• Saskia
    Hi Guys,
    I am currently doing a Philosophy Quiz and boy am I stuck
    I have been on one question for days and I can not find the right solution.
    Maybe you have an idea what it could be?

    I have a QUOTE:
    “Coming to understand a painting or a symphony in an unfamiliar style, to recognize the work of an artist or school, to see or hear in new ways, is as cognitive an achievement as learning to read or write or add.”

    And the QUESTION:
    I began a discussion into the language of Arts which has led to a new school of study into the way that Art promotes knowledge and understanding. What is this study called? The study is part of the Philosophy of Arts. It begins with the word 'Aesthetic'

    I know that the quote is from Nelson Goodman and I have read parts of his work and articles about him but I can not figure it out. What is the name of this study?

    Do you have any ideas?

  • javi2541997
    What is the name of this study?Saskia

    Hello Saskia, welcome to TPF.

    Firstly, both the quote and the question are very interesting, and they can be the subject of a thread itself. But, this is not what you are asking for, and I will give my best to approximate the name of the study and I hope I can help you.

    On the other hand, I think that study is called An Approach to a General Theory of Symbols or just The Theory of Symbols.

    Indeed, to Goodman, aesthetics is but a branch of epistemology. Paintings, sculptures, musical sonatas, dance pieces, etc. are all made of symbols, which possess different functions and bear different relations with the worlds they refer to. Hence, artworks require interpretation, and interpreting them amounts to understanding what they refer to, in which way, and within which systems of rules.Goodman
  • jgill
    led to a new school of study into the way that Art promotes knowledge and understanding.Saskia

    Sounds a little like the Waldorf School which goes back to 1919. Or Spacial Dynamics, a more recent attempt to combine movement and art into all aspects of learning. An old friend of mine was instrumental in bringing this to America.
  • L'éléphant
    What is the name of this study?Saskia

    Try Axiology.
  • Saskia
    Thank you so much for all your messages! I typed everyones suggestion in the space for the answer but it was not the right answer yet, unfortunately. I will continue to look for the answer.
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