• Ken Edwards
    Here is what I think. I think that we human beings were not created all at once, all at one stroke. I think that we evolved slowly over a period of 350 million years.

    I believe that all humans are of the same age.

    That first living being with genes and reproductive facilities was born spontaneously in the ocean 350 million years ago and has never died. It still lives. It has slowly evolved through millions of centuries into you and me and into all of the other different forms of life on the planet earth and on the space station.

    We are all, in a very real sense, 350 million years old.

    Every human has always existed in one of two different shapes during his long life, except for this one brief moment. He has always lived in the shape of a sperm cell or the shape of an ova cell.

    Only once, only one time, has any individual human being ever seen the sun. All humans alive today have basked in the light of the sun. All humans alive today will take that vision with them to the grave. That will be the first time they have experienced the cold of death in their long, long lives.

    But hold! I am leaving out the most important part. I am leaving out the good news!

    Very recently, only about a half a million years, a new mind was born. The conscious mind!

    Consciousness or Self Awareness and Speech have finally come into existence. I was beginning to think it never would!

    Languages have come into existence. Vocabulary has come into existence. Meaning has come into existence. Sciences and Philosophy have come into existence. Economics and Money have come into existence Kindergartens and Colleges have come into existence.

    And today the world has changed into a gigantic Horn of Plenty, a gigantic Santa Cause.

    Would you believe bathrooms with bathtubs? Would you believe pizzerias? Would you believe cars and buses? Would you believe houses with central heating? ice cream with chocolate chips? television? hot tubs? water slides? hospitals?

    So what do you think? Was it a good trade off? Eternal life in exchange for Philosophy Forums and Hershey bars with almonds?

    What do you think?
  • Anthony Minickiello
    I love this post so much. Eternal life doesn’t appeal to me, personally, since I like to think of myself as here on Earth for a good time, but not a long time. Hershey bars are my favorite candy, though. Eternal life without philosophy forums is okay, as I imagine we could find other ways to philosophize together. Though eternal life without philosophy of any kind feels to me like an existential crisis waiting to happen.
  • Miguel Hernández

    Eternal life lasts a little while.
  • Ken Edwards
    I don't understand. You seem to contradict yourself
  • Ken Edwards
    You are correct. I shouldn't have used the word: "eternal".
    I say we are 350 million years only in a very narrow sense. When I say "we" I don't mean we as individuals. We as individuals live fewer than 115 years. I mean some microscopic sized bits of our protoplasm in our reproductive mechanisms (in the testicals in males) have never experienced the cold of death. I think that is obviously a truthful statement and is a routinely accepted fact among scientists. After all, we had to come from something. The proof is that here we are.

    I mean that our 350 million year old bits of protoplasm may well continue to live another 100,00 years or more.

    Keep in mind that when a living cell divides into two parts the two parts will be identical to the original cell.
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