• universeness

    He is, but I don't know the various ways into American politics for people not born there.
    Even if he can't gain high political office in the USA, he might become just as dangerous, if he gains more and more followers and can then influence who they vote for in the USA.
  • praxis
    Even if he can't gain high political office in the USA, he might become just as dangerous, if he gains more and more followers and can then influence who they vote for in the USA.universeness

    We Americans try not to deplatform anyone because they may influence elections, ideally, unless it's from a hostile foreign power.
  • universeness
    We Americans try not to deplatform anyone because they may influence electionspraxis

    Perhaps that's part of the reason why a horror like Trump can become president. Although living in Scotland under the gangland Westminster crew with Don Boris in charge was a similar horror and it now looks like the next Don will be a choice between two Thatcherbots. So, we in the Britain, can't really say much about the weaknesses in the political systems of other countries.
  • universeness

    Started reading the first link to the IEP resource.
    I like the fact its free and the editors are not paid so have no 'ulterior motives,' in what they type.
    I noticed all the editors of the philosophy of language, were Americans.
    The preamble in the first link states, and I paraphrase a little,
    Many philosophers outside this tradition(Anglo-American with roots in German and Austrian philosophy) have views on the nature and use of language.'
    Readers should bear in mind this restriction of scope.

    Ok, so reading the sentences on Wilfrid Sellars, language as 'the medium of conceptualisation,' seems to match my typing about 'thinking, reasoning, manifest as language.'
    It's interesting Broca's area is mentioned soon after this. I have read Carl Sagan's book 'Broca's brain' a few times.

    Kant and wittgenstein are briefly mentioned then it's John Stuart Mills and Mill's Empiricism.
    He connects language, meaning and experience.
    Example: 'Professor,' normally implies an expert in an academic field.
    Jordan Peterson claims expertise in many fields, yet he is actually only academically qualified in one field, clinical psychology. But his philosophy seems to be to claim expertise in many fields. I don't see why you are claiming that I am misinterpreting 'philosophy of language' when I type such sentences about JP. I don't think I misinterpret 'Mills Empiricism' here.
    The article states;
    'Not all those concerned with language shared Mills empiricist leanings, though most shared his sense that denotation rather than connotation should be at the center of an account of meaning. A word denotes something by standing for it.'
    In what ways am I infringing this?

    I decided to stop at this early point in reading the IEP material for three reasons.
    1. I don't want to end up responding to you with something of unwieldy size.
    2. Get some feedback from you on my initial, early, thoughts.
    3. Confirm that you wish me to delve deeper into the IEP material as I have not even touched the main points of your objections yet.
  • praxis
    Perhaps that's part of the reason why a horror like Trump can become president.universeness

    To put it bluntly, I think the reason Trump can become president is because many Americans are ignorant. Not that our other choices are much better.
  • universeness
    New politics are badly needed everywhere. The old parties like the republicans and democrats in the USA and the tories, labour and lib dems in Britain are all dinosaurs and no longer fit for purpose.
    I personally now favour non-party politics. I won't go into the details here of how and why I see voting for people rather than parties would be better and how authority levels should be organised and structured.
    That's one or more threads under titles like 'new politics.' I am a socialist/humanist and an atheist and those viewpoints do drive my politics but I soooooooo agree that too many folks have not studied politics or learned the lessons from history (or even know history well enough) to make informed political decisions. It must be also stated however that the nefarious work hard at distracting the majority with mind-numbing reality tv shows, BS low-level celebrity culture to aspire to and some little crumbs of forlorn hope from their table. I have said and typed many times before that they never needed to fool all of the people all of the time, some of the time or some of the people all of the time has been good enough for the nefarious rich and powerful to thrive and even consolidate and expand.
  • Agent Smith
    Quite a post there OP. Kudos/hats off to you. Not sure if I catch your drift but if I have to say anything about what I feel you've put up for discussion, it's this: silentium est aureum.

    There, I said wrote it! :snicker:
  • universeness

    Sorry for the late reply to this, again, nothing appeared in my 'mentions' section to indicate your posting here.
    silentium est aureum.Agent Smith

    I have the physical and mental scars from past clashes that seem to indicate that I cannot partake of that particular protection. Make a good song title though:
  • Agent Smith
    Sorry for the late reply to this, again, nothing appeared in my 'mentions' section to indicate your posting here.universeness

    Oh! Rather curious that!

    I have the physical and mental scars from past clashes that seem to indicate that I cannot partake of that particular protection.universeness

    Oh well, too bad. Have you come across of ishin-denshin or in Western terms tacit understanding aka implicature?
  • universeness
    Oh! Rather curious that!Agent Smith

    As Homer Simpson often exclaims! DOH! I just noticed why I was not informed in 'mentions,' you had no 'reply' link in your post. Mystery solved! or there was no mystery just a lack of attentive observation on my part.

    I have to mostly look up the terms you throw out Mr Smith. You seem to have more knowledge of eastern cultures than I. So, I got:

    ishin-denshin, a Japanese idiom which denotes the traditional concept of interpersonal communication through unspoken mutual understanding. This four-character compound, known as a yojijukugo, literally translates as "what the mind thinks, the heart transmits." Sometimes explained in English in terms of "telepathy" or "sympathy", ishin-denshin is also commonly rendered as "heart-to-heart communication" or "tacit understanding."

    Not for me, I like to make my viewpoints loud, proud, heard and crystal clear, without comming across as an arrogant pr***. So. loud, proud, heard and humble I hope. So
    tacit understanding aka implicature?Agent Smith

    Is not my style either, Implication often causes misinterpretation and misundertanding so I try to be crystal clear and unambiguous. That's why I want to insult and ridicule the antinatalist viewpoint because I find it ridiculous and insulting. But the mods wont let me insult and ridicule the antinatalists and that worries me as I think it gives the antinatalists succour and any extremists among them will feed and grow from such weakness.
  • Agent Smith
    Different strokes for different folks! It isn't exactly eastern to be coy.Silentium est aurum is in Latin; I guess the saying resonated at quite a deep level with Western audiences. I dunno.
  • universeness

    Well 'humility' is certainly big in Eastern cultures as far as I can tell, lots of traditional bowing and honour concepts, regardless of truth and hands clasped in :pray: images. No disrespect to trad Eastern cultures intended but I would not personally choose to mimic any of them. But I do not claim expertise or fluency in my knowledge or understanding of them either so perhaps it is unwise to carelessly dismiss all aspects of them.
  • Agent Smith


    A time and place for everything, oui?
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