• Benkei
    Report. Report. Report.

    I have a lower tolerance for low quality posters in certain areas than other moderators, which means I often don't propose a potential ban anticipating that but I will quickly ignore those posters as I'm still part of this site for fun. And reading crappy posts just to moderate them isn't my idea of fun. So I miss plenty of stuff "going wrong" on this site.

    And I tend to not touch Philosophy of Religion with a ten foot pole since I think it doesn't have a place on a philosophy forum. Other moderators clearly disagree.

    If you think certain behaviour is banworthy, let a moderator know via a private message. It doesn't necessarily result in a ban for obvious reasons, but reports are always discussed by the moderators.
  • T Clark
    So the lil shit finally wore-out his welcome? Good riddance. Like a stubborn STD, that self-fellating troll will be back soon with a new handle and the same old schtick. Only Protagoras can stand 3017 and ass-licking like P's is very hard to find online or off, so he'll have to come back. Btw, ignoring them has amused me to no end from thread to thread. Fuckin' douches. :smirk:180 Proof

    I'm not really surprised that @3017amen was banned. His posts were generally not very good and were rarely responsive. On the other hand, his contributions are as good or better than lots of other more popular members.

    As for his civility, or trollishness, or whatever, he treated people at least as well as you do. And no, I'm not proposing you be banned. You are a valuable and entertaining contributor to the forum. And the little kid is cute.
  • T Clark
    With respect,that doesn't make sense. How can someone be on the radar for two years?Protagoras

    By the way, you are on their radar now. Seriously.
  • praxis
    All you who say nothing on the above vitriol are what?Protagoras

    :snicker: <— something like that.
  • Outlander
    A ban though. It's so.. permanent. Even convicted first degree murderers don't always end up with a death sentence. Just plenty of time to reflect where no harm can be done.
  • Protagoras
    As I said before,those who don't stand up for right and wrong are just expressing their ethical hypocrisy.
  • T Clark
    The irony of a forum full of people debating and talking about ethics, empathy and human rights,and then only two people showing any courage to say," hey this is not right. We can see he wasn't an emotional poster".

    Or are all your ethics abstract?
    It's how you treat issues like this that expresses your character. Otherwise you are just talkers and echo chamber partisans.

    What courage does it take to speak up for someone banned? Answer - none. People do it all the time. Actually, I'm a bit jealous that you're going at it so hard. That's usually my gig.
  • Baden
    What courage does it take to speak up for someone banned? Answer - none.T Clark

    Correct. We put the thread here partly for that purpose and also just for transparency. Not as a honey trap.
  • Protagoras
    You don't understand do you?

    It takes courage to stand up for what is right.

    Your flippancy and excuses express your character.

    @T Clark
  • Protagoras

    Transparency! You brook no debate.

    How many decisions have you changed over the years?


    Speaks for itself.

    This thread is a show event,where idiots get to throw tomatoes like cowards.
  • T Clark
    You don't understand do you?

    It takes courage to stand up for what is right.

    Your flippancy and excuses express your character.

    It's just a forum, and one you don't seem to like very much. The worst that can happen is that you get banned. It's not courage if you risk being mauled by an arthritic, toothless dog.
  • Protagoras
    @T Clark

    It's just a.....
    Principles and integrity man.

    The courage to stand up to arthritic old dogs!
  • praxis

    You may be overlooking the possibility that, at least on some level, 3017 wanted to be banned and it was another death-by-mod scenario. He didn’t come out of that recent very public debate looking like a champ, quite the opposite. And I’m sure he knew what ignoring mod warnings would lead to.
  • Protagoras

    No. He was making new threads and people like myself and some others thought 180 scuttled that debate.

    Some people ignore mod warnings because they don't take kindly to threats which don't make sense and are inconsistent.
  • praxis
    Some people ignore mod warnings because they don't take kindly to threats which don't make sense and are inconsistent.Protagoras

    Nevertheless, I think it’s fair to assume that he knew what the results would be.
  • Protagoras
    Most likely.

    But your possibility doesn't fit.

    Why shouldn't one stand their ground if they know they are being wronged?
  • T Clark
    Why shouldn't one stand their ground if they know they are being wronged?Protagoras

    Because people with real courage pick their fights and risk something important. Life is full of little slights and disappointments. When this is all over, you won't be a martyr, you'll just be another member of the Boys in the Banned and you can read bad things about yourself in the "Bannings" thread from your perch in the afterlife.
  • Protagoras
    @T clark
    As I said,the way you talk here expresses your personality.

    You can talk about real all you want. I don't see much from you apart from abstract talk.

    The fact you talk about martyrs expresses you know little about principles.

    Me thinks you have watched too many dramatic films.

    Courage is in everyday things,and being consistent in those things.
  • praxis
    people like myself and some others thought 180 scuttled that debate.Protagoras

    We can think all sorts of things. The point is that it’s possible he’s not as shameless as he appeared to be.
  • Protagoras
    We can think all sorts of things but your particular thoughts are valid?
    Read my previous reply.

    The excuses some make!

    Is it possible the mods are woefully biased? Is that a valid thought?
  • Kenosha Kid
    I kind of feel bad for him. He took a lot of crap in good spirit. Problem was, it was all deserved. One of those posters you just couldn't reason with at all.
  • ArguingWAristotleTiff
    It's interesting to see who shows up and contributes to this thread. :eyes:
    I have no vested interest in whether or not a moderator is acting in accordance with the forum rules because through time and circumstance I have witnessed their actions and have rarely disagreed.
    One way I familiarize myself with what is considered "fair play" when I come on board anywhere is to read the exit interviews or in this case the banning thread.

    It usually works out and if it doesn't, I do pay attention to "warnings" issued by whomever is managing the place and if I feel like I am being treated unfairly I speak up. I promise you I do AND have decades of back and forth between management and I BUT I am still here.
    I've spoken up LOUDLY throughout the years and will continue to do so.

    First thing I do is flag a post.
    Second thing I do is fire off a PM to at least one administrator and two moderators. That way I know that they know, that I know, that they should at least take a look at what I submitted because CONTEXT does matter.
    Third thing if necessary is to write a PM directly to @jamalrob especially if it is about Baden or a moderator. :up:

    Anticipated result?
    Meh, much like life it is a 50/50 crap shoot if there is going to be any action taken that I am aware of however I do know that it is addressed in the Moderator forum, which is what I think @Benkei meant about a member having been on the radar for two years. Which is about as fair of an outcome we can reasonably expect.
    Frankly two years on the radar goes a long way in confirming that bannings rarely happen and when they do, they are not decided on a whim.

    The bottom line is: this is not MY forum and I shall try to conduct myself accordingly as a guest. I try to be the kind of guest that you want to come back because of the homemade hot appetizers, two bottles of wine, warm spirits and a sassy attitude that is who I am, wherever I go.
  • praxis
    We can think all sorts of things but your particular thoughts are valid?Protagoras

    It’s probably not the place for us to try validating our thoughts here.

    Anyway, for what it’s worth, I liked 3017 and wish he were not banned.
  • Protagoras
    We can both agree on that!
  • Fooloso4
    I was a moderator on another forum. Its a thankless job, except in cases like this when someone says thank you - so, thank you.

    There are cases where you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.

    If you do not agree with a decision make your case and move on.
  • Cheshire
    I get banning the racist and the guy selling books on vague creationism. The 3017 ban seems less obvious from outside the radar room. Thanks for all the posts of mine that slid by; I have definitely benefited from the service provided over the last 20 odd years.
  • praxis
    It's interesting to see who shows up and contributes to this thread.ArguingWAristotleTiff

    Not really. Your interest appears to be unwavering support for whatever management does in this context. You mention 'rare disagreement' but I suspect that it's rarer than advertised, and incidents of rebelliousness outside the forum are completely irrelevant.

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