• frank
    I dont think the budget situation is trump. It was the republican congress doing weird stuff.
  • 3017amen
    When I think of economic policy or otherwise, I think about Presidential leadership like the sports metaphor.

    1. The players execute the plays.
    2. The coaches coach ( some are rah-rah coach's; other's are more X's and O's, and still some remain somewhat clueless and keep making mistakes or just don't care)

    The overlooked thing; the coaches either benefit or suffer (for a few years) from their predecessor. (Barry Switzer benefited from Jimmy Johnson's Cowboys, Mike Tomlin from Bill Cowher's Steelers, etc. etc.) Obama suffered from Bush trickle-down economics.

    I worry Trump is going to get mad at everybody and dick-up the economy. With his money, I question if he really cares...oh wait, he doesn't want to share his tax returns LOL.

    We need more Moderate's in both Political and Religious institutions!
  • Michael
    No formal impeachment proceedings have occurredNOS4A2

    That's what they're doing now?

    H. Res. 660

    For the purpose of continuing the investigation described in the first section of this resolution, the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (referred to in this resolution as the ‘‘Permanent Select Committee’’) is authorized to conduct proceedings pursuant to this resolution...

    The House authorizes the Committee on the Judiciary to conduct proceedings relating to the impeachment inquiry referenced in the first section of this resolution pursuant to the procedures submitted for printing in the Congressional Record by the chair of the Committee on Rules, including such procedures as to allow for the participation of the President and his counsel.

    ... the White House is not obligated to participate...NOS4A2

    If individuals in the White House have been subpoenaed then they're obligated to participate. See 2 U.S. Code § 192:

    Every person who having been summoned as a witness by the authority of either House of Congress to give testimony or to produce papers upon any matter under inquiry before either House, or any joint committee established by a joint or concurrent resolution of the two Houses of Congress, or any committee of either House of Congress, willfully makes default, or who, having appeared, refuses to answer any question pertinent to the question under inquiry, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 nor less than $100 and imprisonment in a common jail for not less than one month nor more than twelve months.

    ... and your accusations of obstruction of justice is nonsense.NOS4A2

    If the White House is ordering these individuals not to comply then they could be guilty of obstruction under 18 U.S. Code § 1505:

    Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress...
  • deletedmemberMD
    “I don’t think it’s going to end well,” Harris told the website. “You look back at the Old Testament and the relationship between the prophets and really bad leaders and kings, and oftentimes it was, it’s not something you unwind because it’s, it’s actually in the scriptures presented as God’s judgment on the false religion of the day.

    “This is the leader that you want and maybe deserve,” he added. “That represents a lot of who you are.”
    - Joshua Harris - https://www.rawstory.com/2019/11/ex-pastor-warns-trump-embrace-will-destroy-evangelical-christianity-i-dont-think-its-going-to-end-well/

    Would anyone care to expand on what Harris means by this?
  • Streetlight
    Trump and the TrumpetsWayfarer

    This is an anarcho ska-punk band waiting to happen.
  • NOS4A2

    According to Whitehouse counsel the inquiry is constitutionally invalid, violates basic due process and the separation of powers. To them it Is a naked political act to overturn the 2016 elections and to influence the 2020 elections, it has no legitimate or constitutional basis, and therefor the Whitehouse cannot participate in such a process.
  • Michael
    According to Whitehouse counsel the inquiry is constitutionally invalid, violates basic due process and the separation of powers. To them it Is a naked political act to overturn the 2016 elections and to influence the 2020 elections, it has no legitimate or constitutional basis, and therefor the Whitehouse cannot participate in such a process.NOS4A2

    The White House doesn't get to decide that else the very premise of Congressional oversight is moot.
  • NOS4A2

    Judges decide the merits of any legal argument.
  • Michael
    Judges decide the merits of any legal argument.NOS4A2

    Has the White House appealed to a court and been granted a stay?
  • NOS4A2

    No, they wrote a letter. No courts are involved.
  • Michael
    Judges decide the merits of any legal argument.NOS4A2

    Also, a judge has already ruled that the inquiry is legal.
  • Michael
    No, they wrote a letter. No courts are involved.NOS4A2

    If the White House isn't going to appeal to the court then they have no constitutional/legal authority to disobey a Congressional subpoena.
  • NOS4A2

    Also, a judge has already ruled that the inquiry is legal.

    It will likely be appealed.
  • NOS4A2

    If the White House isn't going to appeal to the court then they have no constitutional/legal authority to disobey a Congressional subpoeana.

    They do if the subpoenas are invalid and unconstitutional, which is what the whitehouse counsel is arguing.
  • Michael
    They do if the subpoenas are invalid and unconstitutional, which is what the whitehouse counsel is arguing.NOS4A2

    Again, the White House doesn't get to decide that they're invalid and unconstitutional. Unless and until a court rules that they're invalid and unconstitutional (or at least agrees to hear the case and issue a stay) then the White House is legally required to submit to subpoenas issued by the House and failure to do so constitutes obstruction.
  • NOS4A2

    Again, the White House doesn't get to decide that they're invalid and unconstitutional. Unless and until a court rules that they're invalid and unconstitutional (or at least agrees to hear the case and issue a stay) then the White House is legally required to submit to subpoenas issued by the House and failure to do so constitutes obstruction.

    Then they should bring the Whitehouse to court, where it can be heard by a judge.
  • Michael
    Then they should bring the Whitehouse to court, where it can be heard by a judge.NOS4A2

    They could. Or they could hold them in inherent contempt of Congress. Or they could simply draft articles of impeachment for obstruction of justice as is their Constitutional right.
  • NOS4A2

    That’s correct.
  • frank
    The impeachment stuff is going to come and go. Trump will announce that he's been exonerated by the senate. He'll run in 2020 and it will be really close.

    What the Democrats can do to make it less close is run a guy who says he'll legalize marijuana by executive action in the first 100 days.

    I love Bernie. I think we should legalize marijuana across the board. But is it necessary to shove it down every state's throat? Is there some reason we can't let each state make that decision? Bernie is out of touch with the people he proposes to lead.
  • Baden

    Presuming no major third-party runs, Trump will lose 46 to 49 against any Dem short of Biden or Bernie (who'd both break 50). The electoral college won't save him this time. You read it here first.
  • frank
    As Tiff says, from your lips to God's ears.
  • Baden

    Hehe, I doubt Tiff will join you in that sentiment on this occasion. Not to worry though, I'll make a Marxist of her yet. Might take a huge pizza bribe, but we'll get there.
  • Wayfarer
    Those searching for the red line Trump can cross that will magically turn the Republican Party against him will be disappointed. As long as Trump maintains the support of the people the GOP has concluded are the only Americans who matter, they will sustain him, no matter how many crimes he commits, no matter how much of his corruption is exposed, and no matter how many catastrophes he arbitrarily creates overseas. This is the logic of Trumpist nationalism: permanent minority rule by those who have decided that they are the only real Americans.

    The Trump Infallibility Doctrine
  • frank
    Hehe, I doubt Tiff will join you in that sentiment on this occasion. Not to worry though, I'll make a Marxist of her yet. Might take a huge pizza bribe, but we'll get there.Baden

    :party: :party: :party:
  • NOS4A2

    A marijuana candidate would do well. Though trump did legalize hemp to no particular fanfare.
  • praxis
    I was getting ready to walk the dog the other day and while searching audible for something to listen to I ended up downloading Trump Jr.'s new book Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us. Call it morbid curiosity.

    The book is basically comprised of 80% Trump tweets and 20% self-aggrandizement. The latter feels almost childish, actually so does the former, but you can tell it's geared towards Trump's base of supporters. That he enjoys hunting and killing animals, has worked hard his entire life, or feels a kinship with the blue-collar workers of American doesn't impress me personally. This makes it appear that he intends to pursue a policial career using the same strategy or base of support that his father uses.

    The book tour is not going over so well in every location.
  • Shawn

    He is unlovable.
  • frank
    The birth of a dynasty. Want to move to Guam?
  • NOS4A2

    I commend you for giving it a listen and coming to your own conclusions. The world needs more of that. I assumed most outside of Trump’s base wouldn’t give it the time of day. Personally, I won’t read it because I’m tired of the “owning the libs” mentality, which is rife in Trump world.
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