• Akanthinos
    Have you ever driven from Detroit into Canada? It's like driving into the Land of Oz. Everything is in technicolor. It feels safe and happy. Detroit is grey, dirty, and just a tad hostile, not that the whole US is like Detroit.frank

    That's so strange... for me (and I think I can speak for most Canadians on this) there is simply nothing that could force me to live somewhere I would not feel safe.

    And Detroit gave us Sugar Man Rodriguez. That bought it a lot of goodwill credit.
  • Dalai Dahmer
    And it appears to work insofar as that they don't appear to want to spread their form authoritarianism abroad.

    Maybe by respecting their own culture they respect other cultures. If they had no respect for other cultures they may wish to invade beyond Japan.

    Does an Imam, for example, generally respect the West?
  • Kamikaze Butter
    In the US, nationalism is expressed as severe isolationism (as if maybe the rest of the world might do us a solid and disappear)frank

    FDR was nationalist and far from an isolationist. His sentiments have not died out in the US.
  • Cavacava

    What is a white nationalist?

    My country right or wrong, is still right....where "my" means white. The majority ethnicity claims possession of an abstract notion of "country" whose value is held above normative standards of correctness or error. The male glaze is similar to the implied ownership of culture by the majority ethnicity. Most (black & white) view culture through white lenses because the white majority controls how and what gets presented in culture as culture.

    Compare to a White (or Black) patriot...my country for better or worse. The patriot (white or black) and the nationalist both express love of country, but the patriot's love is about living up to community virtues. The patriot's sense of duty is driven by core social/private values, which they confirm in their actions.
  • wellwisher

    One thing you need to keep in mind is the Democrat party was the party of slavery in the 1800's. It was the party of segregation, the party of discrimination, Jim Crow laws and KKK, until the 1950s, when the Democrat party started to divide among itself. The Republican party under President Lincoln opposed slavery and worked hard to repeal it. The Republican party started the NAACP.

    During the Civil War, hundreds of thousands of Republicans died to free the slaves and keep the country united. These brave men paid it forward, with their lives, for all the white Republicans of the future. What is the value of a human life? Multiply that by 200,000 and this is the amount paid forward. The white Republicans are exempt from the term white guilt, due to this debt already paid in advance.

    The Democrats, on the other hand, were not only the party of slavery, but they doubled down in terms of slavery, with hundreds of thousands of Democrats willing to die to maintain slavery. The Democrats passed forward a huge debt, that was never fully paid off. Most of this debt still hangs over the heads of the Democrats.

    The analogy for the Republicans paying forward was connected to slavery itself. If a slave was bought and set free by his master, he was a free man. Legally, he could not be enslaved again. This path of payment forward gave freedom not just for the slave, but also his future children. This same was true of the Republican sacrifice during the Civil War. Their sacrifice paid to free the Republicans from all future mental enslavement. The Democrats then and now illegally try to re-enslaved those who were legally free.

    The modern Democrats, are running a scam, where they to lump all whites, including those who had been paid forward, and who never did anything, in an attempt to water down the Democrat exclusive debt. One way for the Democrats to get out of debt is similar to bankruptcy, where they need to junk pile the Democrats party charter, to officially separate from that past debt. They need to start, fresh.

    They do not want to do this, but love their shady history. Instead, they try to pass off their debt/guilt, to those whose tab has been covered. Most Republicans don't realize they are free from that debt of mental slavey due to the original master setting you free; civil war.
  • frank
    So it doesn't really mean anything beyond a vague white supremacist sentiment? I think if we subtract out the internet effect V was talking about, that would be true.
  • frank
    That's a very weird way of looking at it, wellwisher. Though you may enjoy the benefits of the sins of your ancestors, you are not responsible for what they did.

    I can understand a generalized natural feeling of guilt for every bad thing any human has done to another, but that's really more grief than true guilt, isn't it?
  • wellwisher

    The entire white guilt premise is based on being responsible for the past, based on some type of superficial connection, like skin color. It has nothing to do with personal deeds but based on a stereo type me.

    If these are the rules of the blame game, why not also include the payments from the past. This way we accept guilt and credit for the past? Then we can do the math.

    I look at history differently. Different times have different perspectives. You can't judge one time by another time since the variables are not the same. What we know in the future is not the same as what we knew in the past.

    For example, as a teen one may take chances, such as jump off a high ledge into the dark water below. When you become old, the idea of this world scare you. It made sense when young, but not when old. If the young teen had the mind of an old man, he would choose differently. But that is not reality. The teen has a young mind and acts accordingly.

    The Democrats and other revisionist historians are like the old man judging the youth, from the POV of being frail and afraid death. The youth sees immortality and takes the plunge. I can accept the youthful plunges of the past, as being due to humanity being younger, There is nothing to feel bad about, even if the old man is grouchy and tries to slap you for being young.

    If the Democrats want to play the old man game, we need to accept the good with the bad of youth and then do the math. The youth will also take that plunge to rescue someone at the risk of their own lives Civil War Republicans. The old man is frozen with fear and faints in the day of adversity. To cover his shame he blames the youth for being reckless.
  • frank
    I look at history differently. Different times have different perspectives. You can't judge one time by another time since the variables are not the same. What we know in the future is not the same as what we knew in the past.wellwisher

    Exactly. So in light of this, let's dispense with "white guilt" and any need to compound it with more weirdness. :party:

    The Democrats and other revisionist historians are like the old man judging the youth, from the POV of being frail and afraid death.wellwisher

    Eternally, the young peer at the deathbed in horror.

    A typical Democrat is Joe Biden. He's not young, and he is not judging you for the crimes of your ancestors. Separate out the poetry from real people so you don't end up misjudging and misinterpreting. In the same way the Republican Party attracts the dregs, the Democratic Party attracts people who are, shall we say, confused. The parties themselves are just tools for accomplishing things politically.
  • creativesoul
    I despise the fact of so many horrendous people being called or having been called "nationalist"...

    It gives nationalism a bad name...
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