• Illuminati
    I'll get straight to the point by describing it with as less words as possible.

    First it was Chaos , the totallity of all possiblities and no actuallity at all. Imagine an infinite sea of Light with no end and consubstantial in its entire infinity. So there is no action at all and thus no time to be perceived. Without any perception possible there can be no consiouss beings and so the only reason that we are alive today is because something in that singularity had the ability of awareness and calculation that brings intent to action . Out of Chaos Order and back into Chaos God is finding a relation to explain its own existence,to place it in a "form". As the totallity of All God can't learn anything (it holds all knowledge already) ,thats a paradox and our world is built on such "logical errors" . God may only learn if it forgets,so it divides itself,in relation to itself within itself . We are all One Light fragmented into many colors.

    With a few words this is what is going to follow my future posts on : "The One Infinite Zero".

    Tags: Universal Organism , Monadism , Henadism , Oneism , Pythagoras , Plato , Plotinus , Heraclitus , One , Aristotles .

  • I like sushi
    Imagine an infinite sea of Light with no end and consubstantial in its entire infinity. So there is no action at all and thus no time to be perceived.

    How do I do that? This is the issue with definitions of “god” or some “universal force”. Just because we can utter words that sound reasonable it doesn’t make them so.

    I cannot comprehend what I cannot comprehend. I cannot imagine living for ever, yet I can imagine something about living for a very long time. I cannot imagine the number “one” yet I can apply the abstract idea to physical experience with observabke results - this doesn’t bring me to an understanding of “one” any more than it does “zero”.

    Generally I take the term “god,” when spoken of in this fashion, to mean “Realising that what we know is almost always going to be mich less than what could be known.” That feeling roused (humility) is likely felt as both awe, fear, dread, wonder, bliss, and, you’ve guessed it! The big ol’ littl’ ol’ G O D (aka “I don’t know?”)
  • Devans99Accepted Answer
    First it was Chaos , the totallity of all possiblities and no actuallity at all. Imagine an infinite sea of Light with no end and consubstantial in its entire infinityIlluminati

    Great argument.

    So the primordial chaos is timeless and thus beyond cause and effect and thus does not need creating?
  • Devans99
    Actually I thought of a snag. If God were a Boltzmann Brain generated from pure chaos, pure chaos would need fine tuning for Boltzmann Brain's, but by what?

    So by this line of thinking (design), God came casually 'before' any chaos.
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