• AR LaBaere
    Ghostwords and Neologisms

    The flambeau is as a blazing torch, and it may thenceforth serve as an exemplary guide to our word search.

    Runcible, cairbow, abacot- these are unusual words which sometimes originate from typographical errors or dictorial deviousness. Momblishness and kime are words of sussurus and agony. What fearsome creature is the cairbow, that it might only be vainglorshed by kimes? Does it ambulate lustily along Yaanek, not merely as a typographical caribou, but as a boreal boogey of such scope and unyielding carapace as to crush the stoutest vainglory amidst the cacophony of the routing snows, soaring or slithering with inky apricity?

    Phantonyms are designations whose meaning is frequently misconstrued for other definitions. Something which is noisome is foully malodorous, and something which is enumerated is listed or appellated.

    The connections betwixt the various languages share, despite unrelated etymologies and geographies, certain sounds. It appears that the human brain contains certain structures or encoding which predispose the assignment of specific sounds to objects, verbs, or ideas. In the eventual image of the inconceivable eventual which will forever and always be as a phantomnation or oneirophrenias, we might create any interpretation of the ornate glossary which is information. Any such investigated or ramified discovery of the unreached is a finale of the unshakeable- a phantom of Weird language. Here it becomes our privilege to spelunk the deepest and most unplumbed wayfares of the deathened eidolon, which must break upon the shattering woe of all bereft or condorous being, not limited to the shining beacon of the brainless misfortunate, but always and forever a litany of such unrelenting or gambiting fits of restless stupor, seeing the snare of the snarling and sighing avuncolon amidst the carcass, the renowning egress, farfamed wraiths wandering upon pallid wolds, and the worlding divisions of beputresced catastrophe. Any such first motion toward the evolutionary spheres of the Weird must be bizarre, unheimlich, and the final odor of every impalpable disaster is as a mausoleum amidst the wicked or woeful paltry of every impassable entity amidst the pantheon. Every such power of relentless organ void seethes in quiddic paroxysm- relentless, starry antecosmic information, redemancy of mindless anticonsciousness-

    How bellicose and ’Pataphysical might we become in this musing?

    Could we use the runcible to bellicose the kime? Such a tool, being a combination, or miscible, of fork and spoon, might be better impotent at a maudlin, dolomphious, and penurious banquet.

    “Kime,” is designated as a typographical error of “knives”. However, I posit that we can delve more fecundly into such a vitrescent phantomnation. What sinister devices of abject excoriation might these be? Are they jagged portions of chime, which are protuberated beneath the fingernails in Gnostic flagellation? If the only hint we have of such sinister devices belongs to the phantasmagoric, might not these putrescent turpitudes phantomnate to us from another cosmos, a paracosm of heinous Weird and unheimlich?

    “Abacot,” is so excellently evocative of an empirical dome or arabesque; it here denotes a doubled crown, as worn by monarchs. That very ideology of each rich throneroom, tapestry, or ornamented and decanted debauchery is evocative of Hop-Frog’s king. That most excelleviating palace is a rumination which is suffarcinated with the trappings of revenge, and the entirety of unreal desultration is as a profound desecration of such gloomy realm. The phantasmagorical proof of every impassable discovery in words is grim, grotto-haunted and imbued by such a rotund clash of suborning temper awry. That bizarrie of overwhelming shatter, ludicrous tenebreity, and the sheer forcefulness of the Other is as balefully damned as any interpretation of unthinkable gloom, clash of the relentless and awing nightterror from which there is no least knowledge of any relent, no mere wing of relieving nuance with which to find a least awareness of the collision which must forever devour the very fundament of the unthinkable pinnacle and senseless chasm of all words. Lore and lorn, the lasting and unconquerable nature of that fathom becoming as a grand and heightened knowledge, sheer and dividing with that pure and illimited forcefulness of something, of a tide not merely held within the breach of every faint form, every individual or other pertinence becoming as a mist of tumultuous or derivative fugue- this is the puissance of the word.

    Every insubstantial pivoting of the voice, of its attempts to reconcile language to meaning, can only terminate in abstrusion. Every such minute awe or marvel is amirabilia, for we know the absolute mirth of finally achieving the moment of comprehension, not by pomposity of sesquipedalian linguistics, but by earnest lucubration. The crucial divergence of every unthinkable nightmare alone, every inexhaustible notion becoming as a tool of such unbroken and miraculous rhythm, a moving writ of incredible and intolerable fear never a mere descant or chyme, but a rhyme of the modality belonging to Poe, the rending of the metered decanter pouring forth enthralling cerements- the gestural intriquity of poesy, the scintillant effulgy of a phantomnating eidolon yet the surmounting epithet of every malforming dysmorphism never to bloom upon the dominion of each and every phrontisterist.

    How should we collect words and the further exoticisms of purest apricity, so that we may potently paint a hoary wood in winter? The exercising of the barest will, the excoriation of the meekest wisdom, or the envelopment of the least motion into a knowledge of ‘Pataphysics is, at the least, an embarkation into the esoteric. As our direst convolutions of a scribe’s process are enhanced, what thenceforth shall we glean?

    The word of “Phantomnation,” is so provocative because it suggests a ghostly apparition and a Cimmerian state. The investigation of etymology suggests that this phrase originated partly from The Odyssey.

    My favorite of these collected entries belongs to Lillian Virginia Montweazel. Her figurant is a fictional photographer, who first appeared within New Columbia Encyclopedia. She published a book of mailbox photography. Her tale ends during a tragic duietus in an explosion while photographing for Combustibles Magazine. Ostensibly, her character was created as a plagiarism ambush by New Columbia Encyclopedia. The very practice of such alternate histories questions the sanctity of encyclopedias and dictionaries, for what entries are sacrosanct from pleonexia against the most mumpsimus ideas of a thief, a vicious usurper against the bard? She stands as a prodigious example of ‘Pataphysics.

    These phrases have inspired my muse through many a weird Wold, and I sojourn to inveigle the same.

    I would be a scrutator to these words as a new artform. The English language is as vibrantly travassed as the possible stars which would haunt the unblemished antediluvian universe, if it were cleared of humanity. Some obscure words are not the product of typographical errors or obscurial portmanteaus, but fallen into farrow or formality. In the creation of a renowned breadth of poesy and fictions, Edgar Allan Poe gives us such weighty words as wold, scariac, psyche, importune, nepenthe, plutonian, and Plato.

    Sedges supersubtle importune-

    A Finnegans Wake of tremulous riverrun, past Eve and Adam’s-

    What more can we disinhume?
  • Caldwell
    The very practice of such alternate histories questions the sanctity of encyclopedias and dictionaries, for what entries are sacrosanct from pleonexia against the most mumpsimus ideas of a thief, a vicious usurper against the bard?AR LaBaere

    Sadly, encyclopedias were among the casualties of digital prints -- use ghostwords at your own risk.
  • Janus
    A portentifical and hoaroristically sluggestive mumbleation...Vive l'oulipo!
  • AR LaBaere
    After some reflection, I have edited my original enumeration of oddments to expand upon my definitions. In each such unprecedented tidbit, a unique history surrounds the item’s original manifestation, whether it be by deception or misadventure. However, I think it crucial to acknowledge that these collections, as with all grammar, syntax, and definition, can and should be evolved. I have not yet arrived at a satisfactory system for organizing the various encounters with amphigory which litter the various pieces of arcana and lucubration amongst the nonfiction and Weird of history.
  • Pattern-chaser
    Language is a Wonderful Thing. I delight in your delight in it. Sadly, I have nothing to offer that is worth reading, on this subject. So this is it. Well done for posting this! :grin:
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