• thelonecuriosity
    It's simply a curious thought. By your own definition of good, what is the greatest action or doing (maybe even undoing) one can do?
  • Zolenskify
    Any time I see a worm on the sidewalk, I take it and place it back in the ground, digging a little burrow and all. Similarly, any time I see a spider or ladybug inside, I take it and bring it back outside. I think that - while it is a curious thought, like you said - a vital consideration to make when doing something good, is if anyone is around to watch you do it.
  • Pantagruel
    Any time I see a worm on the sidewalk, I take it and place it back in the ground, digging a little burrow and all. Similarly, any time I see a spider or ladybug inside, I take it and bring it back outside. I think that - while it is a curious thought, like you said - a vital consideration to make when doing something good, is if anyone is around to watch you do it.Zolenskify

    i went back to college about 10 years ago because the government paid me to get a programming diploma as a skills upgrade. I used to get there quite early some days and had to walk a long path from a rear parking lot to the campus. There would always be a large number of worms crossing the path in the heavy morning dew. After carelessly stepping on one, I resolved to be more aware, so thereafter i walked with extreme caution the length of the path.

    One day, after a few weeks of this, I was picking my way along when suddenly my mind opened to everything that was going on everywhere around me. I saw sun shining on the surrounding fields and lawns, and the few other people on their way to class, I even saw myself carefully navigating the path.

    I think the greatest good one can do, for oneself and others, is to cultivate mindfulness, being in the moment and aware of everything that one does and of its impact on everything else.
  • Zolenskify
    Yes sir, I agree, and your point hold all the more importance during these polarized times. One must remain mindful of how their words and actions effect others, for once one looses this sense, they have lost an integral part of their humanity.
  • Sir2u
    By your own definition of good, what is the greatest action or doing (maybe even undoing) one can do?thelonecuriosity

    Don't screw up other peoples' lives.
  • 180 Proof
    "The most Good one can do", I think, is to engage
    in solidarity
    , with as many others as possible (especially) in any exigent situation, to simultaneously oppose Wrong conduct and sabotage Unjust social systems.
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