• betsyforaer
    Based on a poor understanding of German Idealism, Hegelianism, Existentialism, Phenomenology, Neoplatonism. It borrows heavily from all these so it's not that original.

    The whole universe is "blooming" towards the present. Natural law and conditions guide the movement. Everything in there can be said to be blooming as well. However small, everything is blooming forward. Plants, black holes, an electron, your awareness, a baseball game, a calf, everything and anything.

    The bloom itself is physical. But you yourself are a bloom made up of blooms (physical traits, genetics, environmental influences that guide your appearance, peer groups and how those peers influence you, the era you're born in, atoms, sodium, everything).

    Your actions are blooms that affect other blooms for eternity. If you advice someone to go on a trip and they do and in that trip they meet the love of their life, you became a part of that bloom. And they have a kid and that kid lives a full and healthy life and pass away in New Mexico and in a billion years remnants of his dusts are kicked up into space and help to form another star, then you're connected to that bloom somehow as well.

    And so on and so forth. But a rock has the same properties. They bloom as well. But not as deep as us. Because we're aware to certain degrees that are actions (how we interact with other blooms and our own blooms) have lasting affect. And we are judged by how we react to blooms. It shows our maturity, our knowledge, our wisdom, our capacity, our honesty, our ethics. But all those are also blooms.
    An example of a bloom is a bloom. It's an instant loop.

    It's a way to see ethics because your conscious blooms have known consequences and you re-affirm those consequences or those potential consequences with your actions.

    It's existentialist. It illustrates Jean Paul Sartre's point that 'existence precedes essence'. You're a reaction to yourself.

    So one of the earliest known cosmic movements is the big bang. We can picture the big bang like a line written across a paper. And within that line is everything that has happened until now. So this dark ink is representing all that. Within that there have been heavenly bodies created and destroyed for billions of years until now.

    Today we find ourselves in one of those heavenly body. Going back to the line on the paper, the Earth would be a shorter line within the universe starting somewhere towards the end to the present. And within the Earth line, you find even more lines that existed at one time or another for a certain duration. Like a line representing the life of a tyrannosaurus rex or the duration of the first ice age.

    Since we know that matter can't be destroyed or created, the whole universe can be seen as all these lines that move through space; influenced by the laws of nature. And our life is one of those lines until now and then now and then now and so on. We move forward with a little bit of 'nows'. And the shortest 'now' you can have is what's called in this thought experiment 'bloom'. When you meditate it's like experiencing 'now' continuously for an extended amount of time. But the short breath of awareness, the thing that starts it all is the 'bloom'. Just for reference, the standard measurement for 'blooms' is between your heartbeat.

    The way they they mesh together is through emergence. Atoms emerge to form molecules. Ants emerge to form ant colonies. We emerge to the present. And our understanding of all this is also a bloom made up of individual blooms that can be delved into or just experienced on the surface.

    This emergence comes from us looking deeper into the bloom. Through consciousness and time, we give rise to the narrative even though physically we stay on Earth; mentally we get lost within the universe.

    The only difference is that we see the blooms with colors rather than black ink just because it's subjective. So blooms inside our mind can be said to exist in colors. But they're usually based on something real that can be said to be black/white. What Zizek calls the desert of the real. So there exist the universe and everything that entails (black/white) and then our understanding (colors). Now the scientific community is a bloom and withing that bloom there's a consensus (another bloom; and this can be said to be a certain color). But there's also the dog that doesn't know much about science that has their own opinion of the universe; and that can be said to be a bloom of a another color. And within that there's a spectrum of understanding and not understanding.

    How we processes blooms in our body/existence/mind and how we react it to it: So we are seeing time pass by and events. When we allow the event to continue or make the event continue some way influenced by us, we are becoming aware of blooms and either letting them be or changing them for others to see them as influenced by you. We know our actions have consequences and that our actions have lasting effects beyond our intended reach. And so when we move blooms forward, we somehow passively confirm/approve their existence.

    So the theory of evolution is a bloom that emerged a hundred some years ago and if you accept it, you move it forward with your understanding of it; however you want to explain it. So you kinda breath a spirit into life via your own way. You conjure up things in the way you interpret them and the way they seem right for you to do.

    You act nervous, you act cool, you tell a lie, you tell the truth are just ways to pass blooms forwards. And all those actions are also blooms in themselves.

    This is like Hegel's zeitgeist. And being aware of the blooms is a bit existentialist because you are a bloom made up of a lot of different blooms (both physical and phenomenological) and you're just a bloom aware of being a bloom. Some blooms have the necessary capacity to be self-aware. But there are gradients. Pigs are somewhat intelligent. Crows. etc. And then there are less complex life; and less complex awareness.

    And so you get to decide how to react to the blooms that are malleable by you. Like you can modify a tree into a boat or you can use laws of mathematics to reach new conclusions or you hear a gossip and pass it forward or change it a bit.

    Your decision on how you push blooms forward is morality. How you make your decision is epistemology. How you deduce is logic. The subject is metaphysics. And your awareness of your awareness is existentialism. But just your awareness is just a dark gray bloom. How you get close to the universe. And we usually spend our time between there and our animal/brain instincts.

    We can look for new different unexpected blooms that give us insight into the universe by adventuring through whatever interests you; like sports, exercise, reading, listening to music, or a combination of that and everything else.

    Some of us are more comfortable riding a certain bloom. Whether it be expressed by fashion or music or other interests. And those blooms usually evolve through times. Like 'cool' is a bloom and it's a bloom that was coined in the 1800s and its still going. And so other blooms are created that exist for a shorter amount of the time but their color reflect a certain association with 'cool'. And this becomes our identity. What blooms you associate with. And your decision can be made by career goals, love interest, hobby, race, religion, gang affiliation, nationalism, etc. If you're too into you're identity, you can be seen as conceited or only focused on one thing. Which influences how you treat blooms. You may treat blooms in such a way as to please you; regardless of how it makes others feel.

    If you're not concerned how the blooms you push forward affect people, then you can be seen as amoral or something like that. Or if you only care how the bloom affect certain people, then you're somewhat moral but obviously bias (not saying it's right or wrong). So your morality can be defined by how you make the decision to react to the blooms you encounter.

    And so you're aware that you're just an animal who happens to be conscious and you get to spend the time that you're aware influencing the blooms that will last for generations and the same time you can focus on a life full of more positives than negatives. And you can help others do as well as you or improve on positivity (or negativity). But at the same time you're aware that you're just a bloom that is at each bloom blooming again and aware of that and that one day that awareness will fade and you're just be a bloom dispersed again into blooms.

    And your psychology affects how you interpret blooms and it presupposes a few things for you. Sometimes even mental illness or a different perspective or something like autism. Some people are drawn to silence. Other to loudness. Etc. So you're a bloom full of blooms that you may not even be aware of. And how deep you go depends on how deep you want to go. But it'll always be blooms. So in a single bloom is in the entire universe.

    Blooms can be expressed musically, in painting, photography, words, etc. And how you express it is creativity. That is why you are what you do. And you're judged on your dress. Because it expresses something deep about you even if you don't want to admit it. And you're treated based on your money, power, beauty, etc. Because expression is intimately tied to blooms.

    It's like 'The One' talked about in neoplatonism. It's this phantom that you cannot talk about. As soon as you talk about it it disappears. But we can see The One through blooms. Like ghost that can only be seen if you throw a blanket over it.

    Another thing is that you can understand words through blooms. So there's some slang that is more contemporaneous and there's other terms (such as 'cool') that are part of popular culture for a longer time. And there's technical terms, grammar, punctuation, association, meaning, structure, etc. associated with words. Plus some other stuff.

    So when you speak words, you're speaking blooms and they have a function. And how useful those words are is how useful they perform their function.

    So some blooms are kept alive or they're conjured up within certain groups of people because it means something special to them. Or there are blooms that are known to the general public. Or it's both and the word has two meaning. Two different blooms. But interpreted differently depending on who you are and how you're expected to interpret it.

    And so when you're analyzing anything you can deduce everything based on the relation of the blooms and what meaning you can derive from them.

    The importance of deduction here just illustrates how important logic is to the study of philosophy.

    It illustrates 'knowledge is power' because the more you know about blooms and how to navigate through them and make them have the effect you desire, determines how much power you have.

    You can also interpret what 'street smarts' and 'book smarts' means in this context as well.

    And it illustrates Derrida's deconstruction because this view shows how it is that the artist creates a book that is writing in black ink but then interpreted by the reader (who always interprets the black ink bloom with colorful bloom). So the intention of the artist just plays a minor role in the major bloom of the work. And it shows how sometimes we do stuff that set in motion things out of our control.

    And art then is basically creating black ink that can be interpreted by other people in color. So humans can create objective Truth (e.g. by writing a book). And this is a bloom in black and white. But it's only meaningful in color; color that the reader gives the book, irrespective of the artist intention.

    The gist of the foundation is that 'All is One', but I think blooms is like an illustration as to why also 'all is one' doesn't say enough to cover the shades of non-uniformity.

    Because all is one but it's only something that can be seen through distinction.

    That's why as soon as you talk about 'The One' it disappears. You can only see its shadows.

    Concerning Plato's cave theory, the person that breaks free from the chains and realizes there's a true source for the shadows is killed by the people that pleasantly enjoyed the shadows. Philosophers try to tell non-philosophers things about life but non-philosophers don't really care about it. They just want to live in their shadow life.

    But the person that broke free came back with the wrong message. Namely that the light was the true source of everything. That's wrong. The shadows are the source of our emotions. We need the shadows. The shadows are as necessary as the light.

    What Plato cave theory says is that if you break free from the chain, you go insane and you're killed. But if you're enlightened, you stay chained up but learn to read the shadows in such a way to get more knowledge out of the true light (capital 'T' Truth).

    So in basketball, the rules are capital 'T' Truth and the way you play it gives rise to those Truths. Life's a game. Society's a game. And you play within the rules of each of those things. Made up the facts of life (Tootie).

    But if you're in a game of basketball and all of the sudden go out of the line and start acting outside the rules of the game, you seem to forfeit or are disqualified or penalized. The same thing can be seen for Life and your role as a living thing. Or as a thing living within a society. Or you existing in reality. There are certain rules that you cannot break and there are certain contexts that you cannot escape. All is one but we see it fragmented into infinity and you're one part of that. However you define you.

    I really like this philosophy because when illustrated it's quite colorful. But also because you can throw anything at it. Like wicca and conjurer of spirits. It's just blooming a sort of way to try and give rise to a specific bloom. Not that their methods are effective in doing so, but that we do the same thing (conjure up blooms from intention) through discourse, interpersonal relationships, hard work, etc.

    And the ship of Theseus is just a constantly changing thing that we just identify as the ship of Theseus; but doesn't refer to all the blooms that it's made up of. Just refers to the ship of Theseus. Etc.

    How it fits ghosts into the philosophy: The One is Truth that can only be seen through representations. Our voice and awareness is like the sound and by-products of a car engine when turned on. Death is just the last time the car works. But who you are/were was based on The One. We're like ghost speaking because we ourselves cannot know our-self directly. Only through shadows. Before we're finished thinking we're already somewhere else; and yet we try to convince ourselves of the concept of beginning and end.

    Hopefully the ghost bit doesn't take away from what can be said about the ethics. But the ghost thing can also be understood by seeing the idea through Jung's archetype. The archetypes are a bloom that exist subconsciously in a lot people. And our identity is affected by that. As much as our peers influence how we see the different archetypes (or blooms).

    And the way to access blooms varies. You can reach blooms through empathy or hearing or touch or awareness, etc. It depends your ability and how the bloom can and cannot be sensed.

    Now, there's an echo ringing in a cave in some distant planet none us will ever get to hear. And that's a bloom. But your voice equally blooms and has a deeper impact; not only on everything around you but yourself. Blooms of awareness are just a reaction of blooms to be aware of. But awareness doesn't exist without blooms.

    Blooms bloom from blooms and are proved by blooms blooming. So the shortest argument for bloom is: bloom.
  • Nils Loc
    Enjoyable rant but I'm afraid it simulates a poetic drive (ache) in me to break out of the constraints imposed by adherence to the stricter modes of reason (a 'bloomin' ontology) and conduct as exemplified by others here in the forum.

    If only I could sweep the scene with a contagion of ecstasy moving toward the annihilation of self (or selves).

    The ache that would ache itself to death in service to the flower blooms.

    My ache blooms. The wound blooms just before death, red qualia seeping into the fabric of a shirt.

    The blooms in the vase upstairs, as a bundle, is a metaphor for the blooms in this thread.

    The vase is a tomb of blooms, a sacrifice of beauty to appease and calm the ravenous. An amalgamation of brains for an amalgamation of zombies.

    It (the bloom) teases and torments me with the promise of something unobtainable.

    A blooming contradiction: it fulfills temporarily while requiring more in the future to reach the same bloom of fufillment.

    The bloom is substituted for what it is not, that which is unobtainable.

    Blooms bloom in the baloom. Bloomalysitic bloomduction blooming bloomunctions. A bunch of bloomony. Set the bloomony in a boomessal for the boomites so they bloomizzle.
  • betsyforaer
    The bloom is substituted for what it is not, that which is unobtainable.Nils Loc

    But you yourself are a bloom. Participating in various blooms because you're made up of blooms and you yourself impact countless other blooms.. Everything you know is a bloom and everything you don't know is a bloom. Because bloom is everything there is.
  • Nils Loc
    All is bloom then and I have been struck mute (or possibly dumb).

    Despite my stupidity I speak and write as if it were an addiction (oh, words, justify me in the eyes of my peers, let me get into the party of all parties, the dance of all dances).

    If only my mind could bloom with intelligence, which gives the knife its edge to cut.

    "Whereof we cannot speak we must remain silent. " Just as no bloom is my bloom, I merely pass on what people pass on to pass on the passing on. Just as the flower services and contains the entirety of creation.

    When I dance, they point and laugh. Before I dance, I imagine myself dancing and people pointing and laughing. So I do not dance. Buf if speaking is dancing, like walking is dancing, then I simply cannot help it (oh but of course I can help it). Call the categorical curators to select the good blooms from the bad, toward some fleeting end.

    I should not dance to mock the most excellent dancer.

    Every dance is a mockery in the light of excellent dancing.

    I should bloom to compete with the most excellent bloom in my class.

    Every bloom is competing with the most excellent blooms in their class.

    Look over there!!!! -------------> ✾
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