• Baden

    Of course. I'm no oracle. I'm just saying I personally am convinced he's gone and am just going to sit back and enjoy it.

    I really don't know, mate. Better to ask @Hanover or @Ciceronianus the White about the legal stuff.
  • Wayfarer
    ‘There is overwhelming evidence that our president, for the first time in our history, is deliberately or through gross negligence or because of his own twisted personality engaged in treasonous behavior — behavior that violates his oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

    Trump vacated that oath today, and Republicans can no longer run and hide from that fact. Every single Republican lawmaker will be — and should be — asked on the election trail: Are you with Trump and Putin or are you with the C.I.A., F.B.I. and N.S.A.?’ ~ Thomas Friedman, NYTimes.
  • Wayfarer
    If this act of blatant perfidy doesn’t bring and end to the Trump juggernaut, then God help us.
  • Benkei
    Everybody said the same about Bush Jr. I'm more optimistic about the house and senate elections coming up. Maybe that will make impeachment possible.

    As before, mass immigration to Canada didn't happen either. People will complain but they'll rarely act on it.
  • Wayfarer
    Bush was a completely different kind of problem. I would never defend W., but I don't think there were ever grounds for impeachment. Trump's behaviour is now completely beyond the pale, the American electorate has to stand up against him - he's literally bringing the nation down before the world's eyes. This should be evident even to Murdoch. It's an absolute disgrace. I'm so angry about it, I have to stop talking about it, so have nothing further to say.
  • Baden

    This is a completely different level. I dont remember Fox News and Republicans calling Bush "disgusting" and a "traitor". When even your own supposed partisans start turning on you, it's special.
  • VagabondSpectre
    By 2020 he'll be so.... So.... Old... And tired... So tired...

    Even if the economy soars he would still need another miracle in my estimation (Hillary stealing the Democrat nomination again for instance). Trump was somewhat a "fuck you" vote - a spanner in the works - and as a literal and figurative pejorative he has excelled stupendously. I reckon there will be less such incentive to slam the big orange button on the next go round.

    I've been predicting resignation or impeachment since before he was president though (when Hillary cinched the democratic nomination I knew he had a serious shot). It's just too rough of a circus to carry on for the full four years; whether it's us or him, something has got to give. I did think that trump would have resigned by now amidst the endless controversy, but I underestimated how much silliness we the people and the system in general can tolerate.

    I confess, I desired this outcome from the very beginning. It's the best possible outcome: a shakeup of the system brought about by america's own hubris, which will (or should) beget reform.

    Trump will be remembered as the loud and long honk of a (hopefully) near miss when America fell asleep at the wheel. When it's all over I reckon America will take a good long look at itself and swear off a few of it's more retarded habits.

    At the very least, the generations who are around to remember this disaster will be forever inoculated against it.
  • EnPassant
    That is a joke, right?Akanthinos
    No it's not a joke! Removing evil people and replacing them with dubious knaves might be a great improvement, relatively speaking. That is all it may take to save the world, for the time being. Where can I find a LoveTrump site?
  • EnPassant
    Presumably to have it filled instead by wife beaters like Rob Porter, thieves like Scott Puritt, and sexual assault defenders like Bill Shine.StreetlightX
    Yes, but relatively speaking, they are only knaves compared to the truly dark people that have occupied the White House down through the years...
  • Baden
    Another prediction, this time a short term one. Based on the fact that Trump is a coward as he showed when he had to faceTheresa May and reversed his Sun interview criticisms, it'll be the same here. As soon as he's safely out of Putin's gaze he'll change his tune and try to clean up the mess. This time he went to far with his toadying though and it won't work.
  • Benkei
    I agree with your analysis and Wayfarer that they are different. But starting a war on fabricated evidence killing thousands is worse and nobody cared enough to vote him out. By election time they'll close their ranks again and this will be unimportant. Your analysis and my agreement to it are immaterial as I'm not the social conservative you need to convince.
  • Maw
    I'm hoping Warren runs in 2020
  • Baden

    Nobody needs to be convinced. Many conservatives are already attacking him and there's enough that he's finished imho.
  • Baden
    But starting a war on fabricated evidence killing thousands is worse and nobody cared enough to vote him out.Benkei

    I agree, but there's no necessary rational basis to this. Americans will forgive that but treason not so much.
  • Benkei
    You're shifting the goal posts. We were talking about Bush and Trump being different, not whether Republicans are critical of him. As I said before about that, that's just air until they plan to do something about it.

    How high the Mueller investigation has been played is greatly in favour of Trump as well. If he isn't found guilty of something, he'll leverage it as proof he's not a traitor, quite the opposite: the Democrats will be painted as such.
  • Baden
    Another prediction, this time a short term one. Based on the fact that Trump is a coward as he showed when he had to faceTheresa May and reversed his Sun interview criticisms, it'll be the same here. As soon as he's safely out of Putin's gaze he'll change his tune and try to clean up the mess.Baden

    This has already started with Trump tweeting he has GREAT confidence in his intelligence agencies. The same ones that are carrying out a "witch hunt" against him and he just said he believed Putin over... :chin:
  • frank
    Trump will be remembered as the loud and long honk of a (hopefully) near miss when America fell asleep at the wheel.VagabondSpectre

    I just want to point out the melody and rhythm of this sentence. It's magic.
  • Baden
    Trump will be remembered as the loud and long honk of a (hopefully) near miss when America fell asleep at the wheel. When it's all over I reckon America will take a good long look at itself and swear off a few of it's more retarded habits.VagabondSpectre


    Maybe we're talking at cross-purposes. I'm not necessarily claiming the Republicans will do something about it. But the images of Trump betraying his country in front of Putin will be played on a loop by the Dems in any future election campaign he participates in. And the Republicans are outflanked. They are the traditional patriots. And now any of them who continue to support Trump can be plausibly painted as enablers of a traitor. So, my interpretation just differs from yours. I think you're being too negative about the American public's ability to recognize finally what Trump is and reject him. Not all of them but enough to make his running again futile. Remember, he already lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton, who was hated by the left and the right, and he squeaked through on the electoral college. You tell me who he could now possibly not lose to in 2020?
  • Akanthinos

    Give me names and deeds, not talking points.

    Who was evil and removed by Trump? Who and what was worse than beating your spouse, as SLX spotted? How can a deceiving, multiple-times-bankrupt wife-cheating-with-pornstars shyster possibly improve on the moral fabric of the DC establishment?
  • Maw
    Finally got around to reading the Trump-Putin conference and my jaw is on the floor, yet I'm not surprised at Trump's response. Still utterly surreal.
  • Akanthinos

    You tell me who could he possibly not lose to in 2020?

    Well, many dems have shown a willingness to adopt the "abolish ICE" stance, and while I may support 100% that decision, I'm not sure how well that might play with the american public.

    Perhaps if the Dems could produce their own version of an hawk, they could garantee a win.
  • Akanthinos

    Those numbers are surreal, but not in a good way, like reading The Colour Out of Space while on acid surreal.
  • Maw
    Just learned that Harry and William refused to meet with Trump, who, in 1997, said that he could have "nailed" Diana, but only if she got tested for AIDs first.
  • Baden

    Grown man meets the love child of Judas Iscariot and Homer Simpson.
  • S
    Amen. It is crude at times, rude at times but always honest, about how he sees things at the time, even if that position changes. He is showing the under pinning of most he meets with. People either love him or hate him, there is no in between.ArguingWAristotleTiff

    No way, he is not always honest. Is any politician? No. And Trump is no different. Lies, evasion, deception, and other tricks are part of the trade. And trump lies like there's no tomorrow. Trump stands out for saying things, not out of integrity, but for their effect. He says things to act tough, says things to get a cheap laugh, says things to undermine, says things to appeal to people's prejudice, says things to cause a stir, says things to big himself up.
  • VagabondSpectre
    I just want to point out the melody and rhythm of this sentence. It's magic.frank

    Thanks! :heart:

    Trump can take away our security, our confidence, and our dignity, but I'll be damned if he taints the elegance of the english language! :lol:

    Best we learn to saver those cheap and traditional pleasures which are above the cranial and legislative reach of that sad and tremendous orange tempest we all so know and love to hate >:)
  • Ciceronianus
    It's not something I deal with in my practice, I'll admit. But behold Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution of our Glorious Republic, God's favorite country:

    Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

    Trump hasn't levied war against the U.S. What little I know is to the effect that in order to qualify as an "enemy" of the U.S. for purposes of this clause you must be in a state of war with it, or them as the Constitution likes to say. So I don't think Trump has much to fear in this respect. There may be other laws which apply. I don't know, and am not inclined to research that right now, having quite enough legal work for which I'm being paid (though not enough).

    It's nice to think the shills that make up the Congress will do more than mewl piteously about this, and perhaps they will if they think there's money for them in it. Dum spiro, spero as Cicero is said to have written.
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