• Zee
    I have a theory about the importance of the spiral in nature.
    I have written it into a short story.

    by Zee 2018

    This story is just a vehicle for some ideas an concepts
    I had. Its not the best written, but its only short, so
    please bear with it.
    And it is NOT a story that encourages suicide.
    Thank you.

    Whats the last thing you remember?
    Well I was going to the restaurant on the mountain with my
    boyfriend and then I end up here what happened?
    Don't worry, you were in a small accident you and your
    boyfriend are both being looked after by us at this
    How do you feel.

    Drowsy A headache, And I can't feel my legs,
    Well I'm afraid you were in quite a bad accident. You
    have some extensive injury's. you are lucky to be alive,
    this is A hospital unlike any other. We specialize in saving
    lives! Where other hospitals give up! The most important part
    is the paramedics, for instance, a normal paramedic when
    faced with A Patient Who is bleeding to death is trained to
    apply pressure to the wounds and try to stop the bleeding,
    ours are trained to stop the heart beating, then spend the 2
    minutes sealing the wounds then start resuscitating.

    In more hopeless cases, they take over the blood supply to the
    brain via the the blood vessels in the the neck, you see,
    the brain without oxygen begins to get damaged after just 4
    minutes, but if the brain is chilled to below 5°C it can last
    up to 5 hours without damage, so if they pump the brain full
    of A chilled solution and get the patient to us, we have 4
    hours to stabilize the patient, that's what happened to you.
    It was not a small accident, our Paramedics just happened to
    witness it, you are very lucky to be alive. I am the counselor
    without us you would be dead.

    Do you like being alive?
    Maria nodded.
    well good the counselor said, we can keep you alive for a very
    long time, but you will be very different than what you are
    used to!
    how so?
    Well we specialize in robotic implants and we rebuild humans
    into super human cyborgs, and your life expectancy has increased
    dramatically. I am here to guide you in a transformation from a
    flesh and blood mortal into an almost immortal 95% cyborg,
    complete with brain implants and a digital memory hard disc
    drive, for instants, if you throw your eyes up and to the left,
    then move them to the right,then you will go into a slight
    catatonic state, where you will see your operating system.
    It works hand in glove with your minds eye, you can even
    communicate your thoughts via Bluetooth and display them on a
    screen or in somebody else's head. Maria looked at her OS, it
    was just like having a workstation in her head. Also you can
    now communicate fluently in 56 languages he said.
    I'm afraid I don't want to be part of this weird transhumanist
    experiment! Maria exclaimed.

    You don't have much of a choice, we saved your life. our
    investors will be very upset if you stop playing ball, then
    we will have no option but to pull the plug!
    Now Maria, a few questions.
    Do you believe in God, and what do you think happens to you
    after you die.
    I have always been agnostic, and I don't have a clue what happens!
    Well to understand it you have know about how reality and the
    universe work. For instance, did you know that atoms react
    differently when people are looking at them!
    the billionaire investor Elon Musk said he thinks we may be living
    in a VR simulation, for a man in his position to publicly make
    such a statement really should make you think. I will explain
    that he is only half right.

    Well imagine i put you in a full body immersion VR suit and linked
    it to robotic teddy bear, so that you saw though the teddies eyes
    and felt with its paws.
    If I were then to wipe your memory completely so that you could
    not remember you own face or even a language, then left you in
    the suit for years, you would grow up believing you were a teddy
    Well a similar thing has happened to all of us here on earth,
    none of us are or ever have been alive as a human any more than
    the robot teddy, our human body's are just organic robots for
    our soul.
    Did you know that there is a race of creatures that live upon
    the atoms. Do you know what they do?
    Maria shook her head.
    Well they keep order throughout the universe, they make crystals
    into geometric shapes, the snowflakes etc, because they are so small
    they manipulate matter by diverting atoms that are about to go from
    liquid to solid. but the most important thing they do is control our

    A simple cell talk...
    a simple cell is as complex as a small city yet it reproduces
    perfectly for 500 generations.
    Do you think this happens by accident or random chance? No, its
    the little creatures, they read the DNA like computer code and guide
    the cells creation.
    a professor has even found mathematically correct algorithms in
    human DNA just like computer code.
    So that means organic life as we know it is unnatural.

    you know magical things happen all over the universe, stuff that's hard
    to believe, coincidences beyond astronomical for instance the first
    microchips were created by random chance.
    On a rock face somewhere in this almost infinite universe, there were
    a series of cracks and scratches, throughout the seasons, these cracks
    would fill with a conductor then a layer of semiconductor would form,
    the weight of the second layer would cause the top half to fold over
    onto the bottom half, then a layer of semi or none conductive material
    would form and cause both fused halves to tumble into the river below.
    This by random chance formed the first microchip. It was not very
    complex but what it lacked in complexity it made up for in raw
    clock speed.
    As it flowed with the river it picked up various artifacts that
    attached themselves magnetically to the chip, the important ones were
    1 Thrust mechanisms.
    small simple engines attached to multiple places around the chip.
    energy fed to the engines at the top would push the cell down
    energy fed to the engines on the left would push the cell right, etc

    2 A sound device, to create and listen to sounds.

    3 Finally a memory module.
    I would work on repeated echo memory.
    Think of shouting something into a long looped tube and
    repeating what you hear.

    The cells would gather in the middle of a great lake, they started to
    communicate with each other eventually the logic of binary began to take
    hold 0,1,2,4,8,16,32 etc, this computer network became more and more
    powerful as hundreds of cells turned to thousands, thousands turned to
    Oh by the way this is a good time to explain that this didn't happen on
    a planet but on an atom so its a subatomic lake etc.
    This subatomic computer network became self aware as it spiraled in
    the center of the lake. This subatomic spiral computer network AKA
    God would become the most powerful computer in the universe.
    People are worried about a tech singularity, but it already happened
    trillions of years ago.

    God could use the thrust mechanisms on his cells to shape shift, he could
    see via echo location, he interacted with his environment to create
    basic tools, these were used to create more complex tool that were
    used to create ever more complex robots, Under liquid on the lake bed,
    a biped robot was his favorite most practical, with his robots he was
    able to conquer his environment, summit the mountain of his creation and
    reverse engineer his own cells then begin to recreate himself.

    Next he stared to create his children,independent spirits. each of his
    children had a biped robot or more and one temple. A temple is a
    subatomic building of various size, in the center of the temple under
    the domed roof is a pool, in the pool float the cells that make up the
    mind of the individual.
    The domed roof protects the pool from random debris crashing into
    the pool and making waves. you can however use one of your robots to
    throw stones in the pool and create waves, things get a little weird
    when this happens, hence the term getting stoned. It should be noted
    that thousands of people who have taken DMT trips have had the shared
    experience of seeing little robotic people AKA the Machine Elves.

    people and animals are gigantic flesh versions of Gods various robots.
    We have similar proportions, based on the golden ratio / Fibonacci
    spiral and the spiral is taken as the default shape of the mind of God,
    so the golden beauty ratio is the signature of God and it is programmed
    into all his descendants.

    so next he created example 100 children and it takes
    them say, 1 month to build a factory, in 1 month a
    factory creates 100 more descendants.

    Well if you start with 100 souls and one factory, after
    about a year you * by 1000 , so that's 1000 factories and
    100,000 souls.

    After 4yrs that's 1 trillion factories and 100 trillion
    souls. about enough to populate a grain of sand

    after 6yrs a bag of sand
    after 10yrs one trillion bags of sand with one of Gods
    descendants populate every single atom, what they mean
    by omnipresent

    I think I know where you are going with this, good lord...
    I died didn't I? I died in that crash!
    The counselor smiled, Maria I have some good news, and
    Some amazing news that is so amazing it will over shadow
    the little bit of bad news I have.

    1st some good news... you are alive and you have been for
    millions of years and will be for the foreseeable future

    2nd Your little sister and parents didn't really die in
    that bus crash, they just changed states a little bit, their
    memories and emotions /personalities are still the same,
    and they are waiting just outside the main gate.

    3rd Yes the giant organic robot you considered to be you
    did die, but that hardly matters because all your loved
    ones are waiting just a few moments away.
    Welcome back to the real world.

    I have regenerated your VR body so you now look just as
    you were in the last year of your life, now Im busy and
    we'll talk tomorrow. the counselor pointed to across
    the courtyard where Maria could see some people waiting,
    She ran to them. half way she stopped and turned back.
    Thank you counselor! she shouted.
    before Continuing her run.


    thanks for reading
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