• PoeticUniverse
    Homework: Detail the beginning of the Universe, from the Planck time unto the end.
  • PoeticUniverse
    The Last Gasp for a Grasp

    The Reality of Light

    The Oddness of Light Photons

    Light is ‘null’ to time—not a part of it,
    Nor is light of space—it makes space-time ‘lit’.
    On a light beam there’s no extent or time!
    Light seems to have neither reason nor rhyme.

    Lighting the Way

    To ‘ride a light beam’ makes time instant,
    With the all of space shrinking to a point.

    Extending Penrose:

    To find out what there was before the Big Bang, we should look to what remains at the end of our universe.

    There are only photons; they cannot decay on their own. All that ever was is embodied in them. There is no mass any more.

    Photons don’t ‘experience’ time or distance. It doesn’t matter that we would see them as far apart an in time. They have no clocks and no rulers. They are together all at once.

    The next big Bang occurs from their singular point and they deliver the next universe that is inherent in them by emitting electrons and positrons which go on to form atoms.


    Since light photons are timeless and spaceless, Everything happens in an instant at infinite speed at a point before the Big Bang, this containing the universe from beginning to end; however, it takes time to play out, given that there is a lot of mass in between the start and the end, making the speed of light to be finite. It’s like a time-dilated broadcast.

    The universe must ever steer toward the blended symmetry order at the end, from its grouping order of matter and antimatter at the start, plus steering a path in between lumpiness and smoothness, this then bringing out all that has to occur in between for those two boundaries.

    Already There

    Light’s full speed in a true vacuum
    Of no time and no space is as ‘infinite’,
    For it is already everywhere;
    In other words: everywhere in no time.

    The Zero-Point Extended

    This point of creation-annihilation
    Is extended into a faux reality,
    Both by finite consciousness and by
    Light slowed by virtual particle pairs.


    Light photons colliding make for
    Electrons and positrons, and vice-versa,
    With the forward-time of photons being
    Canceled by the backward-time gravitons.

    Phantasmal Being

    Each ‘now’ that’s created and recreated
    Over the various relative quanta
    Has really already happened, coming, going,
    And never ever returning, gone in a flash.

    Once Upon a ‘Time’

    Of course, it did all really happen ‘once’,
    As in all-at-once, in the timeless realm
    That must be the state of the ‘eternal’ IS,
    With IS being close to what’s called the ‘Wiz’.

    The Play

    Our ‘reality’ is as a flip-book’s pages turning,
    The still pictures changing a bit, granting
    An apparent motion, such as in a movie;
    However, we do get to experience it!

    Come and Gone

    Like the light from a star already spent,
    Our ‘get up and go’ has long gone and went.
    We all birthed, lived, and died right away;
    There’s nothing left but the slo-mo replay.

    Being Nothingness

    Our parentheses in eternity
    Flashes as a twinkling, but’s extended
    By ‘time’ into a phantasmic life dream
    That’s existent the same as if it were.

    The Mechanics of Reality

    The result, being the message, is undeniable,
    But herein we speak of the messenger,
    Which is the implementation,
    As that of a recording, over a live band.

    What Makes No Difference is No Difference

    There is no difference in what makes none;
    ‘Eternalism’ is now playing, the living film—
    A reality show in the inner theater
    Of the mind’s eye, with the ‘I’ observing.


    For what is causeless there is no point
    At which any specific direction
    Can be imparted to it; thus, there is none:
    Everything that is possible can happen.

    The Shimmering Gleam

    We butterflies, on the edge of forever’s flight,
    Spread fast our wings on the ocean of light
    That is of the ageless photonic opposing waves
    In no time, mass, or space that is thereby made.

    Here and Now Seeming

    We are as beings of the everlasting light dream,
    As products time and time again by its means,
    Of the eternal return, as baubles blown and burst,
    Though frames of time that quench life’s thirst.

    Nowhere Man/Woman

    Time future, time present, and time past
    Are all at once, with not a bit of it to last.
    The glorious light flashes us into being shone,
    As the light eternal of all time to be known.
  • PoeticUniverse
    Only Alice did the homework:

    A Brief History of All History

    Alice looked to the stars and remarked, “I’ve come such a long way to be here, with you both, but my possibility was there in the beginning, with me spread all over the place. Now with you two in Honolulu.

    “I’m taking a cosmology course from Professor Victor Stenger, the guy you play tennis with, Patrick, and the final exam is coming, so I’m going to practice for it now, adding in some reflections of my own.”

    “The Planck era at 1E-43 seconds was the first hint of me, as a cyclical compactfication or a vacuum fluctuation eruption in an indefinite realm that’s as close to Nothing as can be, but it can’t be a Nothing as such, since that would be a definite, whereas the vacuum as the basic something must be fuzzy, uncaused, and so zero is out. Motion can’t cease or all would come to a standstill. ‘Stillness’, like ‘Nothing’, is impossible.

    “To learn the Secrets of what IS and ever WAS, we must brave the crypt and ghost of cause. The quantum foam as quantum fields is ever and always, and has pairs of virtual particles quick appearing and then annihilating and disappearing, as noise, in a kind of sub-existence when not anything forms to persist. They are somethings, as one might even call possibility or potential, but are not yet as true, meaningful existence until they become part of an information process and thus endure. This state has always been, and must be, so jot: that this All is ever here to be, since ‘Nothing’ cannot.

    “Here we fathom the cryptic, where the shade of substance slept with arithmetic. There is a basic lightness of being because anything more would then be of parts, and thus lie beyond the fundamental arts. The impossible ‘Full’ joins the impossible ‘Null’ in oblivion.

    “So, where the causeless reigns supreme, the spark nursed by embers is the first that the universe remembers when it fires toward the other members in a processing way. The opposite twins as virtual pairs rule the causing call, these positives and negatives constituting the All.

    “It proceeds very quickly. At 1E-36 seconds, in a GUT (Grand Unified Theory) transition, the strong force separates from the electro–weak force, the strong force providing for stability and the weak force for changeability.

    “Inflation begins, as a slow rolling scalar field generates negative pressure, causing an exponential expansion of spacetime. The doubling is of a vacuum energy density of 1E73 tons/cm^3. Quantum fluctuations lock in nearly scale invariant 1E-5 variation in energy density. Inflation was so fast that some virtual particles couldn’t recombine, thus becoming real. Here the enigma of the ever immortal is undone and unloosed through its portal.

    “At 1E-34 seconds, inflation quickly ends, the decay of the scalar inflaton field causing reheating. Is this the ‘let there be light moment’? No, photons don’t exist yet, but other massless vector quanta like left and right weak and B-L particles may exist. Things are not well known about this era. I am still a twinkling in the cosmic eye.

    “At1E-34 to 1E-8 seconds, in the quark era, there is the quark gluon plasma, and then quarks and perhaps proposed super partner particles dominate matter content.

    “At 1E-17 to 1E-15 seconds, SUSY (supersymmetry) breaking occurs when proposed super partners acquire mass with the LSP (lightest supersymmetric particle) expected to have a mass of about 10 Tev. In induced gravity models, this is where mass energy first generates the induced gravity field; gravity is born. I am grounded.

    “At 1E-10 seconds, there comes the electroweak transition, when the electroweak force, under the action of the Higgs mechanism breaks symmetry. The photon is born. The Standard Model particles acquire mass.

    “Lo! The quantum fields guide me, as illumination beside me, having produced the elementary particles, while the mind whirls round and round, as the ear draws forth the sound, as the eye sees the light, and of the dark the fright. Fear not the proof—it’s the beauty of the truth.

    “At 1E-5 seconds, quark confinement comes about when the QCD (Quantum chromodynamics) vacuum becomes superconducting to color magnetic current. Quarks and gluons become confined.

    “At 1E-5 to 1 E-4 seconds, in the hadron era, protons, neutrons, and pions, etc., form. Now my future atoms are on the horizon.

    “At 1E-4 seconds, hadron annihilation occurs during a brief period of proton/anti proton and neutron/anti neutron annihilation. A slight favoring of matter over anti matter, possibly locked in by CP violation by the neutrinos being only left-handed (CP is the combination of charge symmetry and parity symmetry) at reheating allows some excess protons and neutrons to survive, with ten billion photons for every matter particle, which tells us how many annihilations there were.

    “At 1E-4 to 10 seconds, in the next era, leptons are the dominant energy density, such as electrons.

    “We are up to about one second after the Big Bang now, at neutrino decoupling, when mass energy falls low enough to free neutrinos, creating the neutrino cosmic background.

    “At 10 seconds, electrons and positrons annihilate, leaving a tiny fraction of electrons remaining. At this point the total number of electrons equals the total number of protons. This is a beautiful symmetry.

    “From 10 seconds to 57 thousand years is the radiation era, in which photons created from the annihilation of matter and anti-matter dominate the energy density of universe. Light has been let; I will shine.

    “At 1-5 minutes, nucleosynthesis begins, as fusion of protons creates helium, deuterium and trace amounts of lithium. A few of my basics are there.

    “At 57,000 years, there is matter/radiation equality.

    The radiation density (photon and neutrino) and matter density (dark and atomic) are equal. This is because radiation density falls more quickly due to the stretching of the relativistic particles’ wavelengths. Dark matter clumps into structures. Atomic matter begins oscillation due to the battle between gravity and photon pressure generating acoustic oscillations. The first sounds of the new universe come forth as the ‘word’.

    “At 380,000 years, there is recombination, when the temperature falls low enough to allow atoms to form; photons decouple. The CMBR (Cosmic Microwave Radiation Background) is born, locking in its structure for us to look back at later—the record of the earliest visible time in the universe.

    “For 5 to 200 million years, there is a dark age, as the photons fall into the infra red energy range. The universe goes dark. The atomic gas continues to fall toward the dark matter clumps, which grow more pronounced.

    “Near to 100 Million years, the densest clumps halt their expansion and begin collapsing.

    “By 200 Million years, the first mini halos form and within these the atomic cloud cools and collapses to make the very first stars whose light brings to an end the dark era. We are totally of stars to be, as stardust.

    “At 200 million years, there are the first stars, which are very massive and short lived, but emit some lower atomic elements since this doesn’t require extra energy. They die in violent neuron star collisions or in supernova explosions, filling the cosmos with the higher atomic elements that needed energy to be added, building dust for new stars and the planets of solar systems, and the elements for life.

    “At 200 to 800 million years, there is the epoch of ionization, in which the radiation from the stars and possibly the first quasars, ionizes much of the remaining neutral hydrogen and helium. A thin mist returns and partly obscures the CMBR, but future Low Frequency Radio Telescopes may be able to see the epoch of ionization.

    “At 1 to 2 billion years, there become infant galaxies, as star groups merge. There are frequent collisions of galaxies, high star birth rates, and high supernova rates. Heavy element production changes the pattern of star formation, making them lower mass, less luminous and longer lived, like second and third generation metallic stars of today that life had to wait for. The stage is set for the emergence of life, although it is still 6 billions years away; the cosmos will then have eyes to see and minds to think, like ours.

    “At 2 to 3 billion years, there is a star birth and quasar peak. In the dense environment of frequent galaxy collisions, the star birth rate reaches it maximum, as does the forming and feeding of supermassive black holes, as darkling beasts. Abandon hope all ye who enter there.

    “At 6 billion years, there are the first very rich galaxy clusters, since enough time has elapsed for the densest regions to stop expanding and form these clusters.

    “At 7 billion years, there is decelerated acceleration.

    The effects of dark energy kick in. The universe once again begins to accelerate its expansion rate, but gentler.

    “At 8 billion years, the first modern spiral galaxies form, although some elliptical galaxies form in the first billion years, but classic spiral galaxies aren’t seen until at about 5 billion years.

    “At 9 billion years, there is matter and dark energy equality, since the falling density of matter, both dark and atomic, become equal to that of dark energy.

    “At 9.1 billion years, our sun and Earth form. We are inherent, as ever. Our solar system forms in the outer disk of the Milky Way, a relatively safe place. The stage is set for the emergence of humankind in the Cosmos—for us to meet and love. All this from stabilizations forming, onward and upward, in emergences, taking on a life of their own, and so on.

    “At 13.7 billion years, there is the present time. Human civilization perhaps reaches its peak and perhaps begins heading into decline and eventual extinction due to over population, resource depletion, and environmental destruction, which generates conflict as human nation states fight for ever dwindling resources, aggravated by global warming. Hopefully, humankind is not typical and intelligent life solves the problem of balancing intelligent life needs with available resources by developing communitarian economic social structures.

    “By the way, all of this is dynamic in time. There cannot be a block universe because it’s infinite into the future, it’s a complexity as First, it can’t have a definite blueprint, and we would not need brains to redundantly figure things out if they were already set, as in a movie, as conglomerations are.

    “At 16 to 17 billion years in the future, the Milky Way collides with the Andromeda galaxy. Somewhere within this time our sun enters into its red giant phase, vaporizing the Earth. Humankind, perhaps already extinct for over 4 billion years, is not around here to witness this event, though possibly a new intelligent species who emerged after the extinction of human–kind might be. It will be a very sad time for them unless their technology includes very advanced space flight. We are just a tiny and insignificant spark of all time considered at large, as less than 5% of all matter types.

    “At 20 billion years, the growth of structures ceases, for expansion due to dark energy empties each casual patch of the Cosmos. The great story of our universe draws to a close. It was a ride to the middle of nowhere that takes away the meaning of what out baggings meant.

    “At 100 billion years, what remains of the Milky Way is alone in its causal patch of the Universe. We are alone.

    “At 1000 billion years, which is a trillion, the last stars die, giving rise to the final, silent dark; however, stirring in the vacuum of spacetime itself are the ever present vacuum fluctuations. One small patch quite by some indefinite chance fluctuates sufficiently to create a volume of false vacuum which cuts off from its mother universe by negative pressure, and explodes into a new universe, creating new spacetime and future hope for the emergence of intelligent life in the cosmos. I’m done.”

    “Cripes!” I exclaimed, “and that’s only a part of the exam, as the overall scheme, with more details to it.”

    Cho added, “Very good, and Patrick and I came up with something like your idea, as Fundamental Possibility, since there’s no point at which to impart any definite plan to Totality, given that is has no ‘outside’ and no ‘before’.”

    “Yeah,” answered Alice. “Cosmetics is much easier than cosmology, by far; however, I’m so glad to be as me, relating to both of you. We, although distinctive outcroppings of the ‘IS’, as the Cosmos ongoing, aren’t really independent, self goings-on, but are all of the play’s expression continuing and happening from the one big effect of the Big Bang—and that’s what does us all.”
  • Derrick Huestis
    the only is existent of us beyond our frame is our conscience, as a token share of the overall conscience.Santiago

    I partially agree with this, except it is a little too us-centered. I'd reverse it and say our conscience takes a part in this far greater conscience, with the overall conscience being infinite.
  • Derrick Huestis
    Love comes from an emotional. system, at least in us.PoeticUniverse

    Partially yes, but there is also a crucial intellectual component to it. It is simultaneously a choice and a feeling, sometimes the feeling leads to the choice, and sometimes the choice leads to the feeling. From my experience, when the choice leads to the feeling, there is generally a much higher level of commitment.

    Further adding to this, as a foster parent I've noticed that our ability to love and feel loved is developed in childhood, so when it is lacking the emotions aren't enough to compensate for the intellectual aspect that is missing. In the vacuum of love we develop large ego's and become so self-centered we can no longer feel empathy for others. 1/3 of the kid's I've had were sexually abused, and this love-vacuum has formed numerous kids to be abusers of other children, I've known of 5 at this point. I had an 8 year old who tried burning my house down, by 11 he had caused permanent eye damage to a gal in a facility. I've had numerous other problems I won't mention here. But there is one commonality: none of them have any idea how much they are hurting others. They have the emotions, but there is a brokenness to them, and a brokenness to the intellectual understanding of love as well. They believe themselves to be loving while doing all the opposite things. To simplify love as being only a feeling is a grave mistake, but understanding it more fully is also an almost impossible task without understanding the greater component of existence in general. I don't think love belongs to humans, but is something humans partake of, even if imperfectly.
  • PoeticUniverse
    I don't think love belongs to humans, but is something humans partake of, even if imperfectly.Derrick Huestis

    This is a sad story, yet, we wouldn't even be around were it not for evolution doing as it had to do, granting a barbaric life for millions of years to all the hominids who came before, and to the whole tree of life beneath that. Even now, from evolution's 'design' of human nature without a designer (who would have done it much better out of Love) the times are still tough in many places, and will be getting worse from global warming and viruses, which is a large opening for evolution to weed the silly from the wise, to sift the best from the rest in terms of survival (the unvaccinated will die).

    From tsihcrana:

    The [computer] program would, by pure doggedness 'and accident', eventually simulate the universe* (and probably create several AIs on the way). In that simulation would be 'beings' who think they are real, alive, and conscious, but who are ultimately just code adhering to the rules of the program. They're not special or unique or serve any purpose to the computer running the simulation. The simulation doesn't care about their plight or take anything from their existence. It just runs the code.

    We're just the same: created by eons of chance/change and ruled by the genetic 'code' that haphazardly arose from those changes, unaware of our mechanical nature and liable to ascribe meaning to things because that's what our 'code' has us do. When genetics arose that said "oh, what's the point of existence?" and killed itself those genes obviously didn't endure. We are the descendants of genetics that thought life was meaningful only because the alternative (thinking life is meaningless) isn't long-term viable. Mutations that led to life that didn't want to live led also to early demise for those organisms, so a 'desire to live' set of genes will always populate the gene-pool. Life is no more meaningful than that. All that we care about we care about because it aides survival, and all that we fear we fear only because it threatens survival.

    The universe is populated with these immortal particles that obey laws. Those laws lead to change, and by accretion those changes lead to complexity. The universe says "change everything" and let what what is stable, or what is complex (in the right way), endure. We are what endures, and nothing more.
  • PoeticUniverse
    Deriving the Narrative Uni-Versed Poem
    Of the Cosmos’ Poetic Universe

    All the temporary complexities
    From the Eterne must someday fade away,
    Namely, our universe with its grandness
    Dispersing its greatness into blandness.

    In between, the Basis writes a story
    That gets lived by the transients within,
    As us and all the stars, moons, and planets—
    In one book from the Babel Library.

    What’s Fundamental has to be partless,
    Permanent and e’er remain as itself;
    Thus, it can only form temporaries
    Upward as rearrangements of itself.

    The ‘vacuum’ has to e’er jitter and sing,
    This base existent forced as something,
    Given the nonexistence of a ‘Nothing’;
    If it tries to be zero, it cannot.

    At the indefinite quantum level,
    Zero must be fuzzy, not definite;
    So it can’t be zero, but has to be
    As that which is ever up to something.

    What’s continuous means a field, naught else,
    That waves; ‘Stillness’ is impossible.
    A field has a changing value everywhere,
    For the ‘vacuum’ e’er has to fluctuate.

    The fields overlap and can interact;
    So, there is one overall field as All.
    It’s the basis of all that is possible—
    With another forced default of motion.

    From field points moving in their one degree
    Quantum field waverings have to result
    From their dragging e’er on one another.

    As sums of harmonic oscillators,
    Fields can only form their elementaries
    At stable quanta energy levels;
    Other excitation levels don’t persist.

    Since the quantum fields are everywhere,
    The elementaries as kinks can move
    To anyplace in the realms of the fields;
    As in a rope, only the quanta move.

    At each level of organization
    Of temporaries in the universe
    New capabilities become available,
    And so they take on a life of their own
    In addition to what gives rise to them.

    The great needle plays, stitches, winds, and paves
    As the strands of quantum fields’ webs of waves
    That weave the warp, weft, and woof, uni-versed,
    Into being’s fabric of Earth’s living braids.

    Quantum fields are the fundamental stroke
    Whose excitations at harmonics cloak
    The field quanta with stability
    To persist and obtain mobility.

    As letters of the Cosmic alphabet,
    The elementary particles beget,
    Combining to words to write the story
    Of the stars, atoms, cells, and life’s glory.

    This is the Poetic Universe.

    The weave of the quantum fields as strokes writes
    The letters of the elemental bytes—
    The alphabet of the standard model,
    Atoms then forming the stars’ words whose mights

    Merge to form molecules, as the phrases,
    On to proteins/cells, as verse sentences,
    In to organisms ‘stanza paragraphs,
    And to the poem stories of the species.

    Of this concordance of literature,
    We’re the Cosmos’ poetic adventure,
    Sentient poems being unified-verses,
    As both the contained and the container.

    We are both essence and form, as poems versed,
    Ever unveiling this life’s deeper thirsts,
    As new riches, through strokes, letters, phonemes,
    Words, phrases, and sentences—uni versed.

    We have rhythm, reason, rhyme, meter, sense,
    Metric, melody, and beauty’s true pense,
    Revealed through life’s participation,
    From the latent whence into us hence.

    From quantum non-locality entanglement,
    We know that information’s primary
    Over distance, that objects don’t have to
    Be near each other to have relation.

    Everything connected to everything
    Would seem to be a ‘perception’ as an
    All-at-onceness, so a particle
    Might ‘know’ something about what to do.

    Informationally derived meanings
    Unify in non-reductive gleanings,
    In a relational reality,
    Through the semantical life happenings.

    This is a realm of happenings, not things,
    For ‘things’ don’t remain the same on time’s wings.
    What remains through time are processes—
    Relations between different systems.

    Syntactical information exchange,
    Without breaking of the holistic range,
    Reveals the epic whole of nature’s poetics,
    Within her requisite of ongoing change.

    So there’s form before gloried substance,
    Relationality before the chance
    Of material impressions rising,
    Traced in our world from the gestalt’s dance.

    All lives in the multi–dimensional spaces
    Of basic superpositional traces
    Of Possibility, as like the whirl’s
    Probable clouds of distributed paces.

    What remains unchanged over time are All’s
    Properties that find expression, as laws,
    Of the conservation of energy,
    Momentum, and electric charge—unpaused.

    A poem is a truth fleshed in living words,
    Which by showing unapprehended proof
    Lifts the veil to reveal hidden beauty:
    It’s life’s image drawn in eternal truth.

    A poem is both the thought and the presence,
    An object born from one’s profoundest sense,
    An image of diction, feeling, and rhythm;
    It’s both the existence and the essence.

    Poetry makes clear what’s just barely heard,
    For it translates soul-language into words,
    Whereas, music plays right on the heartstrings;
    Merged, they create song; heart and soul converge.

    Poems are renderings of the soul’s spirit,
    The highest power of language and wit.
    The reader then translates back to spirit;
    If the soul responds, then a poem you’ve writ!

    Oh, those imaginings of what can’t be!
    Such as Nought, Stillness, and Permanence,
    As well as Apart, Beginning, and End,
    The Unfixed Will, Blame, Fame, and Theity.

    When the universe ends, sparse photons left,
    All splendor, life, and objects will have gone
    The way that all temporaries must go,
    To oblivion—oh, grand complexities!

    Only the Eternal Basis remains
    As potential for all possible books
    In Everything’s Great Repository
    To author another universe’s story.
  • Benj96
    These attributes, when defined as being all-encompassing, define all the omni's associated with God: omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient.Derrick Huesits

    I had the very same thought and questions based on this argument years ago. It’s nice to see these ideas resurfacing independently through other peoples logic/ thought process.

    The issue I have is resolving the fact that everything must have an opposite in order to be manifest. As we know there are physical things which act so there must be non physical things that do not act. It’s like if there was only “white” and no black we would not be aware of the whiteness and ultimately white loses its significance/meaning as it cannot be defined - it has no parameters or contrast with anything.

    This is where time and empty space/ void comes in. I believe they are qualities of energy. Because without them energy could not act (time) or be physical (space) as matter. I try to explain it as 0 = -1 +1. Zero is the whole, +1 is energy/matter and -1 = space time. They mutually permit the existence of each others qualities. When combined they are ultimately nothing but potential - the singularity.

    Potential is not nothing but it also isn’t anything. It’s a “capacity” to be. And potential can be broken into its four qualities: the space to be, the time to be, being (the physical) and the action to become (energy)
  • Derrick Huestis
    The issue I have is resolving the fact that everything must have an opposite in order to be manifestBenj96

    What is the opposite of Benj96? There are many people who are different from you, but that doesn't make them opposites. Not everything needs an opposite. What is the opposite of blue? Black, but then that is the same for red, green, ultraviolet, infrared... So the same opposite exists for multiple things meaning it isn't a true 180 degree opposite like left and right or north and south.

    Potential is not nothing but it also isn’t anythingBenj96

    The words "nothing" and "anything" refer to different categories of existence here. There are multiple planes of existence--physical, emotional, intellectual, virtual, spatial, etc. They all exist, and they all interact with each other, but whenever I listen to someone try and explain all other planes of existence in terms of the physical alone, it is like watching them shove a square peg in a round hole. Obviously, potential doesn't fit completely in the physical plane alone, thus you make this response implying it fits better on a different plane (but still exists).
  • Benj96
    thats an excellent argument. Admittedly I cannot argue with it so naturally I must agree. It’s nice to be swayed in new directions thanks :)
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