• TimmyFP
    Hello, I'm new to this website, and this is my first post. Recently, I've been taught the relation between the Fibonacci Sequence, and "life". I've been struggling with the thought that I'm insignificant due to my relative significance compared to everything above me, like our cells are to us. Am I over-thinking, or is this rational? If I'm being rational, what is the best way to cope with this outlook? It's been making daily activities from going to work, and even eating feel strenuous and futile. Thank you.
  • Shawn
    Overthinking about what exactly? Just things in general?
  • TimmyFP
    Specifically my life. I'm a middle-class worker in the U.S. with aspirations for filmmaking. The fact that I wasn't born into any societal significance makes me fear my impact on the universe isn't worth living. I'm not suicidal, but I'm feeling like Sisyphus lately. I've been trying to adopt the absurdist outlook, but I can't shake my existential dread.
  • tim wood
    Thinking is vanity. Reason is the short road to madness. We're all self-suspended by our bootstraps over the abyss. But there is no solution, because there is no problem! You're a thing to be spent - and will be spent whether you like it or not - spend yourself well! Do your best - that is the best. And don't forget to enjoy yourself, this last being not a feeling you hope for, but a decision you make.

    And patience to give to each thing the time it takes helps.
  • TimmyFP
    I tried arguing with your reply, but you're absolutely correct. I think I just need to fall back into society again. Thank you so much.
  • Shawn

    Glad that got resolved without a hiccup. You seem to know what you want and where you want to be. I wouldn't call it an existential crisis; but, perhaps a need for more reflection in your life. If the issue resurfaces you can always engage in philosophy without a problem.
  • Gord
    I do not think it is possible to "overthink" as you put it. To think, or to have an active mind, i believe is the most healthy attribute one can possess.

    The important thing, i think, is to test ones way of thinking, understanding, rationalizing, and observation against other living entities. I believe a balance must be struck of abstract thinking in solitude and testing your metal, so to speak, out in the world.
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