• NOS4A2
    The white man has spoken. Non-whites should not go to polling stations.
  • NOS4A2

    You left his part out, shill.

    If you are sick with COVID-19 or think you might have COVID-19, follow the steps below to care for yourself and to help protect other people in your home and community
  • Streetlight

    Given that our comrades over at Fox News Communist Headquarters themselves have acknowledged that mail ballots tends to help republicans more than democrats, I actually suspect the whole debacle is even more stupid than I ever imagined - that Trump said a stupid thing without thought (spurred by his masculine fragility over COVID), and when called out on it, because he's a fucking man-baby, doubled down and and can't bring himself to let it go. If it disenfranchises a bunch of voters, so be it. Like... this had it's genesis in the intersection of Trump's stupidity and his egoism.

    Trump doesn't play 11D chess. He wouldn't know how to play 3D chess. He's literally just a stupid person doing stupid things, unable to unstupid things without going full retard. This makes a lot more sense.
  • Maw
    Yeah, but you are clearly treating this virus as a political football...which is pretty disgusting.Chester

  • Chester
    What is it with you leftists and self-identifying?

    It is clearly being used for political gain (covid 19) by the left .Don't forget it was a leftist regime that inflicted this on the world too Mr Moron.
  • Outlander

    If you and your family are in a theater right now and someone does the same. People rush out in a panic trampling eachother many getting hurt, one of which being you, some getting killed, one of which being a family member. You don't think the individual who caused all that should be punished in any way? At least banned from the theater? lol
  • Echarmion
    It is clearly being used for political gain (covid 19) by the left .Don't forget it was a leftist regime that inflicted this on the world too Mr Moron.Chester

    You probably also think the Nazi party was left wing because it had "socialist" in the name, right?
  • Maw
    What is it with right wingers being morally deprived morons? Just foaming-at-the-mouth dipshits.
  • Benkei
    That doesn't make a shitting difference. It says follow the steps below and the first step is what I quoted. Stay. The. Fuck. Home.

    But yeah, the fact you read something racist in what I said while simultaneously defending the disenfranchisement of minorities says it all about who the real racist is here.
  • NOS4A2

    That doesn't make a shitting difference. It says follow the steps below and the first step is what I quoted. Stay. The. Fuck. Home.

    But yeah, the fact you read something racist in what I said while simultaneously defending the disenfranchisement of minorities says it all about who the real racist is here.

    It applies to sick people only, not "non-whites" or any other group of people. Perhaps you might refrain from holding low expectations of entire groups of people because they don't have the same shade of skin as you.
  • NOS4A2

    If you and your family are in a theater right now and someone does the same. People rush out in a panic trampling eachother many getting hurt, one of which being you, some getting killed, one of which being a family member. You don't think the individual who caused all that should be punished in any way? At least banned from the theater? lol

    I'm not sure that would happen. Perhaps a real example would suffice.
  • Baden

    It's a fact that minorities have been affected more by COVID. And being affected by COVID has nothing to do with others' expectations of you. It's not a moral failing. Now stop trolling. If the new Trump line is to accuse anyone who supports mail-in voting of being racist, it's not going to fly here.
  • Benkei
    Again in full for those of us who cannot read.

    I said:

    That's not because only Democrats would act fraudulently, or "are [all Republicans] utterly truthful" according to you? It's because covid-19 disproportionally affects non-white US citizens who tend to vote Democratic more often. Denying them the ability to vote via mail-in ballots is the ploy and that's the real violation of rights here. Not a little link beneath the President's unsubstantiated claims. — Benkei
  • Chester
    Just a quickie mate, don't want to get in the way of your chat with Nos...don't you find it odd that it's leftists who constantly bleat on about people's race...seems kind of racist. I'm a righty and I literally couldn't give a flying fuck what colour you are...just saying.
  • fdrake

    "He who smelt it dealt it"
  • NOS4A2

    I don’t view the world through the lens of race, and I despise people who pigeon-hole others into such groups and then pretend they can derive from it some sort of knowledge about the world. I’m sorry, but this has been the modus operandi of racists since the beginning of time and I refuse to participate.
  • Outlander

    It could. Maybe it was a firefighter movie. lol

    Fine. Shark in the water. Bomb on a train. Shooter at a concert. All things that have happened more than a few times. Those real enough for ya?
  • Chester
    But it's you lot smelling it.
  • NOS4A2

    I apologize for what I said, Benkei. I know you meant no ill will. That stuff just bothers me.
  • Baden

    If you were any more full of shit, we could give you an enema and stick you in a matchbox.

    Damn right you needed to apologize. Don't try to pull that crap again.
  • NOS4A2

    I will abide, even when the rules are selectively applied.
  • Baden
    , even when the rules are selectively applied.NOS4A2

    We must be racist against stupid people. Now shut up and get on with the Trump brown-nosing.
  • Chester
    Seriously do leftists just want somebody to agree with?
  • NOS4A2

    I like debate, no matter how contentious. It’s good for you.
  • praxis

    The truth is good for everyone though.
  • Chester
    Well I'm the same as you mate, could be here, in my work van or in a pub, love an argument...but lefties can't take different views, they try to control their space...safe spaces and all that , they're very needy.
  • NOS4A2

    Truth shines in a free and open encounter with falsehood.
  • Chester
    I also think that if someone is firing up a discussion in this sort of place , that's a positive thing...expressing passion through a message board is hard but that also makes it good to see....it's not like we can beat the shit out of each other is it.
  • NOS4A2

    I still consider myself a man of the left, just not their version of it.
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