• Amity

    Appreciate the time and energy you have given to respond carefully to all. A pleasure to read.

    This feels natural to me. To explore, to question, to wonder. I don't even have to find the answers. I want it to be deeply felt in that moment when my transition from this form comes and I return all which I have borrowed in this lifetime, that I spent at least some of my moments seeking valuable insight and understanding of the nature of reality and existence and my own place in that.Universal Student

    As you know from your explorations, some questions have no answers. Or so many that it can be confusing. I think we gravitate to those which make sense to us, even though it also makes sense to question that too. That is why this forum can be illuminating in different ways.

    See my bolds: There is an almost religious element here. A certain philosophy or faith?
    What kind of transition are you talking about? What have you 'borrowed'? From where and how would it be returned?

    It seems like this is your prime motivation: to develop and grow so that you can live on in some other life.
    Perhaps I missed this, but did you mention what faith you follow?
  • Amity
    Also, what tools and how have you adapted them to suit your needs?
    — Amity

    The tools themselves vary from being as physical as training myself to breathe more consciously to being as conceptual that I wouldn't know where to begin with explaining them.

    Meditation both in sittings and in that of viewing life as such in practice, fasting and various approaches to our relationship with food, physical movements, mindfulness of various forms of consumption, reading, journalism and sharing ideas, learning the usefulness of establishing reference points, mental exercises and learning tricks of the brain are some examples of what comes to mind without effort in this moment.
    Universal Student

    OK, thanks for this. A holistic practice and development, then.
    The conceptual is always more difficult to understand far less explain. However, what concepts are most important to you, other than the thread topic?

    I read on and note: 'Consumption'. Best use of resources? Environmental concerns.
    'Cooperation'. Rather than competition?
    So, political concerns?
    These are not so difficult to explain so perhaps you mean:
    'Establishing reference points' - what are they and how can they be established? How are they useful?
    'Mental exercises and brain tricks' - have you any specific examples?

    You mentioned 'journalism'. Your writing and thoughts have been well-informed and expressed.
    Do you write elsewhere? Articles? Forums? Magazines? Essays?
    Do you forage for ideas on places like this as research for a particular writing project?
  • Benj96
    My first thought is that the inquiry itself is a helpful place to begin exploring.

    My second thought is to determine a basic foundation of what we are dealing with. What is consciousness? What is self-awareness?

    Third; what are the barriers?

    Fourth; the tools to break down those barriers?

    Would love and greatly appreciate to hear your thoughts and will gladly share my own in exchange.

    Warm regards
    Universal Student

    Yes I agree. Positing the question and being curious about it in the beginning is a very good place to start.

    My advice would be establishing the boundaries of the self image that you have in your mind in the first place.
    Where does your "self" end and "other" begin?

    And how many things do you have in common with the "other" beyond yourself and how many do you not have in common?

    For example are you made of the same stuff? Is your self just you body? Is it just your mind? Could it be both? Neither? Do you behave in similar ways with what you consider "other". Do you exchange or share things between you and it?

    Once you establish what exactly the limits of your "self" are, then you have a propionate "self awareness" no? Have fun with it and stay curious
  • Nickolasgaspar

    Those are scientific questions.

    a. "What is consciousness?"
    -"Consciousness is an arousal and awareness of environment and self, which is achieved through action of the ascending reticular activating system (ARAS) on the brain stem and cerebral cortex (Daube, 1986; Paus, 2000; Zeman, 2001; Gosseries et al., 2011). "

    The content of those states is introduced by the cooperation of the Central Lateral thalamus with different areas of our brain responsible for storing memories,symbolic thinking and language, pattern recognition, reasoning etc etc.

    b."What is self-awareness?"
    -Unconscious self-awarness is an essential property of the mind, produced by biological brains. It only comes second to Awakeness and it is followed by consciousness composing the three fundamental mind properties of our brains. There is also the concept of the "self" which is produced by our conscious states but it a whole other topic.

    -"Third; what are the barriers?"
    -You need to clarify that one, barriers of what?

    I will also address the title of this thread:
    -"How do we develop our conciousness and self-awareness?
    -Organisms that are mobile need to seek for resources and homeostasis (food,shelter and avoid suffering). Being aware of our state and our environment that alone increases our survival advantages and the possibility of our evolved brain features to pass to the next generation. Organic and Environmental stimuli provide information and biological brains have been selected to interpret them and guide the behavior of an organism based on previous experiences, current state (emotions) and existing biological setup.
  • Nickolasgaspar

    -"Self awareness is socially constructed. "
    -Well there is Unconscious Self awareness(second fundamental mind property) and there is the concept of the self. The first is a biological driven Property of the Mind while the second is a construct produced by our conscious states as a result of interpreting Environmental stimuli, emotions and experiences.
    All living beings with brains have a basic unconscious awareness of their existence as a physical agent and it is essential to take actions for their survival, so this is why it is recognized as a drive. The concept of "self" is easily observed in social species where interactions and feelings define more complex characteristics of an agent.
  • Universal Student

    That is why this forum can be illuminating in different ways.Amity

    This is what I am seeing in the little glimpse I've gotten myself. This forum seems like a real treasure. I'm glad to be on board.

    See my bolds: There is an almost religious element here. A certain philosophy or faith?
    What kind of transition are you talking about? What have you 'borrowed'? From where and how would it be returned?

    It seems like this is your prime motivation: to develop and grow so that you can live on in some other life.
    Perhaps I missed this, but did you mention what faith you follow?

    Not quite.

    When I say transition, I speak to form changing from one thing into another. We collectively debate what this will look like, if anything, post death. I do have my own personal reasons for why I have the sense that the essence of me will continue on in other lifetimes, as I have the sense that it has done so already. This sense however, is not religiously motivated. If anything, I am careful not to attach to belief systems.

    I do not have attachments to any faith based religious structures. I did, in my youth. Those have been broken down. They are no longer useful to me.

    I do not consider anything that I utilize to be mine, if I am capable of losing it. In death, I will lose my intellect, my possessions, my hands and feet. If I can lose them, then were they ever truly mine to begin with?

    In this acceptance, I can shed attachments to that which I have no control over. So in a way yes, I do prepare for death. But that is not the end of it. I wish to be at peace with myself, when I take my last breath. Who knows what comes after? If my soul does continue on, it will be stronger for whatever comes along because I wasn't distracted by things that are fleeting and temporary.

    I do not feel certain that I can identify my prime motivation at this time. This is something I will need to spend time with.
  • Universal Student
    OK, thanks for this. A holistic practice and development, then.
    The conceptual is always more difficult to understand far less explain. However, what concepts are most important to you, other than the thread topic?

    Of course!

    I'm going to spend some time with this one before I reply.

    I read on and note: 'Consumption'. Best use of resources? Environmental concerns.
    'Cooperation'. Rather than competition?
    So, political concerns?

    We consume every day. Food (fuel), stimulation (movement), information (learning). My observation is that over a period of time, these intakes change us. In some ways, these changes are subtle and others are more obvious. This is one aspect of life that we have some measure of control over. We can actively choose what we take in. I work to be mindful of my intake while maintaining a balance so that I don't end up with decision paralysis. There are plenty of things that could influence the choices that I make. I think to dive into those would be opening up a whole conversation, albeit a fun one! My choices do tend to be motivated by cooperation over competition.

    'Establishing reference points' - what are they and how can they be established? How are they useful?
    'Mental exercises and brain tricks' - have you any specific examples?

    Reference points to me, are sometimes little nuggets of wisdom that we have earned along the way. A reference point can be a tough lesson learned or a significant realization that comes with experience. It could be a mistake that has shaken us to our core.

    Knowledge can fail us in vital moments, so it has to be something that we can see clearly while in a storm. Something with strong roots. This can be particularly useful in moments when emotions run high, difficult circumstances emerge and the more primitive parts of us threaten to take over the full use of our facilities. These have also aided me in times when I become lost in my mind space and need to find my way back to reality.
  • Alkis Piskas
    What is consciousness? What is self-awareness?Universal Student
    Can you think of the tones of ink that have been spilled on this subject since eons and that we still lack a detailed description that is acceptable by most "thinkers" --letting scientists aside-- and the only we can read or hear on the subject is personal views, most of them unsubstantiated or unfounded?
    Well, this is a long question but it is ony a rhetorical one! :smile:
    But it begs for a real question: What do you expect to receive as responses and get as a product from this discussion?
  • T Clark
    What do you expect to receive as responses and get as a product from this discussion?Alkis Piskas

    Have you read the rest of the posts on this thread? If not, why are you pontificating here. If you have, I think you'd see what @Universal Student is getting at.
  • Universal Student
    You mentioned 'journalism'. Your writing and thoughts have been well-informed and expressed.
    Do you write elsewhere? Articles? Forums? Magazines? Essays?
    Do you forage for ideas on places like this as research for a particular writing project?

    Yikes. That was a typo. No journalism here. I meant to say that I journal. I use personal writing as a tool. It's a rather powerful tool for me that I've utilized since I was a pre-teen.

    I do have some personal projects that I am developing and perhaps if I get around to returning to school one day, I'll dive into more. My education is nothing special or noteworthy.

    I keep fairly busy as is, as mother of two boys working full time. I do work to maintain a balanced and simple life, so I only select a few things to channel my energy into.

    Writing, reading (almost exclusively non- fiction - can't recall the last time I read a fiction novel) and having these kinds of conversations are my preferred ways to spend my time when I'm not attending the basic needs of myself and my family.

    I wrote poetry when I was younger but my writing developed to be more philosophical in nature pretty quickly. I still write poetry. I have ideas, thoughts and various writings scattered about my life but I haven't put the real work into formulating anything constructive yet. Perhaps one day, when my kiddos are a bit older.

    I think I'm just here to learn from others and myself, to see what there is to see. It is nice to have a space to go to for my ideas to flow into and change.
  • Amity
    I do have my own personal reasons for why I have the sense that the essence of me will continue on in other lifetimes, as I have the sense that it has done so already. This sense however, is not religiously motivated. If anything, I am careful not to attach to belief systems.Universal Student

    You talk about a 'sense' that your 'essence' will continue as it has done before and will do again.
    What kind of 'sense' is this? And how do you detect it? Where is its source?

    The concept usually identified with this is that of 'reincarnation'. Is that what you mean?

    I do not consider anything that I utilize to be mine, if I am capable of losing it. In death, I will lose my intellect, my possessions, my hands and feet. If I can lose them, then were they ever truly mine to begin with?Universal Student

    So, you don't consider the brain inside your skull to be yours?
    Does this mean you take no responsibility for your mind, body or actions taken?
    This doesn't make sense to me. You own your words and your actions, don't you?
    You can change your mind e.g. as to religious or spiritual affiliations and beliefs, no?
    Questioning your ownership doesn't make sense to me.

    In this acceptance, I can shed attachments to that which I have no control over.Universal Student

    It is not necessary to disown your own brain, indeed quite the opposite, to put into perspective that over which you have no control.

    Who knows what comes after? If my soul does continue on, it will be stronger for whatever comes along because I wasn't distracted by things that are fleeting and temporary.Universal Student

    How do you know or 'sense' that any surviving soul will be stronger?

    I do not feel certain that I can identify my prime motivation at this time. This is something I will need to spend time with.Universal Student

    OK. Thanks for that. I understand the need for time to consider.
    Even if not identified, there is clearly a strong need or desire to develop yourself as much as possible.

    Plenty of thoughts to mull over :sparkle:
  • Amity
    Reference points to me, are sometimes little nuggets of wisdom that we have earned along the way. A reference point can be a tough lesson learned or a significant realization that comes with experience. It could be a mistake that has shaken us to our core.Universal Student

    Thanks for the explanation.
    Re: nuggets of wisdom 'earned'. Is that a typo? Or a karma cause-and-effect thing?

    Knowledge can fail us in vital moments, so it has to be something that we can see clearly while in a storm. Something with strong roots. This can be particularly useful in moments when emotions run high, difficult circumstances emerge and the more primitive parts of us threaten to take over the full use of our facilities. These have also aided me in times when I become lost in my mind space and need to find my way back to reality.Universal Student

    Hmm. What we can see 'clearly' when going through tough times can vary, depending on state of mind, context and circumstance. What kind of 'vital moments'?
    Our perceptions can be faulty. Do you mean something to hold on to? What?

    Are you suggesting that 'knowledge' doesn't have strong roots?
    Yes, our emotions can take over but it is in utilising knowledge and experience gained that control can be exerted.
    So, what provides the 'strong roots' that you can easily see when mentally 'lost'?
    Where are you in your 'mind space'? What kind of a 'reality' does it return you to compared to what?

    So many questions. More 'distractions' ?! :wink:
  • Universal Student

    If there is a photograph, there must be a camera, but a camera cannot photograph itself, only another camera or a reflection of a camera Thus a camera cannot obtain an image of itself, but proposes that image 'beyond experience', or proposes itself as the unphotgaphable source of photos. One might say that awareness is a virtual image of the unseen seer. One cannot grasp it, but again one cannot dispense with it.

    But perhaps I am wrong about this; perhaps someone can describe the experience of awareness. I await with eager anticipation a better explanation.

    Love this metaphor. It really brings the image of what you trying to show us into view ;)

    This brings to mind for me the idea of "looking for that which is looking." The camera or the looker, can not see itself. It can only see an image or a refection, in the visual field.

    My thought is, if we can't see ourselves, what does it mean to feel and sense ourselves? I wonder if this is part of the reason why we have evolved to become so acutely aware of others viewing us. I understand that some of this is just our innate sense of survival instinct. We know scientifically about the observer effect in quantum physics. I've always found it interesting that we tend to behave similarly to quantum particles in this sense, as social animals.

    Have you heard of the philosopher Douglas Harding, by chance? He talks about the, "headless way".

    You may find this relevant to the track that you are on.

    See -

  • Universal Student
    Plenty of thoughts to mull over :sparkle:Amity

    An abundance here for me to mull over. Lots to digest and reflect on. I sense a potential conflict of ideas within myself to evaluate.

    Thank you!

    I'll be sure to quote ya once I'm ready to move forward with my responses on these.
  • Amity
    Yikes. That was a typo. No journalism here. I meant to say that I journal. I use personal writing as a tool. It's a rather powerful tool for me that I've utilized since I was a pre-teen.Universal Student

    :smile: I think that is an excellent practice. Another exercise I've failed in. I admire those who have what it takes to do this.

    I do have some personal projects that I am developing and perhaps if I get around to returning to school one day, I'll dive into more. My education is nothing special or noteworthy.Universal Student

    I wish you all the very best in your life-long learning. There are now more opportunities than ever.

    I keep fairly busy as is, as mother of two boys working full time. I do work to maintain a balanced and simple life, so I only select a few things to channel my energy into.Universal Student

    Again, I take my hat off to you. I know when I studied with the OU that some, like you, managed to gain a degree over several years. I don't know how they managed but they did...with honours. :100:

    Writing, reading (almost exclusively non- fiction - can't recall the last time I read a fiction novel) and having these kinds of conversations are my preferred ways to spend my time when I'm not attending the basic needs of myself and my family.Universal Student

    Dedication plus.

    I wrote poetry when I was younger but my writing developed to be more philosophical in nature pretty quickly. I still write poetry. I have ideas, thoughts and various writings scattered about my life but I haven't put the real work into formulating anything constructive yet. Perhaps one day, when my kiddos are a bit older.Universal Student

    So far, so very well done!
    I've a lot of scattered ramblings and could probably do with more self-discipline. However, now of a certain age and mental decline, I'm in relative relaxation mode.
    I come here for such as this and a bit of fun.
    Really good to talk with you...
  • Universal Student

    Re: nuggets of wisdom 'earned'. Is that a typo? Or a karma cause-and-effect thing?Amity

    I use the word earned because any wisdom that I have personally gained feels as though there was an exchange which took place. A loss, pain, a sacrifice, etc.

    I am uncertain of karma beyond the potential of it being a possibility, however I do think that there is a balance in the universe. Whatever that is called, or how it functions exactly, is beyond me.
  • Amity
    I'll be sure to quote ya once I'm ready to move forward with my responses on these.Universal Student

    Please take all the time you need. I prefer this more leisurely way, rather than the knee-jerk responses.
  • Universal Student
    So many questions. More 'distractions' ?! :wink:Amity

    Heh.Thank you for the questions!

    I'm reaching that point of needing to return to these in another moment.

    Take care! :)
  • Amity
    I'm reaching that point of needing to return to these in another moment.Universal Student

    I've now reached maximum mental output for today. Time to chill :sparkle:
  • Universal Student
    So far, so very well done!
    I've a lot of scattered ramblings and could probably do with more self-discipline. However, now of a certain age and mental decline, I'm now in relaxation mode. I come here for such as this and a bit of fun.
    Really good to talk with you...

    A great pleasure to share with you as well!

    Till next time :)
  • Universal Student

    Thank you for the reply!

    I am reaching my limit for being in optimal mental capacity for now but I'll be sure to return to this later.

    Have a balanced day :)
  • Universal Student

    Thank you for the reply!

    I am reaching my limit for being in optimal mental capacity for now but I'll be sure to return to this later.

    Have a balanced day :)
  • Benj96
    Thank you for the reply!

    I am reaching my limit for being in optimal mental capacity for now but I'll be sure to return to this later.

    Have a balanced day :)
    Universal Student

    Haha you too! Have a lovely day :)
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