• Benj96
    What draws one to philosophy? What is you motive to seek out and participate in this forum? What is your fundamental drive to elaborate others answers to your questions? And what do such answers offer you?

    What is the purpose of your questioning here? Why have you come?
  • Tom Storm
    I came here to see what I may have missed in not privileging philosophy. And I am mostly interested in what others believe and why.
  • bert1
    It's a peer group I struggle to find in normal life. Nor would I want it in everyday life necessarily. A remote forum allows for a lot of control, you can dip in and out without getting in a distressing argument with a friend who you then have to spend the rest of the day with. I like the people here. Including the wankers and cunts.
  • Tom Storm
    That's a great answer and made me laugh a lot.
  • 180 Proof
    I like the people here. Including the wankers and cunts.bert1
    :sweat: :up:
  • Hanover
    I was actually recruited here by an international search committee to provide insight and hope for a troubled world. I've not disappointed.
  • BC
    I've not disappointedHanover

    the wankers and cuntsbert1
  • punos

    I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass, and i'm all out of kick ass.
  • Shawn
    I'm here just to show some pig pictures. That's all I care about nowadays.

    My avatar is of a pig called Charlotte.
  • Vera Mont
    My avatar is of a pig called Charlotte.Shawn

    A closeup would be appreciated. She looks like a goer.

    Me, I'm the next thing to a shut-in since Covid, which has been stomping around our streets for a long time now, keeping me from the casual social encounters that normally brighten my hum-drum life.

    I generally frequent philosophy forums, not because I'm a huge fan of Philosophy, but because they usually offer discussions on human affairs, thought, belief and behaviour, all of which interest me. Plus, the participants are mostly pretty bright. I like that.
  • NOS4A2

    It’s healthy to hold one’s philosophy to the grindstone of contrary ideas.
  • Shawn
    A closeup would be appreciated. She looks like a goer.Vera Mont

    She's a pig that @T Clark shared. She had a hard life. I hope he can update with a new picture of Charlotte soon.
  • 180 Proof
    From an old thread ...
    Apparently, foolosophers like us need a place - an agora - to conceptually chase (spin) our promiscuously speculative tails (tales).180 Proof
  • T Clark
    The goal of every path, search, quest, crusade, adventure, exploration, endeavor is self-awareness. The goal of philosophy is intellectual self-awareness. What do I know? How do I know it? What do I believe? Why do I believe it?
  • Moliere
    Yeh, that's apt for me.
  • tomatohorse
    I hope to create some thought-provoking videos on philosophical and social concepts. But I want to make sure I get things right before I put ideas out there, so I hope to hash things out a bit with smart folks over here ;) Like, what if there's an important nuance I haven't considered yet? Or maybe I'm completely wrong about something? Hopefully one of you will point that out to me.
  • Tom Storm
    I hope to create some thought-provoking videos on philosophical and social conceptstomatohorse

    That's fine, but do you have expertise to make this enterprise useful? There's already a quagmire of self-appointed experts and monomaniacs out there inflicting their pet theories and mediocre half-arsed metaphysics on the world, making it harder than ever to find useful information amidst the avalanches of dross, sophistry and madness. :wink:
  • Noble Dust
    I came here for the same reasons as everyone else, but my interest in philosophy has waned. I'm more interested in consciousness and a spiritual path these days, so I tend to keep my mouth shut. I find most of the questions to be the wrong questions, so the answers tend to be pretty meaningless to me. Otherwise, I stick around for the company and the short stories...
  • 180 Proof
    I find most of the questions to be the wrong questions, so the answers tend to be pretty meaningless to me. Otherwise, I stick around for the company and the short stories...Noble Dust
  • Vera Mont
    Otherwise, I stick around for the company and the short stories...Noble Dust

    Like being Doctor Who's sidekick for the running?
  • universeness
    Including the wankers and cunts.bert1

    Probably because like most men, including me, you do both!
  • Jamal
    An all-consuming lust for power.
  • universeness
    I am here for the incredible constant waves of all consuming positivity that shines forth from TPF members like a warm welcoming blanket in a freezing dark night. How happy and content with the human experience you all are and what fantastic role models you all are for the next up and coming generation of keen young minds. Or have I missed something?

  • bert1
    Oh I wish. I rarely get past the interview stage regarding the latter.
  • universeness

    :halo: Yeah, getting a bit like that for me to, in the past few years. Still, probably just as well, considering the old measuring stick, of when you are getting to where it takes you all night, to do what you used to do all night.
  • Benj96
    An all-consuming lust for power.Jamal

    Haha. With your little thumbnail of a starling (I think), it makes it all the more entertaining a comment.

    I'm imagining a small birds quest for world domination.
  • Jamal
    Never underestimate a starling.
  • Benj96
    came here for the same reasons as everyone else, but my interest in philosophy has waned. I'm more interested in consciousness and a spiritual path these days, so I tend to keep my mouth shutNoble Dust

    I'm also interested in these topics. And have opened many a thread based on them. Why see philosophy as a separate domain to those enquiries? Consciousness and so ritual have their place in thr realm of philosophical enquiry just as much as materialism, objectivity and the concrete.
  • Benj96
    Never underestimate a starling.Jamal

    Haha from now I will observe them with a new found suspicion of their true intentions :P
  • T Clark
    An all-consuming lust for power.Jamal

    Is it true that you've banned all the reporters from CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post?
  • Jamal
    My means are more subtle than crude authoritarianism.
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