• Agent Smith
    Hi Jack.

    The Law of Attraction, on superficial examination, seems to square with mathematical reflection transformation (what you are is reflected back to you by the mirror of reality). Kinda like an echo: If I shout "go to hell", the echo will reply "...to hell", "...to hell" and if I scream "I love you", the echo responds "...love you", "...love you".

    Aside: Isn't it interesting that an echo truncates sounds?

    Reminds me of the question "is the glass half-empty or half-full?" Depends on one's point of view, no? In essence, reality is what it is, it's constant, but depending on one's mindset, it appears different, even to the extent that these impressions are contradictory.
  • Agent Smith

    Regarding the the Law of Attraction, if prayer and wishes are causal dead ends i.e. they produce no effect, so the scientific community claims then, we must admit that some things have no effect although it is possible necessary that they have causes.

    This has an implication for The Principle of Sufficient Reason, one part of which states that everything has a cause. I've always wondered why there's no principle that goes everything has an effect.

    I think this topic deserves a separate thread: Are there things that have no effect? If yes, all is well, but if the answer is no, prayer (& wishes) must have an effect i.e. they, in principle, should work.
  • L'éléphant

    FWIW, belief in telepathy has been around for a while. It is the process of sending out thoughts to another person without the use of technology or other channel to transmit the message. Of course, face to face, this is easily done as body language is real and could be read like a written note.

    But what happens if two people doing telepathy are far apart, and not seeing each other. Then they're doing extrasensory communication, the mystery of which we haven't figured out. (This is what my OP is suggesting). Nonetheless, we all do it. If anyone said to you they don't believe in it, then that's bullshit as everyone had wishes in their brain at one point in their lives.

    The law of attraction is not extrasensory because it involves two or more people seeing each other and having the perception that is required for the LOA to happen.
  • Agent Smith

    Finishing each other's sentences:

    Also, there's this scene in The Matrix film in which 3 agents finish each other's sentences in a coherent way, as if they were one mind or were capable of telepathy.
  • Agent Smith
    What is it?L'éléphant

    :chin: Does not compute!
  • L'éléphant
    What doesn't compute? Spit it out!
  • Agent Smith
    ↪Agent SmithWhat doesn't compute? Spit it out!L'éléphant

    Never mind!
  • L'éléphant

    I can't read minds. I'm not telephatic. If you want something from me, you need to tell me in words.
  • L'éléphant
    Okay, what's the connection of this clip again?
  • Agent Smith
    Okay, what's the connection of this clip again?L'éléphant

    Well, your question was a Zen moment for me ( :chin: ). I can't guarantee that what I say next will make sense. :smile:
  • L'éléphant
    This is exhausting. Why do I feel like I'm in the dating scene again? Cause this is the convo you get when you're in one. Just letting you know that.
  • Agent Smith
    This is exhausting.L'éléphant


    Just letting you know that.L'éléphant


    Good day!
  • Ajemo
    As far as actual research into telepathy, Cleve Backster looked for reactions in plants to intentions of the tester using a polygraph. Apparently this doesn't work if the correct polygraph technology isn't used. But it does urge some suspicion that there is the ability to project thought and have it received by an observer (in this case a plant).
  • L'éléphant
    Yes, that's a good one. I also remember reading about talking to plants make them thrive more. This is a scientific experiment conducted by qualified experts, so I will not argue against its validity.

    Another findings -- babies in the womb benefit from music and mothers talking to them. Again, I don't know how valid this finding is .
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