• T Clark
    I hate polls, but I thought this one might be useful, if only to satisfy my curiosity. In a recent thread, the text I've copied below was posted. I objected, saying that a similar derogatory post about any racial or ethnic group other than white people would not be allowed in the forum. The poster responded that the text did not specifically refer to white people, which made me laugh. The text clearly refers to white people in the southern US. Here's the text:

    I'm a New Yorker (by way of Cali, DC, Minnesota & Arizona) who has lived in the "dirty south" from 1997-2002 and 2015-present. "Hotlanta" is the epistome of sinning like hell for six days and (occasionally) getting right with Jeezus on Sunday. Praise the Lawd! The religious hypocrisy is as thick as smoked molasses down here in the Bible Belt. More adultery, fatherless children, unwed mothers, porn gambling & opiod addicts, junky baptist strippers, titty bars & jack shacks, shameless obesity, gas-guzzling Trump-festooned pick-up trucks, liquor stores & chicken shacks, maskless morons in a pandemic, gun racks & MAGA-QAnon-Confederate flags, more hate crimes & police lynchings, private (plantation) prisons & endemic voter suppression, etc – you name the social pathology, son, and we've got it in spades down here in Dixie – Gawd's own country! Wtf are you talking about, T Clark? :lol: Yeah, these folks wear their knee-jerk 'White Jeezus-ism' on their sleeve-less sleeves like cheap, truck stop tattoos but that's because these "Gawd-fearing folks" belong to the least educated, least healthy, demographic in the US.

    The kind of language in this post makes me angry, but I'm not proposing that it be removed or restricted. I'd just like to talk about whether similar language should be acceptable for black people, Hispanics, Asians, or others. If not, why is it acceptable for white people?

    As far as I'm concerned, this conversation can go where it goes. I don't intend to try to keep it focused in any particular direction. Speaking for myself, I intend to try to keep my own contributions low-key and philosophical.
    1. Is the text included in the opening post acceptable here or any other forum? (4 votes)
  • Baden

    There's no mention of race in the quoted post. There's only a reference to "white Jesusism" which is not a race but the racist idea that Jesus was white. You're allowed to critize that obviously.
  • Baden
    And why must all of the following, for example, "clearly" be white people:

    1) Religious hypocrtites
    2) Opioid addicts
    3) Adulterers
    4) Strippers
    5) Maskless morons
    6) Unwed mothers

    That, if anything, is a racist assumption on your part.
  • T Clark
    There's no mention of race in the quoted post. There's only a reference to "white-Jesusism" which is the racist idea that Jesus was white.Baden

    Yes, that's what the poster claimed. As I noted, I think that is disingenuous. Rather than arguing about that I'll just ask - if I text were about white people, would it be acceptable.
  • Baden

    You have no right to inject your own racist inferences into other posters' posts.
  • Baden
    if I text were about white people, would it be acceptable.T Clark

    Dude, if the cap fits, whoever it fits needs to wear it, whatever race they are. You are retroactively presuming it does fit a particular race and then asking if that's racist. If there's a racist in that scenario, it's you.
  • T Clark
    You have no right to inject your own racist inferences into other posters' posts.Baden

    Of course I do, or, when you say "you have no right" do you mean that as a moderator you won't allow? If so, just stop the thread now. As I said, I plan to keep my input civil and low key.
  • Baden

    You're again falsely accusing another poster of being racist with no evidence whatsoever when you've been informed on several occasions there is no evidence. Having no leg to stand on, you again present this in a misleading way and try a trial by poll. There's nothing civil or "low key" about that at all. Either show me the exact racist quote or retract the accusation.
  • T Clark
    You're again falsely accusing another poster of being racist with no evidence whatsoever when you've been informed on several occasions there is no evidence. Having no leg to stand on, you again present this in a misleading way and try a trial by poll. There's nothing civil about that at all. Either show me the exact racist quote or retract the accusation.Baden

    I think I've set up this discussion in a clear and fair way. If, as a moderator, you disagree, and if you think that the thread is unacceptable, I am not going to raise a ruckus if you remove it.
  • Baden
    I think I've set up this discussion in a clear and fair way.T Clark

    I disagree, but I'm not going to delete or close it quite yet (although maybe another mod will, which is fine by me). I expect the response will be more akin to my interpretation that this is not at all a fair way to represent someone's quote than your idea that this is just a low key civil thing to do.
  • Baden
    Now, please answer my question:

    And why must all of the following, for example, "clearly" be white people:

    1) Religious hypocrtites
    2) Opioid addicts
    3) Adulterers
    4) Strippers
    5) Maskless morons
    6) Unwed mothers
  • T Clark
    You're again falsely accusing another poster of being racistBaden

    For the record, I didn't call the poster a racist. He's not. I like and respect him and he and I agree on a lot. I didn't say anything about him. I only asked about the post he wrote.

    Now, please answer my question:Baden

    I don't intend to answer your question. In my opinion, the language clearly refers to white people. I don't feel any need to justify that. If other people agree with you, this thread will peter out quickly.
  • James Riley
    if I text were about white people, would it be acceptable.T Clark

    That's the thing, by the plain language alone, it would only be about some white people, not all. And, while I like the notion of "If the shoe fits, wear it", I like even better my own twist which is this: "If the shoe doesn't fit, why the hell are you wearing it?" Are you the accused? Or are you coming to the defense of the accused?

    Another angle is the "All Lives Matter" mantra in response to BLM. As has been opined elsewhere, that's like walking across the street to your neighbor's house on fire and asking the fireman "Hey, what about my house?" Jeesh, take a seat.

    Finally, when a heritage that you choose to venerate and hang on to is one of treason, slavery, racism, confederation, and anti-intellectualism, then you get to play the enemy of America. You probably don't want or need T Clark to come to your defense. Let the hate rain.
  • Baden
    In my opinion, the language clearly refers to white people.T Clark


    I don't feel any need to justify that.T Clark

    Yes, you do, because it forms the basis of your accusation of the use of racial language.
  • skyblack
    You have no right to inject your own racist inferences into other posters' posts.Baden


    You are retroactively presuming it does fit a particular race and then asking if that's racist. If there's a racist in that scenario, it's you.Baden


    You're again falsely accusing another poster of being racist with no evidence whatsoever when you've been informed on several occasions there is no evidence. Having no leg to stand on, you again present this in a misleading way and try a trial by poll. There's nothing civil or "low key" about that at all.Baden

  • unenlightened
    The language is a bit obscure to this ancient white dinosaur. Nevertheless, I catch the general drift I think.

    And why must all of the following, for example, "clearly" be white people:

    1) Religious hypocrtites
    2) Opioid addicts
    3) Adultereres
    4) Strippers
    5) Maskless morons
    6) Unwed mothers

    That, if anything, is a racist assumption on your part.

    They don't have to be,
    these "Gawd-fearing folks" belong to the least educated, least healthy, demographic in the US.Not T Clark

    I wonder what demographic that is? Could it be this one?

    But the poor white man's used in the hands of them all like a tool
    He's taught in his school
    From the start by the rule
    That the laws are with him
    To protect his white skin
    To keep up his hate
    So he never thinks straight
    'Bout the shape that he's in
    But it ain't him to blame
    He's only a pawn in their game
    — Bob Dylan

    To speak of race is always to take a risk, but the risk of not speaking is a far more damaging form of racism. Let me say out loud that the dreadful history of the manufacture of race and the institutionalisation of racism as ghettoising, apartheid, has damaged us all and continues to damage us all. But clearly the history of Europe and America is all one way and none of the other way. To suggest that there is a legacy of black superiority that needs to be addressed by special threads and moderation to protect white folks is an insult to the intelligence of a moron.

    We can talk about white people in various ways, and we need to be able to, to make sense of history, of the whole colonial story of which the slave trade and colonisation of the Americas was a large part, and the troubles social and psychological that we inherit on all sides. We need to make sense of it and take steps to ameliorate the ongoing damage.
  • Baden

    Essentially, it's a nice little conundrum he's gotten himself into. The extent he can be sure the language refers to white people equals the extent we're justified in assuming white people in the South are actually like that equals the lack of prejudicial content. And the only way out of this circus of foolishness is an even worse circular presumption that it's because 180 wrote it that it must be racist? Why? Because he's black? Oh, more racism from T Clark.
  • Outlander
    If not, why is it acceptable for white people?T Clark

    Maybe it's not. Go change the world instead of expecting others to change it for you if it's that important to you. Man "some people" are lazy af. Think everyone is just created to do things for them.
  • James Riley

    :100: The "other side" would then begin to understand what is meant by the term "dog whistle" which they've been using in support of fascist nationalism and racism from Dear Leader. Fun when the shoe is on the other foot.
  • T Clark
    That's the thing, by the plain language alone, it would only be about some white people, not all.James Riley

    I don't understand. What difference does it make whether it refers to all white people or just some? It definitely doesn't refer to me. I'm a northern white liberal

    Finally, when a heritage that you choose to venerate and hang on to is one of treason, slavery, racism, confederation, and anti-intellectualism, then you get to play the enemy of America. You probably don't want or need T Clark to come to your defense. Let the hate rain.James Riley

    This is the issue I had hoped to discuss. It looks like the thread won't go in that direction though.

    I don't think what the language describes is a "heritage." Actually, I think that was the posters point - he was describing what he considers to be the heritage of white southerners.
  • Baden
    Me: I saw some fat unhealthy stupid drug addicts in Atlanta the other day.
    T Clark: That exactly describes white Southerners! You racist!

    You have to laugh.
  • James Riley
    I don't understand. What difference does it make whether it refers to all white people or just some? It definitely doesn't refer to me. I'm a northern white liberalT Clark

    Then again, why wear the shoe if it doesn't fit? Is it because you find them an underdog in need of a white liberal defense?

    I don't think what the language describes is a "heritage."T Clark

    I do. In fact, many a southern bigot specifically defends their own stance as one of heritage. I get it from the following language: "Confederate flags . . . endemic voter suppression . . . Dixie . . ."

    My heritage is destroying them, circa 1860s. Why aren't they all about my heritage?
  • baker
    Actually, I think that was the posters point - he was describing what he considers to be the heritage of white southerners.T Clark

    This is a stereotype about white southerners, indeed. For example, when I think of people of the American South, my first impulse is to think of white people, not of blacks.
  • baker
    I do. In fact, many a southern bigot specifically defends their own stance as one of heritage. I get it from the following language: "Confederate flags . . . endemic voter suppression . . . Dixie . . ."James Riley

    On a philosophy forum, it should go without saying that people would do their due dilligence and check with the potentially offensive poster as to what they really mean, before accusing them of racism.

    Unless it is clear from the poster's posting history that they are a particular kind of racist supremacist.
  • praxis
    "If Jesus is white and God is white, then authority is white," Anthea Butler, an associate professor of religious studies and Africana studies at the University of Pennsylvania.
  • Baden
    By the way, @Hanover's a white Southerner and though being obese, a maskless moron, an opioid addict and an adulterer, he is, as far as I know, not an unwed mother. Stripper is 50/50. So, you've got at least one wrong, Clarky.
  • T Clark
    We can talk about white people in various ways, and we need to be able to, to make sense of history, of the whole colonial story of which the slave trade and colonisation of the Americas was a large part, and the troubles social and psychological that we inherit on all sides. We need to make sense of it and take steps to ameliorate the ongoing damage.unenlightened

    This answer makes sense to me, although I don't agree. This is the question I was trying to get at.

    I think there are two questions here 1) Do different rules apply to white people because of historical conditions and 2) Is the derogatory, contemptuous language used in the post acceptable.

    As for 1) - If I thought that criticizing white people for current and historic wrongs would help solve racial problems or make things better for racial minorities, I would probably support it. It is clear to me that that type of criticism makes things worse rather than better. Calling people "racist" doesn't make things better for anyone.

    And 2) - The contemptuous language in the post won't help solve any problems. It just makes the poster feel better but makes everything else worse. Beyond that, as I pointed out, I think this type of disparaging language would only be allowed about white people. I think that is a mistake.
  • T Clark
    Maybe it's not. Go change the world instead of expecting others to change it for you if it's that important to you. Man "some people" are lazy af. Think everyone is just created to do things for them.Outlander

    I don't understand what this has to do with this thread.
  • Baden

    All your arguments fall apart because the assumption the comments are exclusively about white people is yours and 180 is not responsible for your assumptions. Further, we don't do moderation on the basis of unfounded assumptions. At some point you need to acknowledge that and stop pretending you have any basis for your argument/complaint.
  • Baden
    So, now we're here:
    Me: I saw some fat unhealthy stupid drug addicts in Atlanta the other day.
    T Clark: That exactly describes white Southerners! You racist!
    Me: But why do you presume I was exclusively talking about whites??
    T Clark: I don't have to justify that. Now as I was saying...
  • T Clark
    On a philosophy forum, it should go without saying that people would do their due dilligence and check with the potentially offensive poster as to what they really mean, before accusing them of racism.baker

    As I noted. I have not accused anyone of racism. All my comments are about the text. I didn't even call it racist. I just asked if it was acceptable as a description of white people.

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