• Ken Edwards
    Fantasizing is a common mental activity.
    Planning is a common mental activity.
    Fantasizing is sometimes useful for successful planning.
  • Jack Cummins

    I would say that fantasising is a good way of visualising our goals. The only thing that I would say that sometimes life is not that straightforward to plan because there are hidden variables which come into play. So, we may also need fantasising to cope in the aftermath, when the planning does not give us the goals we wish for. Or, on the other hand we could wonder if our original fantasising was not done fully, or in line with our deepest more subconscious fantasies.
  • Ken Edwards
    Agreed . Fantasizing seems to have many ramifications and is very widely useful.
    Planning is nothing more than fantasizing methodically.

    Fantasizing, preparing, planning, looking ahead, foreseeing, designing, daydreaming and inventing are all mental skills and are all different aspects of the same thing - Playing Make Believe.
  • Sir2u
    Fantasizing can also be just thinking about things, such as taboo sex or not paying your tax and spending the money on a new car, without any other intention involved.

    You could fantasize about running down the road naked screaming the devil is behind me, but that does not mean yu are planning to do it.
  • Ken Edwards
    A coincidence. I do that every morning

    Or what to say here.
  • Valentinus
    As practical matter, planning is attracted to the most difficult elements to achieve and seeks various ways to make those things manageable. I figure the fantasy element is playing out different solutions in ones head and trying things out as a consequence. A large number of those attempts are mixed bags of success and failure. In the trades, the process teaches boldness and restraint at the same time. Give it your best shot but know when to back off and stop fooling with something.
  • Ken Edwards
    All true, Valentinus. Too too true!
    But also remember playing. Remember grown men with paint guns dressede like comandos. Fantasizeing running wild. But Fun!
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    Since the topic has come up I will share again that for a few, maybe many women myself included, the ultimate part of fantasy is to allow your mind to relax enough for your body to absorb and enjoy the pleasure and stop thinking. We can be moved into fantasizing through the written or spoken roleplaying as opposed to men who society suggests fantasize visually.
    I stumbled onto this site and have found it interesting.
  • Ken Edwards
    Good Luck

    Here is what I think. I think that we human beings were not created all at once, all at one stroke. I think that we all evolved slowly over a period of 350 million years.
    I believe that all humans are of the same age.
    The very first living being with genes and reproductive facilities was born spontaneously in the ocean 350 million years ago and has never since died. It still lives. It has slowly evolved through millions of centuries into you and me and into all of the other millions of different forms of life on the planet earth and on the space station.
    We are all, in a very real sense, 350 million years old.
    But you, my friend, are the final you. And you soon will die.
    Every human being has always existed in one of two different shapes. He has always lived in the shape of a SPERM CELL or the shape of an OVA CELL.
    Except for this one brief moment, (today). We each exist today in the shape of the animal we see in a mirror.

    In ALL of this 350 million years, only once have you and I ever seen the sun. Only once.
    All humans alive today have basked in the light of the sun. All humans alive today will take that vision with them to the grave. And that cold, cold grave will be the first and only time they will ever have experienced the cold of death in al their long, long lives.

    But maybe not the last!
    There is still hope! Not for me, alas, but maybe for you!

    Perhaps a single, tiny piece of you will travel down to your testicles and and will live there comfortably and will then be squirted into a living vagina.

    And will live forever.

    Good Luck, Ken Edwards
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