• unenlightened
    Um, this has nothing to do with the words of mine you are responding to, but uh, ok, thanks for sharing.Jake

    That's bollocks too. An accusation levelled at a person of wealth power and influence is much more believable than one levelled at a nobody, because they are far less likely to advantage the accuser, and far more likely to seriously disadvantage them. You claimed the opposite and you are entirely wrong.

    If that's objectionable to any reader, the solution is simple, don't read my posts.Jake

    Yes, I think I'll take your advice.
  • Jake
    No, they're not reasonable because they are based on an ignorance of the circumstances surrounding the history of the case. Do you know why that is? Or are you going to ask me to repeat the facts that strongly mitigate against Ford's major motivation being to politically smear Kavanaugh? Because I already outlined them.Baden

    You're deliberately ignoring the points I am making so as to argue against assertions of your own invention.
  • Jake
    An accusation levelled at a person of wealth power and influence is much more believable than one levelled at a nobody, because they are far less likely to advantage the accuser,unenlightened

    Did you know that you can sue rich people and obtain large settlements if you win? I can assure you that nobody suing me is going to obtain a large settlement.
  • Baden

    Yes, one basic of discussing an issue is you know the basic facts concerning the issue. I have no idea why you think that's unreasonable and not knowing what happened is Ok. But fine, let's leave it at that.
  • Jake
    Yes, one basic of discussing an issue is you know the basic facts concerning the issue. I have no idea why you think that's unreasonable and not knowing what happened is Ok. But fine, let's leave it at that.Baden

    Again, up your bum please.
  • Baden
    Blasey Ford is now speaking. Everyone should watch this.
  • ProbablyTrue
    "We could have been investigating this earlier, but because we didn't we aren't going to now." -Grassley
  • Baden

    "The FBI should have investigated your charges as they did in the Anita Hill hearing, but they did not," Durbin said to Ford. "Mark Judge should be subpoenaed from his Bethany Beach hideaway and required to testify under oath, but he has not."

    He continued: "Judge Kavanaugh, if he truly believes there's no evidence, no witnesses that can prove your case, should be joining us in demanding a thorough FBI investigation. But he has not."

    Wonder why? Ans: They don't want the truth.
  • Baden
    What powerful and moving testimony though. :pray: Nobody can watch this and be anything but disgusted at the way this woman has been attacked and misrepresented. :sad:
  • Benkei
    I can't view it unfortunately but pictures and transcripts suggest she's a calm and cogent speaker.
  • Baden

    You'll see it on Youtube later. It's brave and beautiful.
  • Baden

    “I have had to relive my trauma in front of the entire world, and have seen my life picked apart by people on television, in the media, and in this body who have never met me or spoken with me,” she said, before proving her strength. “Those who say that do not know me. I am a fiercely independent person and I am no one’s pawn. My motivation in coming forward was to provide the facts about how Mr. Kavanaugh’s actions have damaged my life, so that you can take that into serious consideration as you make your decision about how to proceed.”
  • fdrake
    It disturbs me to think that there are people watching it thinking she's got crocodile tears and the event itself doesn't matter because she wasn't 'properly raped'. People don't get intrusive memory episodes and longterm anxiety issues from their own imagination, Jesus.
  • Streetlight
    I knew these take a while but wow this keeps going.
  • Baden

    On the positive side when even Fox News can now say this:

    Chris Wallace: "This was extremely emotional, extremely raw, and extremely credible... This is a disaster for the Republicans."

    The writing is on the wall.
  • Baden
    Decency is winning.
  • Michael
    Apparently Kavanaugh ruled in 2016 that polygraph tests are a useful law enforcement tool to assess the credibility of witnesses.
  • Baden

    Unsurprising that he's not taking one then.
  • fdrake
    I just got to the bit with the polygraph. Jesus fucking Christ these fucking lizards denied Ford's case the ability to admit some evidence before the trial then tried to frame her case as lacking for not admitting that evidence.
  • unenlightened
    One thing that makes her a most convincing witness to me is the way she is most upset, not with the awkward questions, but with the expressions of support and belief. Against those she has no defence, because nothing is required of her.
  • Michael
    Jesus fucking Christ these fucking lizards denied Ford's case the ability to admit some evidence before the trialfdrake

    It's funny-not-funny that you called it a "trial".
  • fdrake

    Hearing then. It's what it looks like, so I forgot that it's not one and that there was no formal investigation appropriate for the crime...
  • Michael
    It's what it looks likefdrake

    Yeah, which is terrible.
  • Baden

    It descends into absurdity when Republican Senator Cornyn says her testimony is "fine" but there are no corroborating witnesses... Would that be, for example, because you and your team refused to subpoena Mark Judge, who was in the room at the time, to testify, by any chance?
  • fdrake

    I need a freakin' drink.
  • Baden

    I need a new world that's less ugly and vile, and has more people like Christine Blasey Ford in it.
  • fdrake

    I don't know how these lizards can maintain the voice of righteous indignation and fairness while simultaneously implying 'You should be grateful that we had a hearing for this' and brushing the other women that came forth even more under the carpet.
  • Baden

    She'll go down in history. The lowlifes who put her through this will fade into oblivion.
  • fdrake

    Let's hope so. The flak machine is going into overdrive.
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