• Banno
    How can a descriptive sentence be a proscriptive rule?Sir2u

    It wasn't descriptive.
  • Banno

    This from the fellow who came up with the best response to any of my posts, and the funniest line ever posted on an internet forum: "Conchiousness explained..."

    I hope his humour has not left him.

    Hence: Keep playing.
  • Sir2u
    This is a very strange thread but, perhaps, it meets the strangeness of the times in which we live.Jack Cummins

    Not descriptive? :chin:

    OK. If you say so. :smirk:
  • Jack Cummins

    Your words puzzle me. Perhaps we should have a rule of writing invisible words, words which are not spoken and images which vanish, leaving no marks.
  • Sir2u
    Your words puzzle me.Jack Cummins

    Could I recommend a good dictionary, it might makes things clearer.

    Perhaps we should have a rule of writing invisible words, words which are not spoken and images which vanish, leaving no marks.Jack Cummins

    The purpose of this thread is to write the rules, not propose that someone else should write them.
    State your rule. If oth rs agr mayb it will be a epted. :wink:
  • Jack Cummins

    My rule is to go beyond the dictionary definitions of words and look at the subtext of written rules rather than the literal words individually. There may be hidden narratives and rhetoric behind what is being stated.
  • Sir2u
    My rule is to go beyond the dictionary definitions of words and look at the subtext of written rules rather than the literal words individually. There may be hidden narratives and rhetoric behind what is being stated.Jack Cummins

    Yer think?
    It's your turn to make the next rule.Banno

    I don't see much subtext there, maybe you could point it out for us.
  • Jack Cummins

    Perhaps, I am looking for meanings which aren't there. In saying this, I am probably wondering if some underlying purpose of the game is going to be revealed by @Banno, but it may be that everything is as it is, at face value, and nothing more. So, my next rule is that each person should write at least 50 words in their post.
  • Sir2u
    I am probably wondering if some underlying purpose of the game is going to be revealed by Banno,Jack Cummins

    All Banno wants to do is set the rules before we play the game, or is it to make a game of setting the rules. :worry:
  • Nils Loc
    Seventeen persons have lost their life because of the failed emergence (and utility) of this game.

    You maybe thinking this is absurd and impossible. It is. The people are not real but imaginary.

    They died in an imaginary flash flood, possibly due to imaginary climate change.

    Supposedly, if you follow the rules, ideally, less imaginary people will die.

    But how will you save those yet to die because of the failure of this non-game. How could a failed game cause such pretend devastation? How does one establish the failed game as a cause of these imaginary death?

    By pretending that the effect is real and searching for the mechanism by which a failure to help the game emerge takes lives (lives that ought to have been saved).

    The secret to giving the game life is to inspire the will to create it. But who has the will and strength to collaborate? Who has the passion?
  • Sir2u
    Seventeen persons have lost their life because of the failed emergence (and utility) of this game.

    The secret to giving the game life is to inspire the will to create it.
    Nils Loc

    Could that be paraphrased as "take the bloody game seriously or piss off"?

    Yes indeed the purpose of the game is not the game itself but the journey we take in its creation, or some other bullshit like that.

    But who has the will and strength to collaborate? Who has the passion?Nils Loc

    A better question would be, who has the total lack of morality needed to deny the creation of the game by not participating?
  • Nils Loc
    Could that be paraphrased as "take the bloody game seriously or piss off"?Sir2u

    A bit harsh. No one knows what it means to "take the game seriously" since the rules won't stick.

    So we have a strange paradoxical thing on our hands: a non-game game free for all.

    A better question would be, who has the total lack of morality needed to deny the creation of the game by not participating?Sir2u

    It's a double-bind now. You can't not play, even though in spirit no one ought to be forced to play (says some wannabe optional rule). To opt out is to opt in.

    As Pauly Sartre said, 'We're condemned to play the game.' C'est la vie
  • Sir2u
    Rule 72
    There shall be no discussion of philosophical topics in this thread.
  • Nils Loc
    Rule 67879777 On the Subject of Toilet Paper Etiquette

    All toilet paper rolls on a dispenser should have their paper ends face outwards toward the user, not towards the wall. All users should adjust toilet paper rolls that are improperly mounted in the correct direction if they notice.

    (Failure to follow this rule will result in a quantity of point demerits as outlined in the yet to be created social credit system. However, it is unlikely that there is any just mechanism by which such judgement of merit/demerit can be made on the basis of following or failing to follow such a rule).
  • Sir2u
    Rule 67879777 On the Subject of Toilet Paper EtiquetteNils Loc

    Part 2
    recycling of all paper product is highly recommended.
  • Nils Loc
    Down Under Rules

    Always use a franger when touching a drop bear.

    Never go unprepared into the never never.

    Fossicking in Tasmania requires a permit.

    Roo pouches are for Joeys only.
  • StupidIdiot
    Hi @Banno

    Around 10 or so years ago, I participated often in the philosophy forums. At the time, you had a quote, something to the gist of, “seek to interpret someone as optimally as you can as to influence agreement.” It was absolutely not that. I was wondering as it has pondered me for the last decade… do you have it written down somewhere? Do you know what I’m referring to?
    Sorry to fail at your game. I just couldn’t message you and at this point it’s become important to me to find the original phrasing… if you’d be so kind.

    Thanks — don’t even remember what my old username was
  • Banno

    We make maximum sense of the words and thoughts of others when we interpret in a way that optimises agreement.
  • StupidIdiot
    my lord. To think I’ve wondered at this when you were that accessible all this time… thank you so much. You have no idea what it means to me.
  • Banno
    All toilet paper rolls on a dispenser should have their paper ends face outwards toward the user, not towards the wall.Nils Loc

    Fringes, not mullets.
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