• AmadeusD
    It looks as if you've quoted me - but my comment was merely a response to Vaskane's claim that something he said could have merit. I agree with that possibility.

    It wasn't a comment on the OP. And again, don't know if it's your writing style, or my lack of comprehension but it's hard to work out what you meant if it applies to the rest of our exchange.

    I think Vaskane has a superiority complex because of the outright ego-centric claims his made as directly against other posters/people raising himself above them in various aspects. And whether his right, that is certainly a complex.
  • Bella fekete
    -“ It wasn't a comment on the OP. And again, don't know if it's your writing style, or my lack of comprehension but it's hard to work out what you meant if it applies to the rest of our exchange.”

    That’s another matter of opinion issue, what I’m getting it subsists in your comment on my sixties musical menus as applied to the a set of referential successions, and how that applies to your current comment of cutting off any connection with Vaskane’s superiority complex and my possible inference to other references, with which they may or may not be linked.

    And that means little, but is a fairly common method of unintended or intended instances of obfuscation ,.

    Such literary devices, may even liven up an otherwise stagnant progression of some design.
  • Bella fekete
    Sorry again in the omission of the author, as to the source of the quote, Amadeus D. Working on it .
  • AmadeusD
    Are you using a translator? Im not trying to be rude, but much of that previous comment is totally inexplicable given the thread we're in. 60s musical menu?
  • Hallucinogen
    According to Christian theology, the answer is 'humility'.
  • Bella fekete
    “ Yeah, when you’re strange, in a strange land, that died in mcarthur park in the rain, like the Chevy in the levy, in Paris.
    — Bella fekete

    A wonderful set of references.”


    This reference is the one alluded to’
  • AmadeusD
    This reference is the one alluded to’Bella fekete

    Please highlight the text you want to quote, and press 'Quote' in the little blue box. Otherwise, I do not know you are responding without checking the thread :)

    Okay. Thank you for that - i still cannot put together a coherent point from your post. My noting that those references are wonderful had nothing whatsoever to do with the wider thread besides alluding to being misunderstood. And, unfortunately, I cannot understand you :P
  • Bret Bernhoft
    What characterizes the mindset associated with honesty? Considering that individuals may occasionally engage in falsehoods, how do we conceptualize the mindset of honesty? Is 'honest' a noun or a verb? Can one still be deemed an honest person if they occasionally engage in deception?YiRu Li

    This is an excellent set of thought-provoking prompts. Thank you for the OP.

    In my observations, the mindset (or paradigm) associated with honesty generally includes a combination of the following qualities:

    • Significant, present moment mindfulness (or awareness) of personal and environmental sensations and phenomena
    • Triumph through suffering/trial
    • Willingness to be wrong, and learning from mistakes, errors and/or malice; whether personal or interpersonal
    • Prioritization of harmony as the end goal, as the "prize"

    Therefore, the word "honest" can be a noun, verb and adjective; sometimes simultaneously. And yes, I do believe a person can be considered honest, even if they occasionally engage in deception.

  • YiRu Li
    So a society that is stratified by race or class in a totally unequal way becomes more like a predator/prey arrangement where morality breaks down because society is fractured.unenlightened

    It's interesting to see a Confucius case:
    The Master said: “If you don't try to anticipate deception, and you don't plan for your not being believed, yet are the first to be aware of these things, aren't you a worthy?” - Xian wen 憲問[14:31]
  • YiRu Li

    Thanks everyone's reply and made this question clearer!
    A new question based on our discussion:

    Inequality is the root cause of dishonesty.
    e.g. good <-> evil, rich <-> poor, beautiful <-> ugly, young <-> old, high <-> low, correct <-> wrong, have <-> not have, left <-> right, subjective <-> objective, absolute <-> relative
    For each unequal situation, we can find a dishonest example in daily life.
    e.g. plastic surgery: beautiful <-> ugly, hypocrite: correct <-> wrong.

    This world is not equal and we can’t change it externally.

    But there is a way to help us deal with the inequalities and be peaceful & honest.
    What is the way?
  • Lionino
    What do you think of the wiki?hypericin

    I think it should be avoided as much as a rabbid racoon or a rusty blade with tetanus.
  • boagie

    The foundation of compassionate behavior is in identifying one's self with the self in others, only then does compassion arise. Where there is no identification, there is no compassion, and no what might be called proper, kind behaviors. I know honesty is not always considered kind, but it is, honesty does not contribute to a delusional world, or a delusional individual, it does not bring chaos into the world.
  • YiRu Li
    The foundation of compassionate behavior is in identifying one's self with the self in others, only then does compassion arise. Where there is no identification, there is no compassion, and no what might be called proper, kind behaviors. I know honesty is not always considered kind, but it is, honesty does not contribute to a delusional world, or a delusional individual, it does not bring chaos into the world.boagie

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