• praxis
    Clay's Ark, Octavia Butler180 Proof

    This looks good. I read one of her series and liked it a lot.
  • Neuron420
    Currently reading:
    "Hidden in Plain Sight: 6 Why Three Dimensions?", Andrew Thomas
    "The Transhumanist Wager" , Zoltan Istvan
    "The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory", Brian Greene
    "Balancing on Blue - Thru-Hiking the Appalachian Trail", Keith Foskett
  • Maw
    @180 Proof I'm looking for a Cioran quote, can't quite remember which book it was in, but the quote was basically about how he wanted to kill himself by 30 but he didn't do it. Ring any bells?
  • _db
    The Recursive Universe: Cosmic Complexity and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge by William Poundstone.

    RIP John Conway.
  • 180 Proof
    may readings

    The Transhuman Wager, Zoltan Istvan

    still reading

    The Žižek Dictionary, ed. Rex Butler (plus tics, sniffles, obscene jokes, etc)
    God, Existence, and Fictional Objects: The Case for Meinongian Theism, John-Mark L. Miravalle
    Capital and Ideology, Thomas Piketty

    @180 Proof I'm looking for a Cioran quote, can't quite remember which book it was in, but the quote was basically about how he wanted to kill himself by 30 but he didn't do it. Ring any bells?Maw
    I found these on a Cioran wikiquote page:

    "I live only because it is in my power to die when I choose to: without the idea of suicide, I'd have killed myself right away." (All Gall Is Divided)

    "If a man has not, by the time he is 30, yielded to the fascination of every form of extremism, I don't know if he is to be admired or scorned — a saint or a corpse." (History and Utopia)

    "It's not worth the bother of killing yourself, since you always kill yourself too late." (The New Gods)
  • Baden
    Great Transformations: Economic Ideas and Institutional Change in the Twentieth Century. Mark Blyth.
  • Maw
    Thanks for checking, although I don't think any of these are quite right, I'll keep looking
  • Maw
    Working-Class Formation: Nineteenth-Century Patterns in Western Europe and the United States edited by Ira Katznelson and Aristide R. Zolberg

    The Red and the Black by Stendhal
  • Pantagruel
    Working-Class Formation: Nineteenth-Century Patterns in Western Europe and the United States edited by Ira Katznelson and Aristide R. ZolbergMaw


    Huxley's Island for a bit of a change

    GH Mead's, Mind, Self, and Society
  • 180 Proof
    What We Can Never Know, David Gamez

    Thanks for your OP (re: this book), jorndoe.
  • _db
    All Things Are Possible aka The Apotheosis of Groundlessness by Lev Shestov.
  • Streetlight
    I finished A Thousand Plateaus! Two and a bit months! What an absolutely wild, infuriating and edifying book. The longest I've taken to read something since maybe the Phenomenology of Perception. One more bit of secondary reading, then a palate cleanser after...

    Eugene Holland - Deleuze and Guattari's A Thousand Plateaus
    Ann Pettifor - The Production of Money: How to Break the Power of Bankers
  • Rae
    Started on The picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde. I'm sure some of you have read it?
  • Heracloitus
    Started on The picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde. I'm sure some of you have read it?Rae

    Yes. A couple of times. I wish Wilde had written more books!

    I'm reading Powers of Time: Versions of Bergson by David Lapoujade
  • Rae
    Yes. A couple of times. I wish Wilde had written more books!

    I'm reading Powers of Time: Versions of Bergson by David Lapoujade
    @emancipate Cool! I actually just signed up on this forum, not sure how everything works yet. Hope I'm getting the quoting and mentioning right.. Want to read more of the classics and love to discuss deeper questions :)
  • Heracloitus
    Hope I'm getting the quoting and mentioning rightRae

    One quick way: When you highlight text a quote button will appear.
  • Rae
    One quick way: When you highlight text a quote button will appear.emancipate

    Ah! Thanks!
  • Pantagruel
    Made it through Capital, volume I in about seven weeks.

    Starting Capital, volume II. It's the smallest of the three volumes, weighing in at a meagre 600 pages....

    edit: finished Mind, Self, and Society - one of the best books I have ever read. I'd highly recommend this for anyone with an interest in social psychology.

    On to Weber's Economy and Society now. I'll need to do another big book buy soon.

    edit: throwing Sartor Resartus into the mix for good measure
  • 180 Proof
    Covid summer days:

    sat - Cormac McCarthy°
    fri - Albert Murray
    thurs - William Faulkner
    wed - Toni Morrison
    tues - José Saramago
    mon - Samuel Beckett
    sun - George Steiner

    ANTIFA summer nights:

    sun - Spinoza, Epicurus, Nussbaum ...
    mon - blues (while (re)writing an essay/story)
    tues - Cioran, Rosset, Arendt ...
    wed - jazz (while (re)writing an essay/story)
    thurs - histories / sciences
    fri - blues & jazz (while (re)writing an essay/story)
    sat - movies, documentaries or tv shows
  • _db
    What We Can Never Know by David Gamez. Thank you for thanking , the title piqued my curiosity. Very interesting read!
  • path
    throwing Sartor Resartus into the mix for good measurePantagruel

    Nice. I remember bumping into that in an anthology. Flavor.
  • Maw
    (while (re)writing an essay/story)180 Proof

    :chin: :up:
  • Streetlight
    Mariana Mazzucato - The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy
    Mariana Mazzucato - The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths

    Sicc'd on to these by @Maw I believe.
  • Josh Lee
    Escape from Freedom - Erich Fromm
    Do the Work - Steven Pressfield
  • Maw
    What should I read I'm kind of at a loss
  • _db
    The Anatomy of Fascism was good.
  • Streetlight
    Verso have a bunch of their books on the police for free download here atm:

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