• Maw
    Actual minorities speaking in favor of Trump vs. surveys and polls saying otherwisecreativesoul

    You do realize that @halo is a random person on the internet, right? And who do you think takes these surveys and polls if not "actual immigrants"? 69% of Latinos voted Democrat in the 2018 midterm vs. 29% who voted GOP.
  • creativesoul
    Well Maw. The bit about legal immigrants having issues with those who enter illegally is real. Neither your opinion nor the polls matter. You should talk to real people in real places a bit more.
  • RegularGuy
    You should talk to real people in real places a bit more.creativesoul

    How many legal immigrants have you interviewed?
  • RegularGuy
    I think you’re full of hot air.
  • creativesoul
    You wouldn't be the first.
  • Maw
    Well Maw. The bit about legal immigrants having issues with those who enter illegally is real. Neither your opinion nor the polls matter. You should talk to real people in real places a bit more.creativesoul

    Outside of the fact that I simply don't believe for an instant that you are anyone here has "interviewed" immigrants on their views of undocumented immigration, why do polls not matter? Are they not reflective of "real people" responding? Seems that majority of Americans are sympathetic to undocumented immigrants, even fairly split among conservatives.
  • creativesoul
    Polls can be designed for results, and are.
  • creativesoul
    Believe what you like.
  • creativesoul
    Fucking media puppets...
  • Maw
    The questions and set of answers are very clearly presented in each of the polls I've provided, all of which have been from PEW Research which is a very reputable fact tank that is used by both liberal and conservative commentators. Sorry that they aren't providing you with the answers you want to see or the answers provided to you by your (assuming they are real) clearly idiotic family/friends/acquaintances, but there's no need to whine about it
  • halo
    I curious , if you were president, what would you do with the border issue?
  • Maw
    No: I'm not saying to embrace their talking points, in saying they shouldn't play into them. In particular, consider Medicare For All. IMO it has near zero chance of passing, but even if it could - it's too big, and too soon. We absolutely need a public option- that should be campaigned for. If successful, it will eventually crowd out the private options. IMO this is smart policy, and smarter politically.Relativist

    Incidentally, here is Buttigieg saying exactly what I've been saying.
  • Maw
    I curious , if you were president, what would you do with the border issue?halo

    Throw everyone in ICE and CBP in jail and let the immigrants in the concentration camps live in their homes. Easy.
  • ssu
    Trump illustrates two personal characteristics that are relevant: First, as a CEO, he behaves in the presidency as if was a CEO--with lots of prerogatives, and not part of a government.Bitter Crank
    Trump is more of an investor-owner than a CEO. CEO's typically are career professionals that are hired for the job and are responsible for the board, typically other people like himself. An investor that inherited his wealth isn't: it's his money, his wealth. Hence Trump has had the ability of having a multitude of entrepreneurial disasters, thanks to the Russians coming to assist him after American banks wouldn't lend him any more.
  • creativesoul
    he questions and set of answers are very clearly presented in each of the polls I've provided, all of which have been from PEW Research which is a very reputable fact tank that is used by both liberal and conservative commentators. Sorry that they aren't providing you with the answers you want to see or the answers provided to you by your (assuming they are real) clearly idiotic family/friends/acquaintances, but there's no need to whine about itMaw

    Name calling and personal insults.

  • creativesoul
    I've nothing further until someone has an original opinion is some small kine way.
  • RegularGuy
    Immigration is necessary and should be made easier, not less restrictive. Care to argue?
  • Maw
    lol you said I was a "fucking media puppet" so here is a reminder for you to put your pants on first tomorrow morning and then your shoes. Seems like you need to hear that every day.
  • creativesoul
    Immigration is necessary and should be made easier, not less restrictive. Care to argue?Noah Te Stroete

    As long as I can argue in the affirmative.
  • creativesoul
    ...you said I was a "fucking media puppet"...Maw

    That's false.
  • RegularGuy

    Ha! Let me ask you this: are you a naturalized citizen or were you born here (assuming you are an American)?
  • creativesoul
    ...so here is a reminder for you to put your pants on first tomorrow morning and then your shoes. Seems like you need to hear that every day.Maw

    All that based upon... what, exactly?
  • RegularGuy
    Actually, it seems we don’t disagree, so what is the gripe exactly?
  • creativesoul
    Let me ask you this: are you a naturalized citizen or were you born here (assuming you are an American)?Noah Te Stroete

    I've lived and thrived in a multitude of different places, people's, and cultures. I've made lots of friends.
  • creativesoul
    My attitude towards justified aggression is similar to Mandela.
  • RegularGuy
    My attitude towards justified aggression is similar to Mandela.creativesoul

    And that was?
  • creativesoul
    Actually, it seems we don’t disagree, so what is the gripe exactly?Noah Te Stroete

    With you? None, that I'm aware.

    Here, in this thread?

    Trump is not the problem. He is a symtom. A consequence. A result.
  • RegularGuy
    Trump is not the problem. He is a symtom. A consequence. A result.creativesoul

    I agree. Globalism hasn’t helped the average person to the degree it has benefitted the owner class. It hasn’t helped Joe or Jane Blow at all in the good ol’ USA. The Dems need to have a clear plan of how they will make Joe and Jane’s life better, and show that Trump has pulled off a con job.
  • creativesoul
    My attitude towards justified aggression is similar to Mandela.
    — creativesoul

    And that was?
    Noah Te Stroete

    There is such a thing.

    When given no choice but for one to have to fight for their right to self direction, when during a heated confrontation, one is not afforded the ability to escape the situation with their dignity intact, when one's life and livelihood is being carelessly cast aside...
  • RegularGuy

    Doesn’t seem like a fitting analogy to compare this situation to Mandela’s, but have at it.
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