• NOS4A2
    How did an anti-Trump “journalist” find himself on the Signal app, and leak the details of what was obviously a sensitive conversation? Smells to me like deep-state sabotage.
  • NOS4A2
    This is not terrorism. It’s vandalism. Now repeat 3 times.

  • Punshhh
    Don't know if this was posted already, but here goes anyway.
    Nice piece of journalism, captures the insanity.

    Infamy infamy, they’ve all got it in for me.
  • praxis
    How did an anti-Trump “journalist” find himself on the Signal app, and leak the details of what was obviously a sensitive conversation? Smells to me like deep-state sabotage.NOS4A2

    Electing Trump was an act of sabotage?
  • Relativist
    Michael Waltz screwed up. There's no evidence of anyone else doing anything nefarious. The jounalist (Jeffrey Goldberg) did not release plans, in fact he asked to be removed from the chat group. He published his article after the planned actions were executed- he wasn't even sure it was real until he read of the events unfolding.
  • NOS4A2

    Michael Waltz screwed up. There's no evidence of anyone else doing anything nefarious. The jounalist (Jeffrey Goldberg) did not release plans, in fact he asked to be removed from the chat group. He published his article after the planned actions were executed- he wasn't even sure it was real until he read of the events unfolding.

    Waltz is telling colleagues that he has never met or talked to Goldberg, according to Fox News. Yet Goldberg is saying Waltz added him. If you've ever used Signal you'll note that when someone is added to the chat group, you're notified of who joined. So I'm supposed to believe an employee of the Trump administration added an anti-Trump architect of a few Trump hoaxes to a private chat, no one noticed, and continued to discuss war plans in from of him. How is that possible in your view?
  • Relativist
    You're "supposed" to believe things based on evidence, not based on biased speculation. There IS evidence of Waltz' involvement - the invite came from his account. There are other possibilities, but it's irrational to jump to conclusions without evidence.

  • ssu
    Michael Waltz screwed up. There's no evidence of anyone else doin:grin: g anything nefarious.Relativist
    Apart from going through attack plans on Signal, before the attack was implemented. Perhaps simple Waltz mixed up "JD" and "JG" and nobody of them noticed anything. Too hard for anybody to check who is on the Signal-group! :grin:

    You simply don't do that. It's just a sign of utter carelessness and indifference to security protocols. It's the attitude that only "little people" face dire consequences for these kinds of breaches, but not the Trump team. You see, it's so much easier to talk these issues by the Signal app, than you the cumbersome approach of going into a secure room, leaving your mobile away and then speaking there.
  • Relativist
    It's possible hackers were involved. See: https://www.npr.org/2025/03/25/nx-s1-5339801/pentagon-email-signal-vulnerability

    If true, then they were derelict in using Signal.
  • ssu

    Yes, they were indeed derelict in using Signal.

    And if it wasn't Waltz, but "hackers", is it really better?

    JD and JG typo can happen, it's a possibility.

    Look, this is the kind of things similar to speaking on a normal phone and not on a secure line secrets that shouldn't get public. Just ask Victoria Nuland. :wink:
  • ssu
  • Relativist
    You're right - whether or was a typo or hackers, they should have heeded to prior warnimg about using Signal.
  • NOS4A2

    You're "supposed" to believe things based on evidence, not based on biased speculation. There IS evidence of Waltz' involvement - the invite came from his account. There are other possibilities, but it's irrational to jump to conclusions without evidence.

    I don’t consider the words of Jeffry Goldberg to be evidence. All he provided was two screenshots, and none of them shows any invite. And given his history and animus towards all involved, it is not beyond him to fabricate the whole damn thing, or be a dupe of some other campaign.

    Though it is possible that Waltz invited one of the worst, rabid, anti-Trump journalists, from one of the worst, rabid, anti-Trump publications to read in on a chat with the vice-president, and the highest cabinet positions, the sheer unlikelihood of it demands consideration of other possibilities.
  • Relativist
    I don’t consider the words of Jeffry Goldberg to be evidence.NOS4A2
    Of course you don't. You trust your biases:
    Smells to me like deep-state sabotage.NOS4A2
    This is why know one should take you seriously.

    the sheer unlikelihood of itNOS4A2
    Did anyone think the invite was intentional? The implication is that it was careless. Waltz may have had Goldberg's number misidentified, or it was in his computer's clipboard. As I noted, the app may have been hacked. Use of this app was probably inappropriate.

    But it turns out, there was no classified information conveyed in the chat. See: this.

    Silly Goldberg should have posted the info as soon as he received it.
  • Wayfarer
    So, typical of MAGA world, Clinton's private email use was an outrage to national security, she should have been jailed. But when Trump's own National Security Adviser uses a non-sanctioned comms channel and adds a journalist to it - why, everyone makes mistakes! No biggie! He's a real patriot. Won't do that again.

    Hypocrisy, thy name is GOP.
  • Wayfarer
    A philosophical point: not every story has two sides. The current political situation in America has ostensibly two sides, Republican and Democrat. But the current ruling party is built on a foundation of lies, the suppression of fact, and the disregard and deprecation of laws. The other side is a regular, if ineffective, political party, attempting to operate as an opposition whilst staying inside the law.

    As was put in a recent podcast, the current ruling elite is protected by the law, but not bound by it, whereas its opponents are bound by the law, but no longer protected by it, due to the purging of the ranks of law enforcement of those not loyal to the President, and his bullying of the legal profession so as to discourage their legal representation. It is unequal in all respects, and becoming more so every day.

    So the current political situation is not a story with two morally equivalent sides. Important to remember.
  • tim wood
    I don’t consider the words of Jeffry Goldberg to be evidence.NOS4A2
    You're obviously not paying attention to congressional hearings. Except I think you're just plain lying. I'm sure you know the truth of the matter, as well as any of us, but being a troll the truth is irrelevant to you.
  • Relativist
    Though it is possible that Waltz invited one of the worst, rabid, anti-Trump journalists, from one of the worst, rabid, anti-Trump publications to read in on a chat with the vice-president, and the highest cabinet positions, the sheer unlikelihood of it demands consideration of other possibilities.NOS4A2
    "When the Fox host asked [Waltz]how Goldberg’s number ended up in the group, Waltz responded: “Have you ever had somebody’s contact that shows their name and then you have somebody else’s number there? " -- source

    Sound familiar? (See my prior post)
  • Wayfarer
    During this report, you can hear Pete Hegseth waxing furious about the so-called Clinton Private Server scandal a few years back (at around 2:26):

    "Should be fired on the spot!"
  • NOS4A2

    "When the Fox host asked [Waltz]how Goldberg’s number ended up in the group, Waltz responded: “Have you ever had somebody’s contact that shows their name and then you have somebody else’s number there? " -- source

    Sound familiar? (See my prior post)

    Clearly you read it. Why did you deliberately leave the rest out?

    “Of course I didn’t see this loser in the group. It looked like someone else. Whether he did it deliberately or it happened in some other technical mean is something we’re trying to figure out.”

    Edit: There is in fact now photographic evidence that Waltz added him to the group. Whether he was disguising himself as someone else is not clear, but Waltz should probably resign either way.
  • jorndoe
    Is Trump that simple/unprincipled?

    I know a little something that so many do not appreciate about Donald, but that those of us who worked with him in the financial services game have known for many decades—LONG before he ever made a run at politics.

    His stated motives rarely reveal his true agenda. His showmanship and charisma bedazzles the uninformed, which is exactly how he likes it. He never signed a contract or met an agreement he wouldn’t violate or wriggle out of if it suited his hidden agenda. He never met an investor whose purse he didn’t consider his own in some strategic way. And he never met a human being he wouldn’t screw in order to advance or satisfy himself.

    If you want to understand his beef with Panama, don’t look at the canal to which he now points. Look at Trump enterprises and their fraught financial and criminal relationship with Panama, and look to the Russian oligarchs who bought condos in his Panama Tower.

    If you want to understand his fixation with Gaza, don’t look at the Palestinian or Israeli people; look at the real estate value he now perceives that Gaza holds, and he’d like to unlock.

    If you want to understand his insane, obsessive beef with energy renewable windmills, don’t look at the wind energy aspect; look at his beef with Scotland over his golf course and the nearby windmills that damaged his idea of its aesthetics.

    If you want to understand his irrational hatred of Obama, don’t look at the policies of the Obama administration; look to the annual press corp dinner where Obama poked fun at him and bruised his ego.

    If you want to understand his demonization of Democrats, look not to Democratic social policy, but to the fact they didn’t want him to run under color of their party.

    If you want to understand his hatred of “immigrants” don’t look to the actual contributions and challenges related to immigration, but to his own germophobia and personal disgust for all things “dirty and brown.”

    What he does SO masterfully, as many sociopaths do, is figure out how to align, however temporarily, his own personal agenda with the drives of those he can then USE to help him execute it.

    And the GOP fell right in line with that abusive strategy. The GOP now looks much like a battered wife who would LOVE to quit Trump, but who also knows their financial security, personal comfort, and social status would collapse if they ran away. And they fear they won’t get much sympathy or support from the people who tried to warn them not to marry the dude—a serial, liar, cheater, thief, sadist, and a generally Bad Person.

    Many of the GOP politicians today are busily masking their own abuse from the general public; at some point, however, as they watch their power continue to erode, their reputations get smashed, and themselves get blamed for the extensive abuse they now suffer, something’s gonna give.

    I don’t know what it is, but every bone in my body FEELS an energetic convergence heading toward a massive, MASSIVE explosion—coming soon.
    Eileen Workman · Feb 13, 2025
  • Wayfarer

    In Ursula Le Guin’s novel The Lathe of Heaven, George Orr wakes to discover that he has the power to control reality through his dreams. Each night while he sleeps, the world changes in profound and unexpected ways. In the morning, Orr alone remembers reality as it was. Soon, Orr (named, one would assume, for George Orwell) finds himself under the care of a psychiatrist, who, realizing that Orr has these powers, tries to use them to turn the world into a utopia. This does not go well for the world.

    It doesn’t go well because dreams have their own logic. They are nonlinear and to some degree nonsensical, and so directing oneself to dream of world peace may result in an alien invasion. Technically the dream has been fulfilled. Earthlings have stopped fighting with one another, but only because all of Earth is now ruled by an alien species. In this new dream reality, a world ruled by aliens becomes the only world you have ever known.

    That is what the American experience is beginning to feel like in 2025: Not as if we are living in President Donald Trump’s reality, but as if we are living in his dream. As the showrunner and director of TV shows including Fargo, Legion, and the upcoming Alien: Earth, I think a lot about how audiences navigate the tension between horror and the absurd. Now we’re all in this liminal space of the president’s devising.

    When the Trump administration pretends that the three branches of government are not and never have been equal, it creates a state of unreality in the minds of everyday Americans, similar to that of a dreamer in a dream. When the president and his proxies ignore both laws passed by Congress and Supreme Court decisions, they seek to replace the vérité of our shared history and experience with a fantasy, turning the stabilizing force of precedent into the quicksand of dream.

    Only in a dream could the bicycle you’re riding become a pony. But if you tell the pony in the dream that he used to be a bicycle, he will deny it. I’ve always been a pony, he will say. And because this is a dream, you will accept that. But what if you’re awake and your government is doing things and saying things that seem nonsensical? What are you supposed to think when you search for the Gulf of Mexico on Google Maps and discover that it no longer exists? What happens if, as a next step, the history books are revised to erase all records of the name? In this new reality, that body of water has only ever been called the “Gulf of America.” You can imagine the argument that will happen years from now, where you swear there was once a Gulf of Mexico, but, for the life of you, you just can’t prove it.

    Over the past two months, the rule of law in this country has been replaced by the rule of whim. The whim is not just that of one man but of a loose cabal of Cabinet members and “special advisers” who are combining revenge fantasies with small-government dreams, xenophobic visions, and cryptocurrency delusions. And so former national-security officials have had their security clearances revoked, government agencies have been fed into the wood chipper, “alien enemies” have been deported despite a judge’s court order, and a vaccine denier and pseudoscience champion has been confirmed as the secretary of Health and Human Services.

    The only thing these dreamers have in common is that they want to control reality itself, to rewrite the past, present, and future simultaneously. Their actions create a maelstrom of daily news and revisionist history that the mind struggles to combine into a coherent reality. As a result, we are moving from a waking state to a dream state, where logic is flexible and anything can happen.

    The movie Inception introduced us to a world in which corporate spies infiltrate the dreams of CEOs. Once inside, they steal secrets or, in the central action of the film, seek to implant an idea that the dreamer will, upon waking, turn into a reality. Inception, as they call this process, is considered almost impossible because of how difficult it is to make someone believe that an outside idea is their own. In this framework, however, the logic of the waking world is distinctly different from that of the dream. It assumes a waking world in which things make sense. Where facts have meaning. Not a world whose richest man brandishes a chain saw onstage and hires teenagers nicknamed “Big Balls” to gut the federal government, while the president of the United States reposts an AI video of the Gaza Strip as a luxury resort destination.

    Inception did not envision a world in which only dream logic exists even when the dreamer is awake; a world where the federal government is trying to both shut down the Department of Education and weaponize it in order to remake how and what children in this country are taught. A world in which the president signs an executive order invoking the Alien Enemies Act against immigrants from Venezuela, even though the country is not at war with Venezuela. In the administration’s dream logic, the executive order itself creates a preexisting state of war, allowing it to issue the order. The logic is circular. Without being at war, the administration cannot use the act to justify the deportations. Or whatever. The bicycle is a pony. The logic is dream logic.

    In the past century, authors in Russia, China, and other countries with totalitarian regimes have written about how absurd life becomes under autocracy. But until you experience it yourself, you can’t fully comprehend the illogic of it—or, I should say, the dream logic of it. It is a feeling as much as an idea, a surreal sense of unreality, from which the dreamer wills himself to wake up.

    As the Austrian-born psychologist Bruno Bettelheim wrote about life under fascism: “Thus has tyranny robbed men of their sleep and pursued them even in their dreams.”

    In this warped reality, rather than dreading sleep, we begin to dread waking up, because every day there is a new dream, one that, like George Orr’s, threatens to fracture our reality yet again. Our job over the next four years is to remember what life was like before the dream so that one day we can make the world a logical place again.
    — Noah Hawley, The Atlantic, 24 Mar 2025
  • Punshhh
    When the snake oil salesman found himself in the Oval Office and had to sell his wares to the whole world. The stuff of nightmares.
  • Christoffer

    And that is why I find it remarkable that everyone is so passive. With all that has happened so far, is the US able to wait 4 years in this manner? No one is doing anything, because the US people seem to respect the process of democracy so much that when its obviously broken in letting these people in and letting them do what they do, they are fundamentally blind to the dangers they've let into the house.

    It's as if a cabal of Belphegor has been given the keys to power and the population is slowly becoming an army of sloths, drugged by their declining intellect through social media, failing their ability to distinguish truth from lies, danger from safety; all while Belphegor himself grows fat on their delusional love and hate - The critics are passively believing that speaking up makes a difference - While the followers praise him as the second coming of Christ.

    A postmodern regime that if nothing is done will collapse into utter chaos. All while Putin laughs and promotes his troll factories.

    No one is doing anything.
  • Benkei
    I couldn't care less about the USA's dumpster fire version of politics. Dumb shits defending the current administration can take their tribal idiocy and keep it local. The sooner the USA fucks off from the world stage of international politics by making themselves irrelevant the better.
  • Christoffer
    The sooner the USA fucks off from the world stage of international politics by making themselves irrelevant the better.Benkei

    That is the only thing positive that comes out of this. The feeling in Europe is chaos, but also a renewed comradery between nations. A sense of building something new together. It's unexpected, but nice to see happening.

    However, the US will always be a major factor on the world stage and the idiocy leads to things like threats to Greenland and Denmark of annexing Greenland.

    Fundamentally, I don't think anyone really cares if the US collapse as long as they screw themselves up and no one else gets hurt, but there's lots of tentacles out from the US that hurts people and if the US falls, the world will be thrown into chaos anyway, regardless of their "America first" politics.

    So I much rather see Americans deal with the trash cans leading the nation. Remove them by force if they go too far. They're already standing on the edge of authoritarian abuse of power so all it takes is a misstep that hurts the US population in some way the population can't accept. Or maybe the US population is so docile that they'll just act all Germany in the 30s, crawling on their knees in front of the orange fatman, kissing his Bigmac-greased fingers or standing in-line to get groped while Elon Musk dances around with a chainsaw flamethrower. A population of mindless husks, zombies who're neither dead or alive, puppets of the orange man, the fat oozing from the yellow king.

    So yes, let it all fall until the right people rises up, shedding their apathy.
  • ssu
    So JD Vance is going too into Greenland and his wife has erased meeting with any actual Greenlanders as she won't go to Nuuk and the Dog Sled competition. National Security Advisor seems to have been cut out of the entourage.

    Danish Foreign Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen told Danish media it was "positive that the Americans cancelled their visit to the Greenlandic society.”

    “Instead, they will visit their own base, Pituffik, and we have nothing against that,” he said.

    If someone doesn't know, Pituffik Space Base (renamed former Thule Air Base) is in the middle of nowhere even by Greenlandic standards, 1500 km or so north from Nuuk. One of the remotest places where US servicemen are deployed, who likely will give a warm welcome to family Vance.

  • Christoffer
    is in the middle of nowhere even by Greenlandic standards, 1500 km or so north from Nuuk. One of the remotest places where US servicemen are deployed, who likely will give a warm welcome to family Vance.ssu

    If they get lost on the way there... it would be the most poetic downfall for Vance and Trump's politics.
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