of speech', war on drugs, but still to a much lesser scale.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Cause of the stereotypes you support. Cause still many think that women can't do the same work as good as men. Plus pregnancy.dimosthenis9

    You might want to read about my concept theory https://thephilosophyforum.com/discussion/12754/my-theory-of-concepts-belief-systems/p1
    as you seem to be indoctrinated into fringe leftist believes that you are unable to evaluate critically.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Why would you write such a thing, since it's so extremely easy to check it over the Internet through numerous researches and see it for yourself??dimosthenis9

    You can believe in lots of things that defy logic and reason, even in man made climate emergency, but the fact is if women would do the same work for less, why would anybody hire men?
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Not necessary, You've heard of baby bottles? Besides, your wife can pump it at work and save it for the baby, next day. Breast feeding is a very good thing especially for the first few months.Bitter Crank

    All kinds of gimmicks can be used, but what for? Isn't the natural way better, at least for most people.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    But if you think it is alright for women to do the same work for 2/3 the money then you are truly screwed up. Wages should be calculated evenly for everyone based on the productivity of the person not on their gender.Sir2u

    You might wants to re-read what I wrote. I said people are payed for their work and that woman are payed less is a myth, since if it would be true, only woman would be employed.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    I know now why there are male homosexuals. The anus is so close to the vagina (ass territory or in biological jargon, perineal region) that some men can't tell the difference between 'em. :grin:Agent Smith

    I don't think anybody is here interesting in reading about your experience.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Do you remember the 60's and 70's?Sir2u

    No, I'm not that old. ) Anyway, we had Brezhnev here in the 70's.

    If your wife wanted to go out and work, leaving you at home with the kids, would you accept that?Sir2u

    I don't have milk, unfortunately. (

    society still disapproves of having to pay equal wages to both for the same work.Sir2u

    Than why men get any employment, is women would do the same for 1/3 less? D'oh
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Just curious if that scenario would impact your advice to your son on how to be a man, and if so, how.Joshs

    Hmm, I guess not.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Still not sure I understand what does it have to do with the topic at hand?
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    If biology and hormones can create masculinity and femininity, why can’t they create hybrids or intermediate forms of these behaviors?Joshs

    Well of course it does, like less masculine man, but what's your point?
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Biology, i.e. probably hormones, of course.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Traditional understanding of the word gender is based on chromosomes, so it can be either male or female.

    It has nothing to do with how the brain is wired or what caused it. Same can be said about size difference. On average males are larger then females. But it does not mean all smaller than average specimens necessary are female. You seem to me using some backwards logic here.

    Moreover "brain wiring" is not a scientific term, you can not measure it in an MRI.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Do you accept this as a reasonable biological hypothesis?Joshs

    Certainly not. Gender is determined by chromosomes, not by how one's brain is wired. If a woman likes tinkering with cars, it does not make her a man. Same if a man is interested in ballet dancing, it does not make him a women.

    Same way you can notice that males are bigger than females and declare everybody below average to be female and above average as male. :)
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Typical leftist hypocrisy. Be respectful but do whatever you want, even if it's not socially acceptable. Sounds like you're saying "I can be disrespectful by forcing my view of sex and gender on others and everyone else has to respect that."Harry Hindu

    Yeap, that's how leftists usually operate. )
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    recognizable behavioral differences between the genders in dogs and cats?Joshs

    I did not work with lots of dogs or cats, but probably there are, same as in humans.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    You are really messing with yourself my friend. That's the whole point. Your arguments are totally incoherent as all racist arguments. Same old story. Take care.dimosthenis9

    Nah, you're just projecting. :D
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    Obvious for you only.dimosthenis9

    ok, just messing with you, exploring your rigid idea of "all races/cultures equal, anybody who disagrees is a bad person".
    It is also fun sometimes making libs short circuit by asking 'what is a woman?' , they know, but are terrified to answer.
  • What it takes to be a man (my interpretation)
    External of course.dimosthenis9

    So looking for internal reasons is heresy, even if they are obvious? :grin:


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