• jorndoe
    , well, when I was in the US, I wanted to shake Superman's hand for a job well done and all that, but came up empty handed.
    The good folks at the comic con told me my best bet is getting written into a comic book, and that's it.
    How disappointing. :)

    , I'd say we auto-presuppose that anything that exists is self-identical.
    We sort of have to; trying the contrary leads no where.

  • Maw
    Great stuff (as usual), jorndoe (Y)
  • Sam26
    I would say that there is a causal connection between concepts and minds, just as there is a causal connection between a creation of art and the mind. You definitely cannot have one without the other, but that doesn't mean that concepts exist in minds, no more than a painting exists in a mind before it's created.

    Concepts come to life in language, and language is made up of rules that happen between and amongst people. For me it's a confusion to think that concepts exist in minds, concepts only have existence in terms of how we use words in statements; and this happens in the practice of following the rules of language. So concepts get their life in terms of how we act, but this is quite separate from the idea that concepts exist in a mind.

    To illustrate this point, let's say that I create a concept that doesn't exist, call it samigga, what would it mean to say that the concept exists in my mind? Is there some thing in your mind that has existence apart from how the concept is used? Note though, that if a new word is created, it gets its life how? It gets its life, thus its existence, as we use it with others, and as it's gradually accepted by others into a language.
  • unenlightened
    Logic is like music theory. First we make music, and then we theorise about harmony and dissonance and so on. So first we talk, and then we theorise about the logic of language. Which means, I think, that logic cannot tells how to talk, any more than music theory can tell us how to make music. It may be convenient for the purposes of logic to say:
    Superman exists, but just isn't real.

    But it is well to remember that this is just another song about Doh being a deer, a female deer. Existence is prior to to talk, and talk is prior to logic.
  • Jeoffrey Wortman
    Guys. This one is easy:


    Being unmarried is not a predicate of everyone. However it is for a bachellor.

    In the same way existence is only predicate to itself.

    Existence is what exists.

    What exists is existence.

    Does an apple exist, then?

    it neither exists nor doesn't exist. That's the implications of relativity.

    The apple can be said to exist if the conditions are so that there is an apple. an apple can be said not to exist if the conditions are so that there is not an apple.

    Phenomena is interdependent causation, therefore for phenomena it is not accurate saying it has existece as a predicate. But it is also innacurate saying it has not existence as a predicate.

    Only the metaphenomenological can have the predicate of existing. In other words just existence itself and its attributes.
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