• alexander Sonne

    Many different reasons are made to explain the time of our era, but no one can be too sure as to which one is the right one. One can be certain about what effects covid have had on our people, some of these being:

    increased mental difficulties
    increased physical difficulties
    increased economic difficulties
    increased requirements for strong inner circle dynamics
    more time on our hand

    Through these challenges that covid provides, one needs to master one's emotions, to thrive in the times of our era. Emotions are to some extent fluent, and are therefore quite difficult to put within boundaries, but I will be doing this. Some of the emotions that covid has been provoking in us, has been:


    These emotions have the essence of the light at the end of the tunnel, being stuck in a hole looking up at the free world hoping that someone will come to get you out of your rot. Being in such a place one needs to have faith in the process but at the same time not leave one's faith in others hands, one needs to harness the inner fire to emphasize one's drive and help others rise from the bottomless pit. Here comes a great consideration, how do we use these emotional states to our benefit? This question has an infinite amount of very worthy answers, but this is not something I can make so you might just have to live with the finite.

    All of the emotions have their own reason as to why they are here, some of these being:

    the actualization of something perceived as threatening

    the actualization of one's state perceived as being deprived of excitement

    the actualization of one's state perceived as being deprived of social contact

    the actualization of one's state perceived as being in need of something

    the actualization of something perceived as not being in the way that one wants

    the actualization causing the experience of being without the required capability

    To change the state of being in the emotion one has to add that which is the counter reality to that of the emotion. One will see that all emotions are perceived or more so, experienced. The reason for the experienced emotion is due to the actualization of the reality that trickers this emotion in you - therefore one has to perceive the reality and the reality has to be actualized in the form that trickers the specific emotion in relation to you. So to all the emotions one can experience, one can add the following to move past that emotion:

    perceive the counter reality
    actualize the counter reality
    adapt trickers and to the trickers in you in relation to your aim

    Using these to flow one´s emotions towards the direction one has and understanding the truly deep reality of the emotions that covid provokes one will thrive in this time. Now, here are some examples of using the emotions provoked by covid to one benefit:

    What one needs to add to one´s state to thrive in helplessness:
    examples of one´s capability
    followed by realizations that even when being helpless is the power that one has beyond that which one thinks

    what one needs to add to one´s state to thrive in fear:
    examples that one is not in danger
    seeing it as the best starting point to learn to calming oneself

    what one needs to add to one´s state to thrive in boredom:
    activity that creates excitement in one´s being (fx. walking, because it gets your heart rate up)
    perceiving the greatness of every small thing

    what one needs to add to one´s state to thrive in loneliness:
    social activity
    the ability to entertain oneself by oneself
    seeing it as the best circumstance to learn to thrive by oneself

    what one needs to add to one´s state to thrive in longing:
    goals that one get´s benefit from achieving and that one wants to achieve
    realizations that one does not need anything specific

    what one needs to add to one´s state to thrive in frustration:
    actions of directing the extra energy into a driving power to change that in reality that one would want to be different in a way that one can be thankful for

    All emotion are in a sense the same, and therefore do have the same construction, this in my perspective being a corresponsive system including:
    trickers in you
    trickers in that which you come in contact with
    the relationship in the propelling effect of the emotion and the depropelling effect (how much concentration or fixation you allow and are predisposed to effect upon the specific emotion)

    These could be the points of entry to the specific emotion that one is challenged by the most during this time. Less trickers in you equals less of the emotion and therefore less fixation in that flow of life - this could rightly so be one's main focus in mastering one's emotions. The emotion flows through oneself, so, the way of the emotion is directed by you, its evolution is processed through you. So, how do you thrive in the emotional realm of this time?
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