• Thinking
    Beliefs behave quite biologically and follow the "law of the jungle". I have a belief that has survived that jungle for a long time and it is "believe only that which empowers you most, everything else is used to instill fear in you and doesn't serve you in any way, even if it is true." What do you take o this? How do you build the best belief for the most empowered individual? Answer below.
  • javi2541997

    How do you build the best belief for the most empowered individual? Answer below.Thinking

    I think depends of every human and their goals. First of all, we have to develop de ability of believe in. It doesn’t matter the objective but it looks like humans will always have something to believe in (for example: reduce climate change).
    When we get this development, then we start to have beliefs. that follow us during our lives. Some stay for so long others can fall during the journey.

    For example: I believe in the fact of reduce climate change (premise 1)
    I have the belief of take action (premise 2)
    Then, my beliefs are so powerful that I believe we can reduce it.
  • BC
    One part of this 'jungle' is that we can form beliefs in irrational, subconscious, and accidental ways. If one is born into a devout family, one will probably have religious beliefs installed early and deeply. Risk aversion vs. risk tolerance (something we don't choose to have) will shape beliefs. If one regularly gets beat up by a Norwegians gang, one will probably develop unfavorable beliefs about all Norwegians (as well one should).

    It is debatable (and doubtful) that we can just 'choose our beliefs' from a menu of options. We can change beliefs, we can believe new things, and abandon old beliefs, but it is fairly hard to do it.
  • Tom Storm
    "believe only that which empowers you most, everything else is used to instill fear in you and doesn't serve you in any way, even if it is true."Thinking

    The issue I see with this statement is that it is open to many interpretations and comes with some odd assumptions from where I sit.

    What does empowerment mean in your context? How do you know when something is empowering and when it is not?

    What do you mean by 'everything else' - what are you turning away form? And what is 'instill fear'? With respect, it all sounds slightly paranoid to me. Who is instilling fear? And why? Or is this a by product? How do you determine the diving line between the empowering knowledge and that which is 'everything else'?

    People's world views are often self-fulfilling. If they believe life is a jungle - that's what it will look like. If they think life is transcendent - that's what it will look like.

    I personally have little interest in social Darwinist/law of the jungle models - what makes life interesting for me is not following a formula or a schema as much as is possible in the full knowledge that there are influences and factors beyond our control and knowledge. I am not looking to be empowered or enhanced by any particular worldview. I am mostly comfortable just being - with all the usual swirling mass of influences and constraints that might entail.
  • BitconnectCarlos

    "believe only that which empowers you most, everything else is used to instill fear in you and doesn't serve you in any way, even if it is true."Thinking

    This is a terrible way of thinking.

    Imagine you wanted to try MMA or Judo. It might "empower" you the most to think that you're the greatest Judoka or MMA fighter who ever existed, but this belief is going to be extremely detrimental to your development in that area.

    See reality as it is, not according what empowers you the most.

    This is hubris and it'll come back to bite you.
  • Thinking
    Absolutely in neurophilosophy I learned that we will adopt the beliefs that are most rational for our knowledge and experience.
  • Thinking
    I want to know a belief that will empower myself in THIS life the most that is also rational enough that I can believe in it. Empower as in giving confidence and aptitude in a given individual. The opposite of that would be disempowerment which is instilling lack of confidence and fear in a given individual.
  • Thinking
    Believing is a lot more than just "thinking" you are this or that. You have to truly feel. Truly believe that you are capable. and it must rational enough for your mind to believe in. The example you gave is very poor because it is actually a very limiting and disempowering belief if you look deeper into it.
  • unenlightened
    How do you build the best belief for the most empowered individual? Answer below.Thinking

    I am clever and you are stupid; you wouldn't understand.
  • Huh
    False beliefs are the strongest beliefs.
  • Pop

    In Yogic logic you always create your own reality from the beliefs you hold to be true.

    But a belief is not part of the set of 'what is true', :sad: Until you believe it to be! :razz:

    So you have picked your beliefs wisely! :up:
  • Thinking
    I am in agreeance with you. Our collective reality and the belief that creates it our not capable of sustaining our planet for much longer so the cause (being our beliefs) must change. So, then, what causes these beliefs? How can we change them for a belief better suited for creation?
  • Thinking
    That, my friend, is a very limiting belief because it prevents you learning anymore from what I have to offer. Everybody (both stupid and smart) has something to teach you that you do not know.
  • TheMadFool
    believe only that which empowers you most, everything else is used to instill fear in you and doesn't serve you in any way, even if it is true.Thinking

    Truth empowers you — TMF

    A person X believing something is hardly going have practical consequences without that belief being true. For instance, you would feel empowered - confident, influential - if you believed that you were the president of the USA but that wouldn't be real power if you actually weren't the US president, right? Much to your chagrin, you would find yourself in a mental asylum, constantly interviewed by men in white coats and that's definitely not what empowerment is.
  • khaled
    Sounds like as good a starting point as any. I used to operate by the opposite principle. “If you don’t want to believe it it is probably true so might as well rip the band aid off and believe it”. Can’t say it’s done me any good.

    I don’t think discussions of this level really make sense. Your disposition towards what to believe and what to reject precedes any beliefs, so no one can really change your mind about it. If I tell you “Hey that’s a terrible way of thinking” then that counts as a disempowering belief and so you will reject it.

    Similarly, if you were to attack my disposition then I would think “I want to believe he’s right, so I won’t”.

    These “dispositions” are largely impervious to attack or discussion. And there isn’t really any set starting point when it comes to them, since they precede all argumentation and belief. They seem to be more like personality traits than beliefs.

    Way I see it, this thread might as well be a discussion of which flavor of ice cream is best. No one is going to change their mind, because there is no objective answer.
  • Huh
    Just cause you know something is true doesn't mean your right,
    people are crazy.

    If there exist something true in the world why don't more people know about it?
  • unenlightened
    That, my friend, is a very limiting belief because it prevents you learning anymore from what I have to offer. Everybody (both stupid and smart) has something to teach you that you do not know.Thinking

    Told you you wouldn't understand. If you are to teach me something, you will have to be less predictable.
  • baker
    That, my friend, is a very limiting belief because it prevents you learning anymore from what I have to offer. Everybody (both stupid and smart) has something to teach you that you do not know.Thinking
    This contradicts/undermines what you said earlier:
    "believe only that which empowers you most, everything else is used to instill fear in you and doesn't serve you in any way, even if it is true."Thinking
  • Thinking
    What constitutes truth anyway? With a world full of disinformation how can we trust religion or science? Both of those fields are are either to subject to change or not enough to say they actually have truth. I feel you should trust only in yourself (you are your own best friend after all) for your own discernment of information. Use intuition if you have to. Nonetheless the truth should be decided by ones own self and soul. This current paradigm would be broken if we relied more on the things we can absolutely trust and if you don't trust yourself you need to change that in order to live your life with your own free will. This is my empowering belief. Answer below.
  • Thinking
    No contradiction here.
  • Thinking
    Look at Christianity for example. Many say they don't teach truth, however, Christianity is the most popular religion in the world and has one of the biggest impacts on history. I think it has a lot to do with their belief of utter disregardance for THIS life and THIS planet and reaping the temporary rewards as such. I want to know a belief that is very empowering that serves to cherish the life and planet here and now.
  • Huh
    staying alive is my belief and I don't think i can do it alone.
  • unenlightened
    What constitutes truth anyway? — Jesting Pilate

    It's what they crucify you for speaking.
  • TheMadFool
    Look at Christianity for example. Many say they don't teach truth, however, Christianity is the most popular religion in the world and has one of the biggest impacts on history. I think it has a lot to do with their belief of utter disregardance for THIS life and THIS planet and reaping the temporary rewards as such. I want to know a belief that is very empowering that serves to cherish the life and planet here and now.Thinking

    I don't know if it's true or not but all religions have that hard-to-ignore sense of desperation that characterizes a person who knows fae's doomed. No, not empowerment at all but a last ditch effort to escape from the inevitable...end [death & decay].
  • Pop
    Our collective reality and the belief that creates it our not capable of sustaining our planet for much longer so the cause (being our beliefs) must change. So, then, what causes these beliefs? How can we change them for a belief better suited for creation?Thinking

    We don't have a collective reality. We create our personal reality from the beliefs we hold to be true. We each have a personal reality - as is evidenced by the variety of understanding expressed in the comments of threads in this forum. This is the problem! If we all agreed then we could live in harmony!

    But then life would have placed all its eggs in the same basket, which would be a problem if we were collectively wrong. :smile:

    I want to know a belief that is very empowering that serves to cherish the life and planet here and now.Thinking

    I think this would be monism. Dualism is largely the mode of understanding that has led to the situation we are in today. I think a monist understanding, where everything is self created from information, energy, and matter would be a step toward universal relatedness. If we understood ourselves as being fundamentally related to each other, and to everything else on this planet, then it would be easier to empathize with, and thus respect everything else.

    Buddhism is the closest to this mode of thinking. There is only one Buddhist country - Bhutan. They measure Gross national happiness, 75% of the country is nature reserve, and they are the only carbon negative country. There would be a substantial tradeoff of lifestyle however.
  • TheMadFool
    What constitutes truth anyway?
    — Jesting Pilate

    It's what they crucify you for speaking.

    Keep it coming! :up:
  • TheMadFool
    With a world full of disinformationThinking

    You forget that lies must mimic truths for them to be a force we must reckon with.
  • Thinking
    To not think there is a collective of some kind seems somewhat absurd to me. I know that I create my own reality but I know I am not the only one creating my own reality. I am also not the only one participating to the destruction of this planet.
  • Thinking
    That is sadly the case today.
  • TheMadFool
    That is sadly the case today.Thinking

    Lies must dress up as truths, if not, lies are worthless.
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