• alexander Sonne

    To begin this topic, I feel that a relation to my understanding of pressure is in need of clarification. I see pressure first of all as being a word, frequency and amplitude, with its main function, to activate specific brainwaves, brainwaves used to relate a reality. This reality is without boundaries, one substance, which makes the usage of words complicated, due to it having to do with one's representation of a reality to another´s relation to the representation. Because pressure in this sense is a reality in the midst of other realities and both are in a reality without boundaries it becomes apparent that I need to explain the realities I see circling pressure, these being:

    movement + volumen

    Pressure can be the last thing that bursts the bubble or the thing that creates diamonds. It is a normal phenomenon through existence and humans have to adapt to it. Pressure has many qualities and functions, some of the core ones being:

    - to press something together
    - to hold something in place
    - to move something to another place

    Looking at these functions of pressure, one would see that a good use of pressure would be to either press something together, getting rid of the excess and making it more compact, holding something in a place, if it is a good place, and move something to another place, due to it being a better place. But to get the good one most have to eradicate the bad, or at least minimize it. The potentially bad in these functions could be that pressing something together could break it, that holding something in place could make it stale and that moving something to another place could be worse. Considering the 3 functions, one would be able to use all of them every time it comes to a pressure situation.

    The above have been looking at pressure´s receiving end, we will now dig into what effect it has to produce pressure. The core effects of producing pressure is an exhaustion of that which makes the pressure. This exhaustion is in proportion to;

    - the magnitude of the pressure
    - the magnitude of that which made the pressure
    - the efficiency of the recovery of that which made the pressure

    If the recovery of that which makes the pressure is not proportionate to the magnitude of the pressure and/or the magnitude of that which makes the pressure then will the pressure not be able to sustain and excel it´s magnitude. One could consider, what do I want to exhaust? How much do I want to exhaust? What magnitude of pressure should I make? What magnitude of that which makes the pressure do I have? What efficiency in the recovery of that which makes the pressure do I want? After making one´s assessments in the six different points in relation to pressure, one would be able to know how to use pressure for good, or at least what one sees as good.

    The good use of pressure is found in the sweet spot in creating as much pressure as possible following these guidelines:

    - you don´t exhaust that which makes the pressure more than the recovery recovers that which makes the pressure
    - you don't break things you want to keep
    - you don't hold things or move things to places you don't want them to go

    This was all I had about pressure for this time. Hope it has value to you and that you continue on having a wonderful day.
  • Jack Cummins

    In a thread a few days ago I was saying how life in our present culture has become too pressured, especially in the workplace. People are being expected to perform as if they are machines. The category of your post which I think that this fits into is : 'to hold something in place'. That would be about maintaining stability.

    But what I was saying in the context in which I was writing is that if there is too much pressure it can make things break apart on a personal or collective level. On the personal level, the result can be physical and mental illness. On the collective level, it can be about collapse and reaching breaking point. Our culture may have reached breaking point, and perhaps Covid_19 is the outer expression of a deeper sickness at the core of our culture.
  • alexander Sonne

    very interesting and I do agree with you. There has been a constant trial for the best throughout time, but due to globalisation will there be no rest. This is killing us in all sorts of ways, fracturing at our weakest points. Covid-19 could have come out of many different fractures, making a bigger construct collapse. should be an interesting writing topic, thanks.
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