• Jamal
    Despite my initial post here, it wasn't really the aggression that got him banned, more so the response to my very polite request. He was trouble.

    Xtrix is a good mod and I haven't noticed anything untoward in his posts.
  • Tate
    Xtrix is a good mod and I haven't noticed anything untoward in his posts.Jamal

    He was pretty maniacal before Streetlight left. Streetlight was a bad influence.
  • baker
    Xtrix is a good mod and I haven't noticed anything untoward in his posts.Jamal

    I'm thinking of leaving this forum because of Xtrix. He is authoritarian, he is patronizing, he acts in bad faith. And now that he's a moderator, we can't do anything against that.

    I searched for when he said "kill yourself", and found several hits, not just one, e.g.
    Kill yourselfXtrix
    Then kill yourselfXtrix

    He tells people to kill themselves. And he's getting away with it.
  • Tate

    I disagree with pretty much everything you say except for this. Yes, Xtrix shouldn't be a moderator.
  • Jamal
    I'll ask him to tone it down. Otherwise he's a good mod.
  • universeness
    I'm thinking of leaving this forum because of Xtrix. He is authoritarian, he is patronizing, he acts in bad faith. And now that he's a moderator, we can't do anything against that.baker

    Yes, Xtrix shouldn't be a moderator.Tate

  • Benkei
    you don't need to ask him to tone it down because those were reasonable replies in the umpteenth anti-natalism thread offered as one of the options for anti-lifers but baker likes to selectively quote.
  • Tate

    Nah, he's like Streetlight in that he loses his mind if you disagree with him. Hopefully he'll grow out of it soon.
  • praxis
    he acts in bad faithbaker

    Being aggressive isn't acting in bad faith, but speaking of it, do you believe that you always act in good faith? You seem rather trollish at times and that makes it harder to take your criticism seriously.
  • 180 Proof
    :clap: :100:

    :up: Mea culpa too.
  • Mikie
    highly aggressive, I'm thinking XtrixYohan

    I do lose my temper occasionally; I don’t deny it. There are some topics and some people I find particularly difficult. I don’t recall any instance of you being one of them, so I wonder what you’re referring to.

    In terms of being a moderator, I try to be fair and discuss almost every move I make with other, more experienced, moderators. Even if I wanted to abuse the power, I couldn't do it.

    He was pretty maniacal before Streetlight left. Streetlight was a bad influence.Tate

    I never got along with Streetlight, and don’t consider him an influence in the least. Nor has my style changed since he’s left.

    If you’re going to make things up, try harder.
    Nah, he's like Streetlight in that he loses his mind if you disagree with him.Tate

    Nah, you’re just still upset that I (and everyone else) called you out on an irrelevant and snarky post you made last month that you then cried about for a week, playing the victim of injustice. So your input here is warped and, quite frankly, worthless and easily ignored.

    He is authoritarian, he is patronizing, he acts in bad faith. And now that he's a moderator, we can't do anything against that.baker

    See above. Another person whose feedback I will readily ignore. You are one of the most posturing, condescending posters on this forum, and have been for years. You don’t listen to a word almost anyone says — you care solely about contradicting. Take a long look at your comments and it’s very easy to demonstrate. If you’re thinking of leaving because of me, I consider that a merit.

    He tells people to kill themselves. And he's getting away with it.baker

    I've never told anyone to kill themselves. I was very clear about that in the thread you're quoting. Within the context of believing life is not worth living, is nothing but pain, etc., it's a legitimate question -- why not kill yourself? In fact it's a question that the psychiatrist Viktor Frankl would often ask his patients.

    This is a good example of why your leaving this forum would be a deliverance, in my view.

    I beg your pardon, and I know this is playing right into the criticisms being leveled at me, but given my (mostly recent) history with the three of you, your opinions about my moderator status is worth about as much as Trump's opinions about the FBI raid.

    Drag NOS in here too, while you're at it. More fair and balanced criticism, I'm sure.

    Lastly, for context:
    as I long for death,
    — Darkneos

    Then why are you still around? I don’t mean this to be callous — and I’m not encouraging suicide — but genuinely curious. If you long for nothingness, why keep going?
  • 180 Proof
    :clap: :fire: IMO, fuck 'em.
  • Tate
    IMO, fuck 'em.180 Proof

    Eh, we all die at the end of the novel anyway.
  • Mikie
    Banned @Yozhura for incoherent, delusional, low quality posts.
  • unenlightened
    Seems a tad hasty. Non-native speaker, and not well versed in the subject, but 4 posts in the last 2 years is not exactly flooding us with low quality...
  • Mikie

    Many were deleted. A lot of really bizarre stuff, claiming he’s God, etc. Was warned but kept at it. Could be a mental health issue (and I’m not saying this jokingly).

    Anyway — it was clear cut.
  • unenlightened
    I see. Never mind then. Obviously can't be god - that's Bartricks.
  • jgill
    Banned Yozhura for incoherent, delusional, low quality posts.Xtrix

    I thought he might have been AI. Reads like some of the stuff from Sokal.
  • Agent Smith
    claiming he’s GodXtrix


    He could be God for all we know. To untrained eyes good sometimes appears to be evil and vice versa of course. There's this Buddhist tale in which a man, because of his bad karma, sees an ugly, mangy dog with a wound infested with maggots instead of God; bad karma manifests as maya (illusion). :smile:
  • Agent Smith
    Obviously can't be god - that's Bartricks.unenlightened

  • Banno
    Nothing thing about me without me. Seems rude to talk behind his back.
  • Agent Smith
    being a moderatorXtrix

    Stressful, stressful! Take it easy mods!
  • Agent Smith
    Banned MAYAEL for homophobia.Jamal

    Oddly we don't ban misanthropes; homophobia, misogyny, misandry, etc. are all implied.
  • Baden
    Banned @Deus for low quality.
  • Manuel

    Here's me thinking that wanting a nuclear war should suffice on pain of stupidity...
  • Mikie
    Banned @Yohan for extreme flaming.
  • Jamal
    Banned @Varde for low quality.

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